15.- Lucky One

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"Did you bring everything?"

"Yes, (Y/n), Yes!" Yoongi laughed at how concerned you were for the supplies you needed for the park. "I told you like 20 times, I had everything. You even made me write a check-list." He pouted as he drove.

"And keep it. I don't want to lose anything over there." You said with a stubborn like tone.

"Neat freak." Yoongi scoffed.

You blew a raspberry at him, showing him that no harm is your intent, just your child-like personality. "Well, It's not my fault I prefer to have things nice and organized, which is why I get so pissed at Max who hasn't cleaned her room in decades-" You grit your teeth.

"What about your closet? or should I say, Closet of Doom?" Yoongi smirked.

Your eyes widen at his words, you never even uttered a word about your closet to him. How did he even know how messy it was in the first place?

It seemed like he had read your mind with the response he gave, "I'm not stalking you or anything, but don't forget I'm Max's friend. And she told me a bit about you. Including the closet." He grinned, tilting his head into your direction.

"My closet almost ate me alive once."

Once you uttered those words, that was enough for Yoongi to turn to you with an iconic disgusted meme face. Almost as if he was rethinking his life decisions, wondering how did he end up here and why was he alive and not a rock like the so-called, Lucky Ones.

 Almost as if he was rethinking his life decisions, wondering how did he end up here and why was he alive and not a rock like the so-called, Lucky Ones

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"You're lucky I like you or else I would've bitch-slapped you all the way to America by now." Yoongi muttered.

"Don't bother." You swatted your hand at him in a sassily manner, "I'll just throw myself in the trash, like the piece of trash I am, and mail myself to 'murica and feed myself to the lions in the Oakland zoo." At this point you just earned yourself 10000000 facepalms.

"Please get out of my car so I can ditch you at the food place-thingamabobs and head back home to my beloved child, Min Holly, and cuddle." He flicked your forehead, erasing 22 years worth of memories.

"Do I get a sticker at least?"

"Oh my-"


"How do you think they're doing?"

"I honestly do not know, and I don't know if I even want to know."

"Wait... can you repeat that?"

"Oh my gosh! Pay attention you numnut! I don't deserve this disrespekt! "

"What if you do though?"

"I don't."

"You stole my Paw-Patrol plushie earlier this week, therefore you do."

"How are you at the top of the class?"

"I dunno, I just am, deal with it."

"Hyung, you know you can't win this argument, why bother trying? Besides, you were never respected in this household in the first place."

"You don't even live with us though."

"Well- actually.. yeah, you're right."

"Yah! Stop fighting, and honestly these little antics you, youngins, are up to; are pretty darn stupid, why don't you just own up to the truth and just let nature run its course? Therefore, no one can get hurt, emotionally, not physically. 'Cause y'all know me, I don't promote violence. wINk wOnK."

"Hyung, please stop and just go watch your dramas. Never say 'wink wonk' unless you want your treasure to become inside out."

He gasped at the younger male's words, "Get away from you barbarian!"

"********..... go get him."


"Yoongi, how the heck do you know how to swim, but not float in place?!"

"Well, I'm sORrY, but not all of us were athletic and did professional swimming. You know, at least give me props for trying, I feel like I'm about to drown!" Yoongi panted as he tried his best to float in place.

"We're at 4ft..." You rubbed your temples, while he continued to struggle. "Here let me teach you, because seeing you like this is going to make me cry, and not because I feel bad for you or anything. I just feel bad for my eyes, because I have to witness this tragedy." You chirped.

You slid over to his side and helped him steady himself since he was having some trouble steadying himself. Once he was finally standing, that's when class had finally begun.

"Alright, relax your body, and spread your arms and a bit of your legs for some support. And once you do, just throw yourself back, and boom you're floating. Also, make sure to keep your head tilted back or else it'll bring your whole body forwards and you won't be able to float." You demonstrated.

Yoongi tried his best to replicate your actions, and succeeded in doing so. He started swimming around the pool, looking like an adorable kitten. He kept practicing the floating technique you had taught him, making sure he got the hang of it in both ways.

"I did it!" Yoongi cheered for himself and you applauded him for his small (like him) accomplishment.

That's when Yoongi held you close to him, in a gentle but yet tight grip. And took you by surprise once you saw that he had left a peck on your lips.

A cherry-red crimson coated your cheeks due to the shock, especially since you're in public, but at this point who cares?

This time you took him by surprise when you brought him in once again, and gave him a real kiss.

Yoongi returned the kiss, pulling you closer, making your mind literally race as if it was a track and field practice from back when you were in high school. The adrenaline was rushing.

You pulled away from the kiss, and Yoongi just stared into your hazel eyes with one of the most loving looks.

"How about we quit playing, and instead you become my boyfriend?"

That was all you wanted to hear,

"It'd be my pleasure."

welp, your gurl is finally a year older, wAOw.

But yeah, I'm finally spicing the story up a bit now, i promise it'll get more interesting please don't kill me.

but yeah,
What's your favorite song from Love Yourself: Answer?
- I'm really liking 'Serendipity' (even though it's not exactly new) but I'm also really liking 'I'm Fine'.

tysm for reading, i'll see y'all next chapter ;))

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