Chapt 18

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Momo (gotcha bitch)

I look at Todoroki as class starts, it's not like I like him. But ever since Izu got all protective of him during the sleepover it got me thinking, "what is it that she might see in him?" It almost made me more aware, you see, of him. I thought at first all she saw was the body, he is relatively well built and his stature and demeanour are very rebellious, something girl apparently like these days.

Except the more I watched, the more I saw. His hair, his eyes, his personality and a whole is quite.. interesting or I suppose, intriguing. His gaze was cold, yet in a way, warm. It matches with his quirk quite nicely. That symmetry is what drew me to him. As if the moon and the sun were the same entity, how poetic..

Aizawa dismisses us to work in our groups for the project. I stand up and walk to Shinsous desk, "hello, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo, I suppose you are Shinsou?"

He looks at me and nods, "Shinsou Hitoshi, nice to meet you.."

I bow a little, "good to meet again, the last I saw of you was last year while
you were against Izu, am I correct?"

He blushes at the mention of Izu, "y-yeah, though she beat me, she's a tough one.."

Todoroki walks over and my cheeks tint red, this isn't the time to be flustered! He greets us, "good morning Yaoyorozu, morning Shinsou, what were you talking about?"

"Oh, we were just talking about how he lost against Izu last year," he blushes again.

"Yeah, not the greatest thing to talk about I guess.." he rubs his neck and looks away, trying to hide his blush. Does he happen to have a crush on Izu?

I glance towards Todoroki to see his reaction, he's only looking at Shinsou, but you can tell the jealousy or protective stare he subtly gives off. I feel a pain in my chest, he's dating Izu so I shouldn't be crushing on him, that's immoral. That would be breaking our girl code. But I secretly, without really knowing, root for Shinsou.

I decide to divert the conversation to the presentation we'll be doing in a week, "let's get started, why don't we?"

They both nod silently. I sigh, that's an awkward situation adverted. We start spouting ideas, developing a good basis before really getting to it. I was the one who was talking the most, they just watched each other. I might have been dazedly watching Todoroki talk about an idea he had while disputing it with Shinsou a few times.

A couple times during my daze Todoroki would ask if I was ok or if I was sick or tired. I always denied, though this reaction was delayed because I was daydreaming about something. Despite this I continued to give I ideas of what he might do, in the end we decided to do our main subject on Trust, how we learned to cooperate and work with others.

I look around at Izu to find her watching us, only to turn away and continue with whatever their group is discussing. I wonder if she knows..?

Izuku (beginning of class)

When we assembled in our group, Kiri seemed so happy to be grouped with us and not Mineta, which we both agreed with. Denki was giving idea for a topic for our presentation, "we could do skills? Like maybe physical?"

Kiri smiles, "that's a good idea, bro! We should do that, that sounds manly!"

"Well it seems like a very broad topic, we could zoom into one aspect of it, like training or pvp or maybe even the experience we get with working with the pros?" I add in, hoping to get more ideas than just physical skills.

Kiri lights up like a light bulb, "I have an idea! Remember the special attack thing we did last year? Maybe our topic could be melee? Like how we got to go to 1-H where Mei and them fixed our suits to fit our new needs!"

Denki tilts his head, "melee? Doesn't that mean weapons and stuff?"

"Well it's usually used as reference people disputing, but it can be also used as a group of confused people, I think," I add in.

They look at me, "how do you know so much, Izuku?" Kiri asks.

I tap my chin, "I think I heard it somewhere and was confused on the definition so I looked it up and studied it.."

Denki laughs, "that's cool!"

I laugh nervously, "so I mean, I guess we could focus on melee."

They nodded and started a conversation with each other, thinking that the layout of the presentation was done. I was about to tell them we should continue coming up with more until I looked in Shoto's direction.

I watch as they discuss about whoever their topic is. Mom is staring at Shoto, my heart hurts watching this. Is she hitting on Shoto? She knows the rules 1. Stay real, don't be rude, 2. Don't hit on a guy if he's taken, 3. Don't eat anyone's cookies if they aren't yours.

The second rule was made last year when there was a mixup, everyone thought Uraraka was dating Bakugou, but since Kiri liked him she still teased him like she always does. This caused beef between the two before it was revealed that it was all simple a misunderstanding. Bakugou owed Uraraka a movie ticket when he accidentally spilt something on her bag, ruining the ticket. He accidentally bought two and didn't want to waste it so he went as well.

That rule was established so things like that didn't happen again, yet there Mom is, doing what she's doing. I look at Kiri, "Hey Kiri."

She looks at me, "yeah, bro?"

I bite my lip, "can you call for a.." I whisper the last part to her, ".. girl talk?"

She gasps, "bro.. what happened??"

"I'll tell you then, but someone broke one of the girl rules.."

She gasps again, "this is serious!"

I nod, looking back towards Mom, catching her attention, I look at everyone else to find an excuse for looking at her. I turn toward Kiri, "your room, everyone, 6 o'clock?"

She winks, "yes, ma'am!"

My boyfriend Toki!! (Todoroki x Fem!Deku)Where stories live. Discover now