Chpt 15

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Ok you guys still didn't give me any ideas on what I should do next.. except that I should include smut 😅 so plz help me come up with more ideas, now on with the story

Izukus POV

I sit down in my seat as the bell rings, I sigh, I need to focus on school today so I can learn and be a hero!

Aizawa walks in, grumpy as usual and coughs a bit before speaking, "we'll be having presentations in a week about what we learned in our first year here at UA, hopefully in the time I lend you, you'll pick teams or whatever and come up with something, and as always, plus ultra." Then proceeds to zip up his sleeping bag and sleep.

We all murmur, "wait how many people are in each group?" "Is it random or?" "Do we get to pick our teams?"

The whispering stops when Present Mic walks in the room, "Hello, everybody!!"

We all go silent.

"How are we doin' today?! Can I get a yeah??!!"

Still silent, except for a little "woo" by Mina.

He keeps talking, "As Eraserhead said, you will be doing presentations!! By this radical hat I just happened to have, I'll pick the teams!! Let's get it started in here!!"

We all cheer to that, but not as loud as him. He drops pieces of paper that were in his pocket into the hat, or fedora looking hat. He fights to find the last one in his pocket and laughs when he does.

He squats next to Aizawa, "pick it!!"

Aizawa gets irritated, "shut up.."

Mic just stays there until he gives in, which took about 5 minutes, most of us were chuckling by then, me included. He reads out loud, "oijiro, jirou, and.. uh," he sits up, "this hand writing sucks.. and Tokoyami."

They all nod in response. He does the next groups, which I completely forgot who they were until it got up to me, "Denki, Kirishima, and Midoriya."

I sweat, this might be a little awkward, you see, Kami had a big crush on Kiri for a really long time last year and decided to confess, he's the only guy other that Shoto that knows her and Kacchan are dating. I told him so he didn't feel bad about the whole rejected confession.

I look over to Kami and he's sweating bullets, not that it's that bad, but because I'm included. I may or may not have NOT told Kiri that he knows what we know, and Kami knows that she doesn't know.. kinda confusing but it makes sense.. in a way.

I look over to Kiri and she's smiling, well that's good at least. The last team was being announced by an even more tired Aizawa, "last, but finally least, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and we're having an extra student to help us fill in the gap, Hitoshi Shinso." I sigh, could be worse.

What really gets me is when I see Momo blushing, I feel my heart ping with sadness. I'm not jealous of Momo for getting teamed with Shoto, but that she responded in such a non- Momo way that makes me suspicious. What if she actually did like Shoto?

I mentally slap myself, no need to be doubting Toki!! He'll be fine, I can trust him. I look over to him and he's looking at Momo.. this puts my mind in over drive, is he thinking about her? What if he likes her more that me? What if he dumps me for her? She's prettier and smarter than me, she's got looks and I don't, she wears make up, and I can't even consider what I wear makeup.

I catch Shoto looking at me, he smiles in a sad way and mouths, "sorry," I smile back, "it's ok," I mouth back. He winks and turns back forward to get back into focus. I grab my skirt, I hope my doubts are incorrect. I take a deep breath in and exhale and breath I'd been holding for a bit without realising.

(Guess what, it's a time skip, you thought I was gone didn't you 😉)

I walk up to Shotos room and knock, rocking on my feet a bit out of nervousness, my hands fiddle with each other as I can assume a shower being turned off. I look down at my casual clothing, hopefully it's ok. I'm wearing a black shirt with a white cat face with blue eyes in the center. He opens the door after a few minutes wearing khaki shorts with a plain white shirt.

He opens the door all the way for me, "come in, I didn't really prepare anything, sorry.."

I wave my hand, "oh that fine Shoto, thanks for inviting me!"

"Well it's for something pretty important.." he closes the door.

I tilt my head, "didn't you say my mom told you not to say anything?"

He nods in response, I sit on his bed and he sits next to me. I look at him, "what is it, Shoto?"

"Your mom has been holding something from you that I feel that I shouldn't know, but now that I do," he sighs, "I guess I'll tell you."

I sense the atmosphere getting dense, so I hold his hand, "you can tell me anything."

"I know," he looks down towards the rug, the sun sifting through the blinds is a burnt orange, it matches his khakis, "I asked your mom about your dad and his business trip."

I furrow my eyebrows and blink in a surprised fashion, "what did she say..?"

"She said," my face stiffens more, "that in complete honesty, the business thing is a complete lie."

I feel tears welling up in my eyes, "what does that mean..?" I try to make sense of that, "that my dad just decided to leave me? That I wasn't good enough? Did he think I was quirkless? Was it because of me? Is he a villain? Did he hate my mom?-"

As I cry, he hugs me and shushes me, "no.. shh.. it's ok.. listen, your mom may not understand why he left, but she said he was an amazing man, and that it's not your fault."

I sniffle, "how would she know?"

He pauses for a second, "I won't lie, I don't know."

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