Chap 17

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(Update is trippy but kinda cool, also when I said that I'd add smut people gave me ideas 😂 guess you don't like smut, jk it's kinda awkward for me to write so thanks to the people who gave me ideas! I'll try to add all of them! Sorry I've said too much.. on with the story! Wait! Forgot, thanks for 15k 🙏!)

Izuku POV

I wake up to a quiet alarm and birds. I remember the project we're doing, hopefully it goes well. I also remember the conversation I had with Shoto and I cover my face with my pillow, now isn't the time to be crying.

After staring at my ceiling for a minute or so, I begrudgingly get out of bed and stretch. Man my body is sore, I must've slept in a bad position. The light coming through my window is really bright so I squint to look outside, it's nice to see the sky during this time, it's beautiful. I smell like sweat, I need to take a shower.

As I take off my pjs and grab my school uniform, I hum a song that's been in my head for a while; I don't exactly know where I got the tune from it kinda just got stuck in my head. I turn on the shower, adjusting it as I like. The water from the shower helped wake me up from my daze, I usually take cold showers in the morning to refresh myself before school.


You know when you try to put on clothes while your skin is still damp? That's what I'll trying to do right now with the knee high socks. I almost trip trying to somehow get them on faster. I dry my hair with a blow drier and my towel, which takes forever because of how thick my hair is, "ugh, my arm hurts from keeping my arms up.."

After the torture of my hair, tying it up and whatnot, I put on the normal stuff like makeup and earrings, because I actually like earrings. I don't like dangly earrings though, they aren't very convenient while fighting. I take a quick glance at my clock before heading out, it's a little later than I usually leave at, but it's not that bad.

I go to the kitchen to grab something quick to eat, "Izuku."

I turn and Shoto has an already breakfast for me. "Oh thank you, Shoto!"

"I noticed it was taking longer than normal for you to come out so I made something for you, I know you like to get to class at a certain time," he hands me the breakfast.


Shoto POV

As we walk, Izuku pretty much devours the food I got her, but I'll pretend like I didn't notice, "Hey, Izuku, I had an odd dream last night."

"You did?" She look at me curiously, food all over her face, I grab the napkin from her hand and wipe the food away.

She blushes, "I had a dream that I was a cow and when I went to school, people were talking about how much they wanted to milk me, I woke up feeling very uncomfortable.."

She starts giggling, and I smile, she's cute like that. She keeps giggling and I start to feel concerned, "is the cow getting to your head or are you just tired?"

She laughs harder, "it's the cow!"

I laugh with her, it was a pretty funny dream.

Before we walk inside the school I kiss her, our hands intertwined. She puffs her cheeks out, "what? Do you not like me kissing you?"

"It's not that.." she blushes a little.

I decide to tease her a bit, "or is it the opposite, do you wanna do more?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

He face flushes, "no! I mean- oh never mind, forget I did anything.."

"Ah, come on, no way I can forget that, I just saw it."

She smiles, "what did you see? Nothing! Haha!"

"That doesn't even make sense? I saw you puffing our your cheeks like a tsundere," she gasps.

"My plan has been foiled again.."

Now I'm legitimately confused, "what..?"

"It's just you do it before I know your doing it, so I don't know before hand, that's all.." she's adorable when she's flustered just in case you wanted to know, because she is and I love that.

I laugh a little, "you're too much, Izuku, ok, I'll tell you before I kiss you."

"Thank you, Shoto."

I want to tease her more, I mean why not? "Imkissingyounow-" I give her a peck.

Steam starts coming from her ears, "now you're just playing with me!"

"I know I am." She punches my arm, "ow!hey no physical attacks, unless you're into tha-" she punches my arm again.

"I love you, Izuku."

She puffs her cheeks out again, "I love you too, stupid."


Izukus POV

I feel someone watching as me and Shoto talk casually in class, I look and see Mom (*cough* Momo *cough*), I smile and wave happily. She responds with a small smile and a slow wave, which isn't very characteristic of her, I wonder if she's doing well.

I decide to brush it to the side and continue with the conversation I was having with Shoto.

"As I was saying- actually, is Yaoyorozu ok? She's been staring at us for a while." Shoto points out what I had only just noticed.

"I don't know, maybe she need to talk to me about something, I'll be right back, ok?"

He nods and I walk over to Mom, "hey, you feeling ok? You're not acting normal, Shoto said you were looking at us."

She blushes a little and shakes her head, "nono.. no I'm fine, just.. maybe a little tired..?"

"You're not acting like yourself, you sure you're ok?" I try to reassure her, "you can tell me anything, you know."

She scratches her neck, "anything? I'll keep that in mind, Izu, thank you.."

I smile and go to my desk, "how is she, Izuku?"

I shake my head, "she won't tell me, she says she's just a little tired, but I can only suspect there's something she's not telling me.."

He agrees and Aizawa comes in, "sit down, it's time for class to start."

(Thank you user62679965 KathrynGenesis , Roxie1396 , and ayuki-mai for the ideas! Sorry if I forgot anybody!)

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