Part 6

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Izukus POV
When we walk inside I hear Shoto breathe in and sigh.

"Feel like home?"

He smirks, "This is my home."

"Ah I need to change to something more casual," I make my way to a basket on a chair, "here's your clothes, you can change in the bathroom, I'll change in my room."

Shoto nods and walks to the bathroom. I walk to my room and change into some shorts that I'd only wear around Shoto ( -w• )and my normal white shirt. As I sit on the couch I take out my ponytail and let my hair down, my hair is so heavy.

I hear Shoto taking a shower, welp, at least he's hygienic. 10 minutes later I see him walking out with a big tank top and some jeans that are a little small. He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me, I blush a little, we're so cheesy, but I like it.

"Hey, Shoto, do you want some popcorn?" I look up at him.

He grabs the remote and turns the tv on, "I'll make it, you find a movie to watch."

"Let me guess, My Little Mermaid?"

(If you know what I'm referencing, congrats)

"You know me too well, Izuku."

I laugh and search for the movie on Netflix.

Half way through the movie, I fell Shoto slowly putting his hand around my waist. Like he's in some movie or something. In response in put my legs up on the couch and snuggle into his shoulder. I hear him give an airy laugh. He's probably thinking the same thing I am. That we really are cheesy.

When the kiss scene finally comes, Shoto wiggles his eye brows at me expectantly. I roll my eyes and poke his cheek. He ruffles my hair and pecks my cheek in return. While the movie came to a close I somehow fell asleep, and when I came to I just saw Shoto watching me.

"Creep, don't watch me sleep!"

"I'm surprised how you can fall asleep right after school ended, we haven't even had dinner yet," he says without wavering.

"I was just tired that's all," pouting at his remark.

He stands up and walks to the kitchen, "what do you want me to make?"

"Katsudon!" I stand on the couch jumping like a little kid.

Shoto sweat drops at me, "Please don't break the couch, Izuku."

After eating and cuddles ( -w•) jk they mostly just played card games

It was about 8:30 ish and I was getting tired, yeah kinda pathetic, but I had one thing to ask Shoto before I go to bed.

"Shoto?" I say from basins my cards.

He looks up to me, "yes, Izuku?"

I fidget uncomfortably, "now that we understand each others feelings," I inhale, "are we dating?"

His eyes widen slightly then go back to their usual state, he then puts down his cards.

"We've kissed 2 times in the course of 1 day, if my information is correct, I'd assume we were dating.."

He said it with such a nonchalant voice I thought he was joking, "you're too serious for you're own good aren't you?" I say while sighing away the blush I had.

He shifts his sitting position, "but," he starts, I look at him and see the slight blush on his cheeks, "we could make the kiss count 3 if you don't mind.."

I smile, "3 in the course of 1 singular day, and that day just so happens to be the same day I confessed to you, too fast?"

He wiggles his eyebrows, "a little fun wont hurt."

Suddenly without warning he attacks me with tickles, "NO DONT TICKLE ME- HAHAHA!" the torture doesn't stop as he keeps tickling me.

I've had enough so I start to push him off, "STOP NOOOO- HAHA!" I start to literally cry.

Once he's satisfied he pins me to the floor, "hm, this situation seems familiar," he comments, smirking.

I stare at him, "what's with the look? Are you expecting something? Hm?"

Blush accumulates on my cheeks, "why would I assume you would do anything, you promised, anyway.."

His face gets closer to mine but he stops, I let out a dry laugh, "wow, I have no words," he laughs in return.

I feel like we were meant to do this, like this is what I've been doing with him since day one, like this isn't the first day we started this relationship. It seems almost natural, strangely natural. How much we resonate with each other, it's not awkward like I thought it would be, it's just, nice.

As I think these things, I gaze into his eyes, he returns with an identical gaze. We stay there and it's quiet, no one is moving or talking, all the sound there is, is our own breathing. My heart beat slows to the tunes of Shotos. The first move is made by me, where I put my hands in his. I'm still lying on the floor, and he's still hovering over me.

"I.." he puts his hands around my back and his head in the crook of my neck, "I will protect you like this, for as long as it takes."

With my open hands I wrap them around his shoulders, encasing him in my arms, "ok." That's all I say.

We stay like this for a good 10 minutes, it's just so peaceful.

Suddenly Shoto gets up, "Shoto..?"

He picks me up bridal style like he used to when we were kids, all he says is, "let's go to bed." I close my eyes and nod, I was tired anyways, maybe he was too.

My carries me to my room and sets my inside my blankets. He kisses my forehead before making his way to the door. I don't want him to leave yet, "stay," I call to him before he closes my door.

"Do I have your permission?" He asks, opening the door again, all I do is nod.
I pat the empty space next to me, "come on."

He closes the door behind him and crawls into my bed, where he holds onto my waist from behind and rests his face right behind my neck, I can feel his breath. It's soothing in a way.

I turn around and embrace the cuddle, resting my hands on his chest and my head next to his, we stare at each other.
"goodnight," I say before kissing him.
I fell asleep shortly after to the sound of his heartbeat.

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