Part 4(ive given up on thinking names)

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Izukus POV
The whole situation escalated quickly and it ended before I knew it, I confessed in the middle of class and he kissed me, ALSO in the middle of class. I was shocked to say the least and my face as red as kirishimas hair. I didn't say anything for the rest of class and almost everyone was talking about us, especially purple perv, ugh. He was drooling right next to kaminari who was also drooling, I heard their conversation and to save your innocence, I'll just say it wasn't all too clean. All aizawa did was tell Toki and I to get a room and Katsuki to stop breaking pencils. We worked silently next to each other until Aizawa said to put on our suits and meet at the training area. As always, there's training on first day of school. We were going to redo the hero vs villain training to see our progression, and we're going to have the same partners as well. I look over to Uraraka and wink. She winks back while smiling. I feel someone staring at me so I look and Katsukis head swerves forward, away from my direction. (I don't remember the order of the fights so I'll just skip to theirs)

I stood in front of the building and nod at uraraka, she knows the plan and starts to levitate up to look through the windows and spots the room, then proceeds to come back down. We walk through the front for where Katsuki is no where in sight, good for now. We both know he's smarter now but will probably prefer to fight me still. We walk side by side, ears open for any sound. I hear running and grab Uraraka while jumping backwards. I spot Iida running full speed. I tell Uraraka to stay alert for footsteps and to stay together, I summon wings and cary Uraraka so Iida can't hear us walking. I drop her off in a room filled with rubble that she can use to her advantage then take off to the room with the bomb in it.
While flying to the room I can hear them fighting, it makes me nervous to fight Katsuki. The last time we did this I was inexperienced and hadn't known the possibilities of my quirk. I know thinking of certain people will give me certain wings, and thinking of Toki gives me the strongest ones, I blush, thinking about him and what happened while the wings appear, which happen to be fire and ice, they always are when I think of him.

Suddenly, I see explosions and I guard myself with my wings and shoot fire in Katsukis direction.

He jumps back with an infuriated expression, "so, it's you and me again.. why is it that it ends up that way every time?" He charges at me with a jump in his step and aims his explosives at me, I start to get angry and the wings turn from ice and fire to lava oozing out of my hands.

He smiles evilly, "fight like your life depends on it, deku! Die!" He aims his big explosion at me and I use the lava as a shield, but the wind still pushes me back, I get an idea.

" that's not what you tell someone you apparently love, Katsuki!" I then turn around and bring the lava around him like a dome so he can't get out, I see him trying to escape.

"Let me out, deku!!" He lets out another big explosion just for me to cover it back up with lava, "damn it!" He tried again.

I yell at him, "stop! It's no use, you can't get out," I smile to myself, "now you know how it feels to be trapped jerk!"

I drag the lava with Katsuki inside to the room with the bomb in it and touch it, and I let him go.

"Team hero wins!" Screams all might.

All Katsuki does is stand there angrily, "don't take this as a win, damn it! Just cause half and half loves you SOOO much doesn't mean you're equal to me, worthless!" I stare at him, and we make eye contact.

I stand up straight, "you lost your chance when those words left your mouth, I'm not worthless any more, kacchan."

I walk past him still standing strong, when suddenly he runs straight at me and puts an explosion to my back, I yell out in pain, getting down on all fours. Panting I look up at him, he's not smiling.

"You, you're nothing more than the quirkless girl 10 years ago. I'll get over you, cause who wants you anyway," He then walks away and I see Uraraka run up to me.

"I- " she starts, "I saw the whole thing.." she puts her hand out and I laugh sadly.

"What did I ever see in him, I understand why everyone hates him now, all I did was stand up for myself, well that's the way he's always been." I take her hand standing up.

We walk to the room where Toki hugs me, "are you ok?" He asked genuinely, " I saw what he did on the screen."

I smile at him, "he's a jerk and he always will be, he's proven that today." I didnt see him in the room but I didn't care where he was.

Katsukis POV

After the fight I ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor against the wall. Why the hell did I say those things? She's right, I really am a jerk. I just let the tears fall as I stand up and explode the wall with my hands, leaving a black mark. I just keep crying, I don't want to cry, I don't need to cry, crying is for the weak. I wipe away the tears and go to the sink and wash of my face, leaning on top of the sink with my hands. I need to get myself together. Crying over a girl, what are you? A tv drama? No. So get the hell ip and snap the hell out of it.

I walk out of the bathroom and bump into a familiar figure, ".. Bakugou?"

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