chapter 12

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It was now 2:00 pm... and if weiwei was lucky, she could probably bump into menglei while shopping with her black card...

Even if weiwei was in a coma for a year, her reputation as a socialite did not decrease a single bit... she could buy, with only the money in her bank account, the whole country, not saying one of the best mall of the country.

Weiwei went to change her outfit and decided to go for a more simple dress to face slap menglei...

She dressed herself in a plain pink dress from a quite famous designer's last year's designs...

After dressing her up and pairing her dress with a silk scarf, weiwei phone suddenly rang and FengTingmo's name could be seen on the screen

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After dressing her up and pairing her dress with a silk scarf, weiwei phone suddenly rang and FengTingmo's name could be seen on the screen.

Weiwei took a few seconds before deciding to pick up and the first line he said was
"Am hungry my wife... did you forget that you always bring me lunch and never misses it no matter what before you met with that terrible tragedy?"

"What?" Weiwei asked, not sure what to say to that hopeless guy. According Diweiwei's memory, it was true that she would always prepare a hole table of meal for her husband everyday and she always remember that he had never ever eaten one single bite of her food and according to what she saw a year ago before the accident, he not only asked his assistant to throw the food to feed the stray dogs outside, but also take his time to eat with his beloved girlfriend.

"Am busy and you can certainly eat outside like before..." weiwei replied before hanging up and shut her phone down and drove to the mall.

At Feng corporation  (FengTingmo's company )

"What happened to the boss? It seems like he was possessef by the devil..."

"He was still smiling this morning and now..." people whispered ad FengTingmo walked towards the exit to his car.

Indeed, his mood was terrible right now and he was ready to beat everyone that is on his way.

Busy... how can she be busy? He thought endlessly... busy with what? Busy how? What is more important that your husband being hungry?

Grabbing his phone again, he tried to call weiwei again, but who knew, she shut her phone down just the moment she hung up...

Pissed, FengTingmo threw his phone at the back seat and drove home.

Of she was busy to cook for him, then he will cook for them and it'll be even better since they would be lovey dovey at home...

New chapter!!😁

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