Chapter 10

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(I have legit no inspiration, so if it's bland, that's because of how I feel.. lol)

Todoroki POV

I sigh, how long have I been here, alone? I'm currently watching some random tv show that I turned on because I was bored.

I need to find something to do before I fall asleep from boredom. I find my way into Izukus room, and I can tell it's her room because there's All Might banners scattered on the ground. Only one or two, other than that the room is completely barren.

I pick up the banners. I know she's a hardcore fan so she might want these. Why did I even come in here? I knew that it was emptied out, so maybe I was looking for something?

Maybe I'm just bored out of my mind, hm, makes sense. I sigh again for the 100th time I've been here. I keep looking around. I usually don't look around other peoples houses like this, but what else is there to do? If I sleep, I won't be able to have a good nights rest.

As I lazily wonder around, I wonder what Izuku is doing..

".. well she said it was important so.." I mumble to myself, not like anyone is listening.

While my head is in the clouds, I walk into Mrs. Midoriya's room. I see a certain picture that peeks my interest. It's of Izuku and her mom, but then there's another person who I presume to be her dad, who went to America for work. That's what Izuku said, but my theory senses are tingling-

Suddenly I hear the front door open. Izuku is suppose to be out, so is her mom. This is why Izuku needs me. I sneak out to confront whoever came in. Little did I know that Izuku's mom was doing the same thing. We bump into each other and she grabs the closest thing to her. I put my hands up. She sighs when she realizes it's me.

"T-Todoroki.. it's just you.." she wipes her forehead.

I bow, "sorry, Mrs. Midoriya, Izuku is at a sleep over and asked me to take care of the house."

At this response she laughs, I look up to her, "oh Izuku, she's such an angel, I told her that I was gonna get a house sitter but then she volunteered to do it, sorry to drag you in, dear!"

I smile at this, "Izuku has always been that way.." she smiles back at me.

"Oh, do you want something to eat, Mrs? You have to be tired after hiking with Mrs. Bakugo."

She looks at me shocked, "that would be lovely dear, let me help you- "

I wave my hand dismissively, "please, be the guest this once, you are the mother of Izuku, it must take a lot of energy to raise her."

We both laugh, she sits down at her table, "no wonder Izuku likes you- oh I don't think I was suppose to say anything to you, I'm sorry Izuku!"

I blush a little, she told her mom that she likes me, how.. cute.

"To update you Mrs. Midoriya, we have mutual feelings."

She looks at me, then smiles the brightest one I've seen, 2nd only to Izuku, and starts to cry, "Oh my baby! No need to call me Mrs! You can call me momma Inko!"

Her remark makes me embarrassed and I blush, but I smile as well. This is where she gets her charisma. This family continues to surprise me.

"I don't believe we've gotten just that far yet, Inko, but I would like to point out that my feelings toward Izuku are true. Just to reassure you."

She gets up and hugs me, at which I respond by patting her back. She looks up to me, and I look back questionably.

"Izuku hasn't had the best time, so please keep her happy, she's been so energetic recently, even after they said she had a quirk she was bullied, so keep this streak going." She looks down sadly.

I smile calmly, "I wouldn't have it any other way, now sit down, Inko. What do you want to eat?"

She sits down like I asked and shakes her head, "you're making the food, sweet cheeks," I deadpan at her. The similarities between her and Izuku are uncanny.

I decide to go with Izuku's favorite so I can rub it in her face casually later. Once I finish making the food I sit down at the table across from Inko.

As we eat I pop a question that has been on my mind, "did Izuku's dad really leave for America?"

She stops eating, "why do you ask?"

I play with my chopsticks a bit, "I saw the picture in your room while wondering around because I was bored.."

"O-oh.." she sighs and puts her chopsticks down, "to be honest, I have no idea where he is.. all I know is that he had to go somewhere important..

I stare at me food, shocked, my theory instinct was right.

..not that I lied about his quirk or his demeanor, he was a loving at great person, but one day he just left and I don't know why."

Concern shows on my face as she nervously laughs, "p-please don't tell Izuku, don't want to break that happiness streak for her."

I pick up my chopsticks and eat a bit more before putting them back down,

"So you would lie to protect her happiness?"

She puts her head in her hands, "isn't that a parents job?"

Touché, I nod silently, picking my chopsticks up once again before finishing my food.

My ears tune into the tv, "-bud! How many times do I have to tell you not to touch things that don't belong to you!"

"But I was just curious, I didn't know it was fragile!"

"Well, now you know, don't meddle where it's not necessary-"

Those words attracted me, cause I know that I did exactly what they said not to.

I've touched something fragile, and I might just regret it.

My boyfriend Toki!! (Todoroki x Fem!Deku)Where stories live. Discover now