chapter 8

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FengTingmo chuckled and picked his wife up, tightly embracing her and smelling her natural plum blossom scent.

She was always so alluring and graceful and even facing the most difficult crises of life, she was never tainted by it.

He carefully placed her inside his car and drive off... of course, he will not forget the punishment he will have to give her... but for now, he will just enjoy teasing her and hugging her to sleep.

He knew that after those years of him mistreating her, she will no longer be willing to sacrifice her all for him, so he will have to gain her trust first and then remove his sheep's clothing...

Luckily for him, they are not divorced and are bounded together by both the laws and their grandparents. He will never let her go this time, he promised and never will he ever let her face the same thing again..never.

Indeed he will never let his wife face any trauma again since she was no longer in this world.

Additional chapter!!! Yay!!!! I'll publish abother part when we reach 1000 readers😁 and a 150 votes...(i think that this is my goal for now) so plzz continue for your support😘 and the next chapter.. hehehe... will be very very ....😋😋😋 i can't wait myself to publish it... hehe😗😙

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