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"Fengtingmo!" Weiwei shouted and using foundation and concealer, she managed to cover the red spots that covered her neck.

After applying layers of makeup on her neck, weiwei dressed herself up in a casual pair of skinny jeans, a blouse and of course, a scarf!

By the time she went downstairs, she noticed that FengTingmo was no longer around and the only thing she could see was a huge bowl of rice and a few dishes.

Weiwei sat down and ate her share and she thought that the day she divorced FengTingmo, she really needed to take the cook with her... but little did she know that taking the cook would create a whole lots of trouble for weiwei since the cook was FengTingmo himself...

Weiwei enjoyed her breakfast, filled with nutritiously delicious food and called lawyer kim for more news about the divorce papers.

"I'll bring them right away, madam Feng"

Madam feng... weiwei repeated that in her head... that's right.. she was now madam Feng, the most influencial noble in this whole country!

From coming from the noblest bloodline and marrying the once, most eligible bachelor, she lived the life of a princess.

Maybe , weiwei thought, she could make things difficult for menglei...

Since they were once best friend, at least weiwei treated her as a bestfriend, she knew everything about menglei, the shops she loves, the places she loves to go and most importantly, after her death, she knew which kind of guy she loves...

Weiwei thought, she will make every single day a living hell for menglei and that starting by making her frustrated... even if she was now considered a lady, how can she be as high class as Diweiwei...

An hour later

A mercedes maybatch stopped right in front of the luxurious villa.

A very handsome young man came out with a bunch of documents in his hand and from the look of it, weiwei knew it was lawyer kim.

As a proper lady if the feng house, Weiwei needed to wat for lawyer kim inside, even though, she was impatient to see the divorce paper ready...

She imagined all sorts of scenarios where she will be free and no longer need to fear taking wrong decisions and sweat for hours by just taking a simple meal... finally free...

Warmly welcoming Lawyer kim, weiwei stood up from the sofa and asked the maid to go pour some tea for the guest and some snacks bought from abroad.

Weiwei and lawyer kim chatted for a while and happily ate the snacks the maid prepared for them.

Weiwei was terribly happy today as she was finally able to be freed from the devil's claw and as he enjoy himself with his mistress, that, from 'her' memory was a gorgeous Jessica rabbit like person, she shivered as to how poor his taste were!

As Asians, it was rare to not follow the beauty standard recommended and since it was very different from the western curvy figures, full lips and long flashy and curly hairs, few were attracted to that type of woman who were often prejudice and be called whores and sluts and whatever that came from those places.

However, who knew that she was born like that and weiwei, as a critical minded person, couldn't help but judge her...

But we never knew if she was truly an angel at heart with the western lovely curves...

For now, it was not the time to think about that...

Hey hey... a longer chapter and much earlier!! Yaayyyy!!😋

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