Element of Surprise (Blue)

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A/N: It has been an absolute pleasure to write this story for you guys! Thanks for the positivity and feedback. It means so much to me.

Yes, this is the last chapter. 

But I hope y'all enjoyed every bit of it!

Two weeks ago, Blue would never have dared to even smile at a HiveWing authority, and now he was planning to go to war against them. Just like Swordtail once said, Metamorphosis really can change a dragon.

It may sound stupid, probably even impossible. How can at least fifty or so LeafWings, two SilkWings and a HiveWing to overthrow an entire kingdom? 

"We have to be on alert. Always!" Queen Sequoia spoke in front of the tribe. "Queen Wasp wants a challenge, so we'll give her a challenge!" The Ancient Tree towered over them, providing comforting shade. Blue could see the beautiful beach ahead of him. The sight filled him with hope.

"Yeah!" Sundew cried. 

Blue used to stare at paintings of the LeafWing queen and wonder why she would lead her whole tribe into a battle she couldn't win. 

But that's the thing about LeafWings. They don't use their head. They don't weigh up the pros and cons. They don't worry about the consequences. They do what they know is right.

I could say the same about Cricket and I, Blue thought, smiling at his partner in crime. 

"What will happen after? Like, if we, I mean when we overthrow Queen Wasp?" Cricket asked.

Queen Sequoia paused. "Life on Pantala will return to how it should be. The whole world will know not to mess with the LeafWings. The SilkWings will have their own equal rights. The HiveWings will bow to a better Queen. All I want, is for Pantala to return to its Glory Days, like it was before the tree wars."

"What a wonderful world." Cricket smiled as Swordtail gazed out at the ocean, obviously wondering about Luna.

"But we can't do it alone." Blue said, lacing his claws around Cricket's.

"The Chrysalis will help!" Swordtail spoke up, flicking his royal-blue tail.

Not the Chrysalis again! How come everyone knows about it except me?

"What's the Chrysalis?" Sundew asked, digging her talons into the sand.

"They're a movement of SilkWings who are working to overthrow the HiveWings." Swordtail explained with a hint of pride. "This is the kind of thing they're prepared for."

"We need something more; something Queen Wasp isn't expecting. Something she hasn't seen before." Belladonna hissed. "Like an element of surprise."

The LeafWings pondered this. Queen Sequoia opened her mouth to share something but Sundew tapped her shoulder. Blue took note of her odd, wary expression. "Uh your majesty, I think we may have visitors."

Sundew pointed out to the ocean. Blue's heart stopped for a moment. Swordtail flared his wings in anticipation. Cricket gasped.

Three shapes loomed over the water. Their wings flapped vigorously like they had been flying non stop for weeks. They came closer and closer to the shore with every wing stroke. Behind the three leading dragons, there were other flying shapes of various shapes and colours.

Blue could see the three dragons now as they landed on shore and walked cautiously towards them. The first one Blue recognised immediately. 

Swordtail ran towards Luna and swept her into his arms with happiness. Blue was delighted to see her okay.

The other two dragons were clearly in shock. 

They both only had one pair of wings, but they weren't LeafWings. The larger one had pale, sandy-yellow scales and a sleek, black barb on the end of his tail like a scorpion.

The smaller one stopped in front of Blue, examining him like he was a zoo animal. She had midnight black scales with starry patterns under her magnificent wings. She smiled pearly white teeth and Blue noticed two silver teardrop scales by her dark green eyes. By the way she looked at him, it was like she knew him already; like she was listening to a little voice that told her all about him and his home.

The black dragon held out her talon and Blue reluctantly shook it. She smiled sweetly. "Hi, I'm Moonwatcher and this is Qibli." Her voice was soft and quiet, like she was nervous. "We're from Pyrrhia, the land across the sea."

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