Finding The LeafWings (Cricket)

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Cricket couldn't stop looking at Blue once they had left the cave and were searching the area for any sign of Sundew. He was so determined in situations like this. It was either they find something or just give up. But they weren't ever going to give up. It was as simple as that. When it came to Blue's family or friends, he wouldn't stop at anything. Cricket suggested a break twice, but every time he kept looking.

"Just think. If I was Sundew, where would I hide? Would I let myself get captured? Of course I wouldn't. I would never let a HiveWing guard touch me. Would I run away and hide? No, I don't back down from a fight. Would I go to the LeafWings for help? Possibly. That seems like the most rational solution." Blue said, snapping Cricket out of her daydream.

"How do we know she would even leave anything for us?" Cricket asked.

"She would never just leave us stranded here, with no help, HiveWings after us, and no idea what happened to our friends!" Blue exclaimed. "She's better than that!"

He's too loyal for his own good. He'd better beware of how far that loyalty can go. Or it might get us killed.

"If she was captured, what happens then?" Blue asked, knowing that Cricket would have some kind of backup plan. Which she did, of course.

"Well, we know Sundew's parents were waiting for her in the greenhouses at Queen Wasp's palace. They said they would wait until she returned with the Book of Clearsight." Cricket explained. Blue nodded, listening intently. "What if we brought it with us, and offer it to them - since it contains nothing they can use against us - for their help in finding Sundew, Luna and Swordtail."

"Why didn't you come up with this earlier? It's genius!" Blue's eyes lit up with hope again. "Scratch our old plan, this one might actually work! Tiny problem though... just a small problem.   Where is the Book Of Clearsight?"       

Cricket froze. This was the one part of her master plan that she didn't think through. Sundew was holding the Book last before the HiveWings attacked. She could've dropped it somewhere. It could be missing forever! Or worse, the HiveWings might have their claws on it again!

"Oh... good question Blue." Cricket said, scratching her neck. With the Book of Clearsight gone, they had no chance of getting Belladonna and the other LeafWings on their side. 

"Cricket if anyone can fix this, it's you. You have the most brilliant brain on the entire continent. Who was the one who broke me and Luna out of the Flamesilk Cave? Who was the one who rescued Sundew from the HiveWings at Queen Wasp's palace? Who was the one who saved me from the mind controlled army of HiveWings?" Blue took her talons in his as the daylight began to fade.

Cricket smiled at Blue's kind, encouraging words. The warmth of his talons wrapped around hers  filled her with butterflies and a soft, tingly feeling inside.

Cricket took a step back, remembering that she shouldn't feel this way. Her talon stepped on something sharp that stuck, slightly buried, out of the sand. She bent down and picked up the odd, green bag . It was about the size of her talon. When she shook it, multiple objects jiggled around inside.

 A smile cracked on Blue's face, "It's Sundew's! That's where she keeps her weird, magic, LeafWing stuff."

Cricket remembered the strange, poisonous flower that Sundew had used to knock out two HiveWing guards so they could sneak into Wasp Hive. "Maybe she left it for us!"

Cricket emptied the contents onto the sand. There was another bag of purple sand, a funny-shaped orange maple leaf, a glow-stick, a scrap of scroll, three more flowers and a piece of coral. "If only this came with instructions," Blue said, twirling the glow stick around in his claws. "This looks like it's filled with flamesilk." Cricket nodded in agreement, noticing the orange swirl inside the transparent tube. 

How did Sundew manage to find all this stuff? 

"Didn't Sundew say that she found some of this washed up on the beach?" Cricket asked.

"I think so," Blue agreed. "How could someone just throw away this treasure? They all must've been useful to Sundew."

Cricket examined the scrap of paper as Blue waved the glow stick around in wonder. Why would she leave us this? 

Suddenly a flicker appeared on the paper as the flamesilk passed it. "Wait Blue, hold that up again." Blue held the glow stick near the scrap of paper. Slowly, words etched into the paper under the flamesilk light. "Aha! Invisible ink!" 

 "Use the flowers to poison anyone, just don't inhale their aroma yourself," Blue read out the messy writing on the paper. Maybe they do come with instructions. She must've written this in the event of an emergency. "I found this piece of coral washed up on a beach. It's nothing like I've ever seen before, definitely not native to Pantala. Just whisper what you're looking for to it and it'll lead the way and find what you're looking for." Then he stopped. 

"We can use this to find Sundew!" Cricket exclaimed. 

Blue picked up the coral in wonder. "I wonder where this came from." 

"That doesn't matter now. Quickly, ask it to find Sundew!" 

Blue leaned in and whispered, "Sundew." His eyes darted around impatiently waiting for something epic to happen.

A moment passed. 

Then suddenly, the coral yanked Blue forward and pointed up to a towering shape in the distance...

Wasp Hive.

A/N: Can you guess where the coral came from?

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