Just Like A Dream (Blue)

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Blue always thought that the one thing he'd want to see when he awoke from Metamorphosis was his enormous wings and incredible silk, but when the time actually came all he wanted to see was Cricket. 

His amazing friend was the last dragon he saw when he disappeared in his warm cocoon and she was the first face he saw when he emerged after five long days. Five long days of disconnection from the world. He had so many questions. Just like in Luna's case, a lot can happen in five days.

Blue burst through the flame-silk cocoon and stretched his magnificent blue-purple wings. He breathed in the fresh air of the cave and smiled down at Cricket. He missed her brilliant mind and wide smile. Really, he had only known her for what? Ten days! He felt like he had known this dragonet forever. Even though he hadn't seen her for five miserable days, it felt like he hadn't heard her incredible voice for an eternity. She gazed up at him, her eyes full of wonder and longing. Blue threw his brand new wings around her and softened up to her tight embrace.

There was no doubt in Blue's mind. He liked it. A lot.

"I missed you, so much!" Cricket cried, "You have no idea how painful these last five days have been!"

"Metamorphosis came at the worst possible time huh?" They finally pulled away as Cricket giggled softly.

She stayed here the whole time, waiting for me. She could've left me here, disappeared halfway across the ocean just like Luna did. She could've gone back home to Katydid and her family and her amazing HiveWing life, but she didn't. She stayed by my side the entire time.

Blue glanced down at his wrists. They glowed softly like the dim, flamesilk lamp Cricket had set up in the corner of the cave. Blue didn't even care to wonder where she got it from. Everything about that little flame raidiated of warmth, love and cleverness, just like the dragon standing before him.

 Blue knew very well that he shouldn't feel this way about a HiveWing like Cricket. It was illegal, against the law. It wouldn't be possible, that is if she even felt the same way.

But Blue already was a rebel. It didn't really matter if he broke one more unfair law which wouldn't matter anymore anyway once they defeated Queen Wasp.

The connection that Blue and Cricket shared couldn't be broken even by a psycho, deranged Queen Wasp.

"So what did I miss?" Blue asked, eager to get back into the action.

"I have a theory that Sundew was either captured by the HiveWings and is being questioned by Queen Wasp, or she managed to find her way back to the other LeafWings. I doubt she would leave us stranded here without some kind of backup though, not after I saved her life," Cricket explained in her fast, intelligent voice. Blue guessed that she must've had a lot of time to think about this while he was fast asleep. "Oh and about Swordtail, I'm guessing he is still somewhere on Pantala. I hope he's okay. Once the storm swept Luna out to sea, it was too late for even Swordtail to catch her."

"So, no sign of either of them?" Blue confirmed, concerned for his sister and good friend. Blue understood Cricket now, with all of her questions. He had so many. What happened? What is Queen Wasp planning? How is my father? What about the other Flamesilks? Is Mother safe? Where are Luna and Swordtail now? What happened to Io? Did she find the Crysalis? What even are the Chrysalis?

"I'm afraid not. I'm so sorry Blue. I wish I knew something that could help us, you know? I feel so useless down here in hiding." Cricket explained sorrowfully.

"Then let's go find something useful!" Blue exclaimed, full of energy from his five day rest. 

"What do you mean 'go find something'?" Cricket asked, confused.

"I can fly now Cricket! I can actually fly with these wings!" Blue said, "But that's not the point. You said that Sundew wouldn't leave us without any backup, right?" Cricket nodded, understanding where he was going with this. "Well, let's go find some backup, together!"

Together. I love the sound of that.

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