Dark Eyes meet Bright Blue

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The next morning, Leo woke up sore, not from his rage or tears the day before, no, his father had come back early. After already being in a horrendous mood from the closing of his wife's case, to hear from the maids of his son's room's destruction, he was tipped over the edge. Needless to say, Leo wasn't let off that night from bruises and cuts.

As Leo approached school, he put on a determined face as he resolved to be cheerful and do everything in his power to remain strong. It felt refreshing to get out his anger and tears, but he realized that what he had done was unacceptable and that he must refrain from that in future. He also needed to thank his friends for being there, just having them there to comfort him meant the world to him. Leo smiled at the thought.

Leo pulled up into a parking spot that happened to be next to Kevin's. Kevin looked a little hesitant to greet him, not out of disgust, but on how the dark-haired boy was feeling. The blonde looked at Leo, but on seeing Leo wave with a bright smile on his face, the uncertainty instantly vanished; he gave his big, childish wave that used his whole arm as he greeted his friend.

"Ready for another day?" Leo nodded.

"Let's work hard on the upcoming competition as well, it's coming up quickly."

"Probably a good idea, in all honesty, I had kind of forgotten about it. Yeah, I guess it is coming up though isn't it? K, when the others come we'll work on it." After about ten minutes, all six boys were gathered at the nearest picnic table and had begun to work.

"Ok, so Leo, I think we should raise the tempo a bit, it will allow a smoother transition into Ravi's rap," Hadrian commented as he tapped his pencil to the speed he was thinking of. So far, they were doing very well in getting things done.

The title of their piece was decided to be Love and Loss in B minor to be sung acapella as the competition would be as more of an audition, thus they decided to set the song at allegro-vivace.

"So for the outfits we'll be wearing, we should be coordinated," Nicholas mentioned as they had moved on to details of the performance. Planning out the stage set up and dance routine had been fairly easy- Nicholas being practically a pro choreographer.

"I can help with the outfits, my mother is a designer, so once we finish up with an idea of what we want, I can just send it to her," Ryder offered.

"That's great, but what do we want?" Hadrian pondered his own question, "I mean, coordinated would be nice, but it should still at the same time express our personalities. For something like Nicholas and Ken it should be a bit, well, flashier? Like sparkles or rhinestones, while for Ryder it should be studs, or Chase and myself something relaxed and sleek. Leo... he needs something a bit more proper. Do you kind of understand what I'm talking about?"

"I think so," Chase nodded his head while still in thought, "Ryder, what if we all do something like all same white boots with white pants, and then have white tops that differ according to each person? That way we still look coordinated and professional on stage while giving the audience a sense of individuality. We can then, Ryder, give your mother a description of each member and the song, so that she will be able to decide for herself how best to design the shirts."

"Or, better yet, why don't you guys all come over to my place and she can judge for herself what you guys are like? Besides, she's been bugging me for ages about how come she hasn't been able to meet you; it would be a good opportunity to show you to her don't you think?"

"Well yeah, I guess, but won't she be busy, I mean I heard that her work is always brimming with well-to-do clients after all."

"Yeah, but my mother is not the type of person to let that get in her way. So how about it? We can get designs for our outfits, take a trial run for the competition, and see my mother all at the same time; why not kill three birds with one stone?"

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