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The sister's almost distant voice broke the moment. He sighed exasperated, pulling away from the kiss they were leaning into. A giggle bubbled upto her lips, she ended up snickering. His words a few moments ago.

Just what I told you, even if its not Neelu. No one in this house can give me a few moments with my wife, let alone for romance.

Laughing she pulled out of his embrace and took a step or a two before being pulled back by him.

I don't care. She can wait, why is it always me waiting?

Smiling, she melted at his sulking face and touched his face.

Promise I won't be long please-

And their talk was interrupted by a small cry. The one cry none of them would miss. The next second Mihika walked into the room holding Adi in her arms and the wail became louder.

Akka, he's crying so much. I don't know what to do.

He watched her walk away from him towards them and then both the sisters tending over Adi who was now bawling. For a moment, the loud cries worried him, could there be something bothering him? Though it was futile, he was in the right hands. His wife would be the best answer to any crying child, no one could understand a child better than her. A smile came up his lips, no one understood him better than her given he was her eldest and crankiest baby after all, like she perpetually complained, rather adored. With a last glance at the three of them, he walked out of the room wishing he'd be able to catch her later, when she was alone again.

Her eyes watched him walk out of the room silently, it saddened her. Genuinely, they were hardly able to spend any time with each other, it had been eons. With the amount of issues they were dealing with repeatedly, they hadn't got a single bit to themselves. She wanted to be around him as much as he did, however it had been comparatively less ever since Adi took over the house. As she watched his back disappear, craving to call him back, Adi cried a little louder breaking her deliberation.

It was after a while, he walked into the room to the most exquisite sight his eyes could wish for. Walking to the bed, he beamed looking at her conked peacefully on the bed holding Adi tenderly but protectively, who was snoozing on her chest, cuddled in her arms. His little arms sprawled on her chest.There was nothing better a sight his eyes would crave for. With slow steps, he climbed onto the other side of the bed, sitting beside them, watched his two precious people with utmost delirium.

It could have been minutes, or even hour for all it took, his eyes hadn't moved from them. It was now he realized, how much he had missed her presence, in the room, on his bed, in his life. With her around, everything just seemed right. The added boon was the little bundle of joy in her arms, the one happiness they never really could enjoy with each other. Everything just felt good.

Adi's little whimper caught his mind, he was starting to wake up. With an unsure feeling partially holding him back, his hand reached out to hold his son in his arms. Would it hurt him? It had been a while he held a baby, even though he absolutely loved the feeling.

She moved a little but thankfully didn't wake up as he pulled a little on Adi, into his arms. Perfect fit, he beamed when the little bean in his arms settled with a little whimper followed by tiny yawn, even smaller than his miniature fingers. Giggling to himself, he put a little kiss on his forehead lightly, careful not to wake him up with the roughness of his beard. Adi's tiny fingers touched onto his shirt, filling an unknown happiness. It was something very familiar. Minutes ticked by and he didn't bat an eyelid, watching his son sleep tranquilly in his arms, without any fuss or even a whimper. Holding Adi close, he fell back on the bed, leaning onto the pillow his eyes still refusing to move away from the sight of his son sleeping in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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