The Stage

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The boys were now ready. As the boys stepped out onto the stage, which was all dark except for a screen behind them. The screen was a moving of color in the pattern of a supernova, and in the center was the school's crest.

Leo did his best to keep his nervous fingers from fidgeting with his jacket. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand on his shoulder; Leo looked up to find that it was Nicholas who smiled down at him.

"We'll be great, don't worry so much," the boy mouthed. Leo nodded, some of the butterflies disappearing from his stomach.

Suddenly, a voice boomed out, "And here are contestant group 75: made up of Leo, Hadrian, Ryder, Chase, Kevin, and Nicholas, performing Amore Vita." With that, the boys got into their positions, and with a nod of Ryder's head to the backstage crew, the show began.

The intro piece was short with pure dance and no music. The stage only had a few lights acting as a small, faded, purple spotlight, while the stage was a mix of pinks and white, creating a silhouette effect. Each member moved with grace as they turned and stepped around each other, moving as a kaleidoscope.

Then they suddenly stopped, and the lighting dropped and the stage immediately all became blue. They stood in there positions in silence, until the music for their song came on and blue lighting slowly illuminated them. Leo knew this was the hardest and most important part. They all moved their arms in unison as they danced to the song, while thinking about what was next.

Hadrian's voice led the chorus before the others put joined in with a harmony and snippets of their own. The lighting turned a mix of white and light teal, revealing all of them in clear color and detail.

All of them moved in sync, and though their dance moves were hard, their voices were still spot on. Terra had been right; it was easier for Leo to perform when he thought about the fun he had had in the practice room. The music was more upbeat, almost masking the sweetness of the words.

It was now his turn, "Baby, I wish you were still here with me

Seeing the sights that I could see

Cause girl, if you saw them

This is one in a million"

He had written the song for his mother, and to hear it finally be performed by his friends and himself, seeing what she once saw- it made the world to him. Ryder then began to rap, only causing Leo's heart to swell more. "If you were here, I'd say

You'd mean the most to me

But you're not because, you've, gone away

I'd say, don't leave me

But you've already left

I'm all alone

So I'm just here, just singing this song."

Hadrian began the chorus again: "Because anywhere I go, you're no longer there

I've been missing you, kissing you, and the feel of you here

You left without a word

Not a single goodbye

Now I'm left with the just the memory of our lullaby

Nicholas began to sing a harmony to the chorus. A beautiful set of high-noted "lullaby"s. Paired with Chase's rich baritone: I loved you.

But that's just the thing is, I still do

If only you were here, I could show you just how much

I wish I could show you what I see and feel right now

Then all six of them sang in unison: The beauty of your lullaby still remains within my heart

I tell myself that everything will be alright

But why can't you be here?

Even as the dawn comes through the trees,

Even as the night's stars shine

I'm reminded of the beauty that was you

Kevin then took it up: Nothing could compare to how I feel now

Would you be proud?

Would you give me that big bright smile of yours?

I try my best to smile like you once showed

I don't think that it's as stunning

You could shake mountains with it

I'm doing my best

Nicholas and Leo switched parts; Leo taking up a simple harmony as Nicholas took the spotlight, using full advantage of his soft and delicate voice. And sometimes

When my world seems to crumble down

I can't help but get the feeling

That you're somewhere around

Just watching silently

As a way to cheer me on

Nicholas ended that last word in a beautifully, pure high note, one which Leo took up as Nicholas' voice went back down to sing the chorus with the others. It was then that Leo let his the full range of his vocals shine as he gave the most beautiful harmony that any of the others had ever heard. This was Leo's highlight in the tribute to his mother, to get the most out of his voice in this performance. The very same voice that Maia had adored years ago.

The song slowly faded away at the end, the lights fading with it, until nothing but darkness was on the stage. They all stood there, breathing heavily, pride swelling in their hearts that they had done it.

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