Chapter 7

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Izukus POV
I wake up to my alarm clock ringing quietly, I don't need my alarm clock to be loud because I wake up easily.

I look up towards Shoto, he's still hugging me and his face has a bit of slobber in it, gross but kinda cute. His hair is untidy and all over the place, this sight is one I wish I could look at forever. I sigh and turn off the alarm clock. Sitting up I look at Shoto one more time before getting up and making breakfast.

I decided to make Shoto's favorite breakfast, Crepes. As hard as it may be to make, I still want to do it for him because I like it when he's happy. We stumbled upon this discovery one day when mom was making something special for us as a surprise, Shoto liked it so much he ate 3 of them.

As I make the Crepe, I hear him getting out of bed so I run to my room before he does. He looks at me with his head tilted sleepily.

"Good morning, Shoto!" I greet him happily, and he smiles in return.

"Good morning, Izuku.."

He yawns and stretches, but before he gets up I stop him.

"Don't get up just yet! Keep napping I have something special for you!"

All he does is nod and plop back down on the bed, curling up into a ball and falling asleep immediately. I hear him snore a little bit, I squeal in my head. He's so adorable sometimes, well, really, all the time.

I walk back to the kitchen and continue to make the Crepes. He really likes creme and strawberry ones, I like banana and creme ones.

I hum as I make them, singing to a couple songs that have been stuck in my head. A week or so ago me and Shoto traded playlists to show each other what we liked. Surprisingly he liked rock, he said it vented the feelings he kept up and he could relate to them. I like jazz and chill songs to help me calm down when I train.

As I add the finishing touch I put both mine and Shotos Crepes on a plate, then put it onto a bed table and walk into the room Shoto is in.

"Shoto~" I say as lightly poke him with my foot.

He looks up to me and smells what I made and shoots straight up. I step back in surprise, "I made you Crepes!"

He starts to cry, " I love Crepes, and you too!"

"Aw, no need to cry!" But to no prevail, he just keeps crying.

"You're like an angel sent from heaven!"

It's so uncharacteristic of Shoto to cry. I wonder why he's crying..

"Did you have a good sleep, Shoto?" I set the food down in his lap and start to eat.

He sniffles a bit, "I had a sad dream, I forgot about it when I woke up, but then you came in and I was reminded of it.."

"What was the dream?" I ask, curiosity growing.

"I-" he stops for a bit to wipe off his face, "I dreamt  we got married, but then I started acting like my father.. and I poured boiling water on our kids face.. and you left me.." I was taken aback, genuinely sorry for him. All that he's been through.

I hold his face in my hands and he keeps crying, "look," he looks up at me, "that would never happen, because you're a great person! And look now! You're nothing like him, you're brave and soothing, that's what I like about you."

He smiles and thanks me. Then starts eating the Crepe, almost stuffing it in his face.

I'll take that as a reassurance. I eat as well, we sit in silence. Enjoying the bliss of the food I made, this Crepe adventure was a success.

When we finish we get dressed, not in the same room of course, Shoto got dressed in the bathroom.

I take my hair and brush it, it's down to my waist. As I brush it, I close my eyes, as labor intensive it is, it's kind of stress relieving. Once I'm finished I put it up in a pony tail with my yellow hair band that I always put it in.

Once Shoto is finished dressing in the bathroom, I give him the hair brush and step into the bathroom to do my make up. I don't put much, I just put on mascara and use an eyebrow pencil to make my eyes brows more seeable. My eyebrows are almost non existent, R.I.P. I only put in mascara to bring out my eyes more.

To finish it off I just put on some nude lipstick, I don't care about the rest cause it's too much work, I may be insecure about my appearance but not enough to make me do all that, nah.

Once we finished everything, we walk to school for our second day of 2A!


Sorry it took so long to make the new chapter! Gomenasai!! Oh that was cringe worthy, I wont do that again, sorry. 😐

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