Chapter 21

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IM BACK??!!! wut. Ok I'm so sorry for the like 6 month break but I'm feeling more motivated to continue! Thank you guys so much for all the comments, likes and follows! It's really helpful :3 also I fangirl-ed through this whole thing, you're welcome

(That weekend)


I look nervously at my dresser, oh god, what am I gonna wear?? I shuffle through frantically, oh god oh god oh god.

I hear a ding on my phone with emojis on it, must be Katsuki,

"12:00 at the living room, don't be late or I'll leave."

My assumptions were correct, it is him. I look at the clock and it's 11:00. Oh no. I haven't even taken a shower yet. Damn it Eijiro why can't you just be on time? Why couldn't have you taken a shower yesterday?

I rush in the shower with the speed of Hermes and dry my hair. I grab whichever outfit and throw it on. It's currently 11:50. My hair is super messy, whatever. I put it into a ponytail and rush out. I speed walk to the living room where Ojiro is watching a history documentary with Hagakure, you go gurl.

(This is what I'd imagine her outfit would look like)

(This is what I'd imagine her outfit would look like)

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(I wore this outfit yesterday lol)

I don't see Katsuki anywhere and I start to worry, am I too late? No I'm just on time.. where is he? I ask Hagakure is she's seen him,

"Hmm, Bakugou? I think I heard him taping his foot over by the kitchen. I also saw him get a drink a while ago."

"Oh, thanks Hagakure!"

"No problem Kiri!"

So he was here but he never left, so.. he's the one late? I look at my watch and it says 11:59, I guess he isn't late YET. I decide to sit with Hagakure and Ojiro until he gets here.

Just as I sit down I see him. He's wearing his normal skull shirt and his baggy pants. Exactly 12:00. I guess he isn't too anxious to get here. He spots me on the couch and he flinches,

"Kirishima, you're early."

I blush, "a-ah, I got here just a minute ago, I'm not early."

He scratches his scalp and walks towards the entrance, "we gonna' go or are you gonna sit there?"

I stand up and wave towards Hagakure and Ojiro, "bye guys."

Ojiro waves and Hagakure giggles, "see yah lover birds~"

Katsuki explodes, "WHAT DID YOU SAY INVISIBLE GIRL??!"

"Eep-!" She jumps and clings to Ojiro.

"Says you," I reply, "you guys have a good time, too, bye!"

Katsuki keeps raving about it even as we leave, "jeez the nerve.."

I walk beside him, "well they aren't wrong.. are they?"

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