Trust (Swordtail)

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A/N: You may be wondering why updates are coming in so quickly. Well, I am super proud of this story and have no motivation right now to write more of the others. Sorry. Also I want to finish this before The Hive Queen comes out.


2 months ago...

"Swordtail you were asked at the East bridge twenty minutes ago!" Grasshopper huffed. Swordtail rolled his eyes behind his boss's back. He hated working for the construction crew. He inched over to the next intersection and filled it with bright, white silk that shot from his wrists.

"They need me here!" Swordtail spat at the HiveWing, using the same annoying, I-rule-the-world attitude that he had come to hate. "Plus I haven't seen you switch your butt into gear at all this past hour." He only muttered that last part.

"Look kiddo, I know you didn't want to end up here, but you'd better start behaving or you'll become more than just my problem. I understand you don't like following rules but you're gonna have to suck it up before I have the Queen throw you out onto the streets." 

Understand? HiveWings will never understand!  "Firstly I am not a 'kiddo'." Swordtail complained, flaring his full-grown, beautiful wings. "And I'm not scared of that old bat!"

"You take that back SilkWing! She is your queen!" Grasshopper yelled, but Swordtail was already gone, chuckling a little to himself. "Hey! YOUR SHIFT ISN'T OVER YET! You arrogant little-" 

"What are you gonna do? Stick me in Misbehaver's Way, again!" Swordtail mumbled to himself as he flew through Cicada Hive as fast as lightning. His lazy boss wouldn't dare follow him. I don't think he's even spread his wings in the past hundred years!

HiveWings gawked up at him as he flew past but Swordtail brushed it off. He raced through corridors and accidentally (or really not so accidentally) ripped down a warning poster that said something like 'Remember... Queen Wasp is your saviour!' Bah, it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

He needed someone right now who he could rant about the HiveWings with, and who wouldn't report him or send him back to the Special-Needs healers - and trust me, he had ended up there on way too many occasions.

"Swordtail aren't you supposed to be at work?" Luna smiled, leaning against her front door. Blue was inside, fast asleep on one of their silk beds. Silverspot and Burnet must've been out. Swordtail used to always find it weird that they had both raised Luna and Blue together once Admiral had disappeared. Well it makes their children happy.

"Well. I might've ran away again..." Swordtail said, stepping into Luna's house. Luna threw him a look that might've said 'why does my boyfriend have to be such a trouble maker?' "Grasshopper ordered me to help out on the East Silk Bridge but I refused and complained. Then I told him I hated Queen Wasp and legged it."

Luna slapped him playfully. She reached up and pulled a bit of treestuff from his horns.

"You shouldn't talk like that Swordtail." Blue mumbled, his eyes still closed.

Luna sighed and whispered so her brother was out of earshot, "He doesn't understand. None of the other SilkWings do! We're pushed around and abused on a daily basis and they sit around and take it without complaint."

"He will someday. They all will." Swordtail said with a hint of pride. He held Luna's talon, tilting her wrist up so they could clearly see the S and A marked into her scales(Silverspot and Admiral), her identification that the HiveWings used to put the SilkWings to work. He compared it with his which he had smudged and burnt off months ago. Swordtail always hated the sight of it. Those two initials that every SilkWing had - but not a single HiveWing - were a sign that they were chained and owned by the Queen. 

That mark made Swordtail feel like all of his freedom had been sucked out of him. 

Burnet arrived back from her visit to the school, where she worked, and gasped when she saw Swordtail's non-existent identification. "Why do you have to be so rebellious my dear Swordtail?"

Swordtail shrugged, "I can't help it." 

Luna smiled at her stepmother as Burnet crouched beside Blue who had crashed in the hammock once again. 

"How long now Luna?" Burnet asked.

"Two months! Until I have fabulous wings and gorgeous silk! I'll finally be able to fly and see what it's like to be and adult SilkWing!" Luna cried excitedly. 

Trust me it's not that great, Swordtail thought.

"Hey Burnet, where's Mom? She didn't get home last night." Luna's question seemed to startle Burnet. 

"Oh. She uh was called to Wasp Hive. The Queen wanted to speak with her at once." She said, looking slightly flustered.


"Umm family business." Burnet answered, stroking Blue's wings in a motherly kind of way.

From the confused look on Luna's face, Swordtail could tell it was more than just 'family business.'

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