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Leo felt much safer now that the cameras were in place. He thanked his friends for helping him out and doing this for him.

"Leo, this isn't something you have to thank us for. We love you too much to let anything else happen to you now that we know," Ryder gave one of the kindest smiles that he had to Leo. Tears began to well up in his eyes before he ran to hug his friend. Words could not express what he felt, so he remained silent. The only thing that could be heard were sirens going off somewhere. He wondered where it was coming from; he didn't have to wonder for long.

The front door was kicked open and slammed against the wall. The six boys ran down stairs to see what the commotion was, only to find Mr. Young directing the police.

Those five boys not only trespassed on my property, but I believe that they also have set up cameras around my house to spy on me." Before Leo could fully register what was going on, all five kids had been placed in handcuffs and cameras rounded up. He couldn't defend them; he couldn't say a thing to help his friends.

As soon as they left, Leo sunk to the floor. Tears started to flow from his eyes as the reality hit him, his friends were going to be placed in jail or at least be held at the police station, all for him. He wasn't allowed to wallow in this news for long though, someone – his father- harshly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him once again up the stairs. His destination quite clear. No cameras were there to help him afterwards, though. Leo Young was screwed. Upon entering the dark room, Leo was hurled over his father's shoulder and slammed onto the cold floor.

"You little shit! Thinking that you could possibly pull a stunt like that? You forgot that I have eyes and ears everywhere. Now what will you do? You have no cameras and no friends. You think that you can rebel against me? You forget who the true monster is here, you murderer." Those words, though Leo knew they were wrong, still stung Leo more than the abuse, but not for himself.

"I'm sorry Mama, that the man whom you loved has become like this, but please forgive him; he misses you so much."

"Shut up!" Leo's breathe was stolen away as Cornelius stomped on Leo's chest. He proceeded to then toss his son around as though he were a mere ragdoll, causing bruise after bruise and occasional broken bone on his son's body. The pain was more than just I tense and it more than once forced a blood-cuddling scream out of Leo's throat, each time also sending a chilling smile on his father's face. He pulled Leo up by the hair and turned his face this way and that before pressing each one of the bruises that painted Leo's skin, each time eliciting a flinch before finally dropping him on the ground.

"I don't have time for you right now." Mr. Young slammed the door behind him and stormed away. Leo smiled, though it looked more like a grimace.

"I've got it."

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