The Jury's Decision

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"We find Cornelius Young, guilty!" Leo sighed in relief. Now all they had to do was await the sentence. Cornelius felt like smashing everything in sight; however, he knew that that would only make it worse. He glared at his attorney, a silent threat in his eyes that he would regret his failure.

The judge thought long and hard about what was to be done. The man had been a good citizen in general, but if that was to only hide what was going on behind the scenes. Considering the mental, physical, and emotional damage that the victim had received, yet he couldn't help but feel bad for Mr. Young about his wife. In the end, the people were awaiting a sentence, and a sentence they would get.

"I sentence Cornelius Young to 15 years imprisonment on the account of child abuse." Some other words were spewed which Leo cared nothing for; his father was going to jail. It felt as though a giant weight had been lifted off his heart as he rejoiced with the others. It wasn't the longest time, but it was all he needed. Leo was free.

Cornelius, on the other hand, was furious. Fifteen years stuck in a prison cell, treated as a criminal. He had not planned for this to happen; it should have been impossible. We watched in disgust as his son cried tears of joy while hugging his friends. Little brat. It was over for Cornelius, all that he had worked for in preserving his wife's memory- his justice for her, his company, his productions- all of that would be gone. Cornelius was ruined.

Relatively short chapter today guys, sorry about that. 

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