chapter 19

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Finally a new chapter uwu sorry I don't really have any excuse for not updating last week but I have some art projects I'm working on, so sorry 😐

Izuku -

Once we finish class I sigh and sit quietly, not putting my stuff away. I'm nervous about confronting Momo, but I'd rather stop what's happening before it gets anywhere.

Shoto is talking to Shinsou about the project still, so I decide to leave. I don't really want to wait for him today.

I want to trust Shoto but the way Momo was acting.. it's suspicious. I'm hoping that it doesn't develop into something more. Shoto wouldn't do that, would he?

Todoroki -

I watch Izuku leave, I'm about to call out for her but Momo says my name,

"Todoroki? I was wondering before you leave if I could talk to you, if you don't mind."

"Oh, that's ok I don't mind, Izuku left anyway, what is it you wants to talk about?"

Before she responded, Shinsou left, "see you guys tomorrow."

We both waved to him goodbye. Momo looks at the ground, "I wanted to admit something to you but.." she walks a little closer, "I feel as if the feeling will consume me," closer.

I freeze, I don't know what to do. I don't know what she's doing, "Momo?"

"Todoroki Shoto, can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course, we're classmates," she keeps getting closer, I feel something in my hand.

Her hands envelop mine, "is it ok that I feel this way, even though you're taken?"


Kirishima -

I was walking with Katsuki when I tapped my bag, where's my notebook?

"Hey, kastuki, I forgot my notebook."

He grunts, "so what? You can get it tomorrow, it's not like anyone will steal it."

"But I need to study! You know how behind I am in class.." I fidget with his hand.

"Fine. But hurry up I ain't going to wait forever."

I kiss his cheek, "thank you katsuki!"

He blushes, "d-don't take too long, shitty hair!"

I quickly speed walk to the classroom just in case Iida is still around. Before I walk in I hear voices so I hide just in case it's something important, is that Momo?

"..I feel as if the feeling will consume me."

Is this why Izuku called for a girl talk?

"Momo..?" This is what I can presume to be Todorokis voice, so she DOES like Todoroki.

"Todoroki Shoto, can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course, we're classmates."

"Is it ok that I feel this way, even though you're taken?"

A long pause, is Momo seriously confessing to someone with a girlfriend?


Walking in with a 'did I accidentally walk into something important?' face I quickly grab my stuff and run out.

Silence was all that was heard during and after I grabbed my notebook. I watched Todoroki as I ran out of the classroom, his face was painted with colourful emotions. All I could see was guilt and sadness.

My heart aches for Izu, I run as fear as I can back to Katsuki. He looks at me as he leans against the school. I put my hands on my knees and start to pant, I haven't ran that fast in a while.

Katsuki patted my back, "did you run all the way back? You're out of breath, you need to exercise more."

"I.." I take a deep breath, "I'm sorry if I took too long."

He messes up my hair by giving me a nuggie, "don't take so long next time, I might just leave you."

I pout, "you wouldn't do that! Plus we have the same destination so it doesn't matter."

"Yeah yeah, whatever.."

I laugh nervously and we walk to his room silently, "what's up with you?"

"What do you mean?" I question him.

"I mean why are you so silent, something is bothering you, isn't there?"

"No, no there isn't.." I stick my hands in my pockets.

He opens the door for me, I walk into his room, "yeah there is, and if you don't tell me I can't help you."

I gasp, "but katsuki! You promised you'd help me with school! You know how bad I am at math.."

"Well it doesn't seem like you're properly focused, and it's a little hard to tutor someone when they aren't listening."

I plop onto his bed, " I'm not allowed to tell you! It's a girl thing.."

We don't tell the guys about the girl drama, they won't care, we're girls after all.

"Well it seems to be bothering you." He sits next to me.

"Awwwww are you being considerate again??" I give him the sparkle eyes.

He stutters, "n-no I just need to tutor you, that's all, hair for brains!"

I hum and nod sarcastically, "sure, sure. I have to leave anyway, the girls are going to have a manly conversation in my room."

"It can't take that long can it?" I look at him then to the blankets.

"I feel bad for Izu, I don't know if she's aware of what might be happening." I say with a worried tone.

"Is the 'manly' conversation about that?" Katsuki asks.

I sit up, "how did you know?"

He sighs, "if you're not all weird like you usually are, then something must be going on."

"I guess that's true, you're smart katsuki.. unlike me."

"Shut up. So what's going on with Deku?"

Sighing, I answer reluctantly telling him the whole story, not that I know that much. Surprisingly he listens, he even asked questions from time to time.

"That's it," I lay back down.

"That bastard," he sits against the wall, slouching into the bed, "he better not be cheating on Deku."

I nod in agreement, "I feel like this is my fault, I know that sounds stupid. But I could've told Momo to stop when I had the chance, I could've told todoroki that Izu was looking for him, I could've.."

He puts him hand on my mouth, "Eijirou," I blush, "you did nothing wrong, and if you think that you did, I will personally fight you."

I grab his hand and hold it, "it's almost time, thank you Kastuki, I got to go now," he kisses me and I smile.

"See you later, idiot."

"Bye katsuki!"

I walk back to my room and wait for the girls to arrive, I told all of them about the meeting right after class ended.

I hope this is resolved.

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