The Truth (Cricket)

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Cricket knew what was going to happen next.

The HiveWings were stupid for coming here. Queen Wasp mustn't have realised how many LeafWings there were. She was no doubt mind controlling her soldiers. No one would willingly come to the Poison Jungle. The four HiveWings were way outnumbered. 

This was why no dragon had ever made it out of this place. The LeafWings had dealt with them before they could get anywhere and manage to expose their supposedly extinct tribe.

What does that say about our chances? Maybe we could negotiate with the LeafWings. After all, I did save Sundew's life.

Last week, Cricket firmly believed there were no LeafWings left on Pantala at all. But now she was standing behind a tree, watching tens of them murder four members of her own tribe. The LeafWings advanced and Cricket dared not to look. Queen Wasp left the HiveWing's bodies before she could've been hurt, leaving them confused and terrified as they took in their last breath. 

Cricket squeezed Blue's talon for comfort. She felt sorry for the poor HiveWings. It wasn't their fault. They didn't deserve this. Even though she didn't even know them, they were still a part of her tribe. 

She knew it was for the best though. Queen Wasp probably wouldn't come crawling back to the jungle after that. If the LeafWings were planning war against the HiveWings the only smart decision would be to let them come to her. Of course, the LeafWings were no match for Queen Wasp's HiveWing army.

"That's their plan," Cricket whispered to Blue. "The LeafWings want war against the Hive and SilkWings. That's why Belladonna wanted the Book of Clearsight. To take Queen Wasp's power away from her. They think they've made the HiveWings weaker. But they're wrong, the Book was useless. We have to stop them before they go forth to their doom and wipe out what's left of themselves."

"They won't trust us." Blue whispered back, listening carefully as the LeafWings branched off into the forest, most likely searching for more HiveWings. "You're a HiveWing and I'm a SilkWing and a flamesilk. They'll kill us on the spot!"

"But Sundew will trust us." Cricket said, glancing back at where their unconscious friends was. A familiar looking LeafWing bent over Sundew, giving her some sort of herbal medicine.

Do we just go over and say hello? Should we just waltz in and tell them 'please don't kill us even though we're members of your enemy tribes?' Would it be better to wait until all the killing is out of their system? Will they be scared that we now know they are alive? I mean, how could they trust us? Especially me. My tribe wiped out hundreds of LeafWings and destroyed their trees just to make it even worse. 

"We should listen for a little bit. Try and figure out their plan." Blue decided. They aren't stupid. We're sitting ducks right here behind a tree. They'll find us eventually. 

Cricket should've thought of that sooner.


Cricket had spent her entire life in Cicada Hive. She knew it like the palm of her own talon. She had memorised every nook and cranny and had all the best hiding spots and short cuts built into her brain like a GPS. Every corner she turned there would be a large poster ordered by Queen Wasp herself to over-remind everyone that she was the boss. Some of them would say things like 'Obey your all-powerfull and all-Wonderful Queen' or 'SilkWings and HiveWings unite!' or sometimes even 'HiveWings and SilkWings rule Pantala TOGETHER!' (She was certain that some SilkWings didn't agree with that last one.) 

The posters were meant to strike fear into the reader or warn them of danger. Cricket's brain was basically hardwired for those common poster slogans, but the ones that used to confuse her the most were the warnings regarding LeafWings:

'LeafWings are wild and cannot be contained', 'LeafWings will attack... BEWARE', 'Our home was once threatened by these ruthless killers' and 'Please report immediately if sighted!'

Queen Wasp had always assured her subjects that the LeafWings were totally extinct, so why would she put up posters about them? Was she worried they would threaten her throne? Did she know then that the LeafWings were still alive and fully ready to kill?


But Cricket now knew that the LeafWings were the ones who were threatened. 

They were defending themselves from the Queen who drove them out of their home and demolished their habitat all those years ago. They stayed low to protect what was left of their tribe in the only place they could survive. They were trying to stay hidden from the real enemy here.... Queen Wasp.

So you could imagine how the LeafWings reacted once they found a HiveWing and a SilkWing -members of the tribes who allied against them - hiding behind a tree, spying on them.

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