The Chrysalis (Io)

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They were everywhere. HiveWings, HiveWings and more HiveWings.

Io had no idea where she was. She struggled in the chains that bound her to the rough, stone wall. She kicked and moaned until a tired voice beside her said "Don't bother. The chains are practically unbreakable."

The last thing she remembered was helping Blue to escape Cicada Hive after his sister had been exposed as a Flamesilk. He was probably still in danger right now. She had told him to run... anywhere. She had said to stop trusting the HiveWings and that he would never get his old life back. Hopefully he never got caught.

She was on a mission. That's right. To find the chrysalis. Pantala was in danger and the chrysalis would know what to do. 

Until Io had been overrun by HiveWing guards.

How long was I unconscious? What happened to Swordtail? Where did they take Luna? Is Blue alright?

Once her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, Io could make out many shapes gathered in the same chamber. The place was crawling with HiveWings who wore the same agrivated expression. The guards' eyes weren't black and weird though so they weren't mind controlled at the moment. That thought only sent shivers down Io's spine. Queen Wasp's attention must've turned to something else. 

They each bore a long spear that sparked on the very end with some sort of electricity. 

The HiveWings circled the room, poking each dragon who was in chains. Once a guard's spear came into contact with Io's scales, a piercing, burning sensation remained. She wanted to scream but couldn't through the uncomfortable strap that bound her jaw shut. She tried to examine where the spear had touched her but looked away as soon as she saw the black burn mark that had left an ugly, gaping hole in her purple scales.

"Good thing you finally woke up!" The same dragon from beside her said. Io turned her body to face the female dragon as another jolt of electricity pierced her scales. 

The dragon was a HiveWing. Io was shocked to realise that the HiveWing was covered in black burn marks. She must've been here a while. Her eyes were dark with black circles from no sleep. She looked much too skinny for a HiveWing, like she hadn't been fed in a few weeks. 

Io gestured with her chained talons to the HiveWing guards as if to say what are they doing? 

"Torture." The HiveWing said. "They know we have information that is valuable to the Queen. Once you've been here long enough and been through enough pain they take off your mouth bind. Only one of the other dragons in here has spoken up. She said she had spotted a LeafWing or something. As if! They're extinct! Long gone. They let her go but she didn't even make it out the door. The poor HiveWing dropped dead before she saw freedom again." 

Io glanced around the torture chamber as another spear burned her scales. There were mainly SilkWings, some who looked even worse than her HiveWing friend. Also a few HiveWings who must've done something really wrong or know something very important. None of them had given in yet which Io admired. She hoped she didn't have to stay here any longer. But she definitely wasn't going to spill her secrets.

"They want to know about my sister." The HiveWing said. "She disappeared from Cicada Hive two weeks ago after the whole Flamesilk scandal. I'm Katydid by the way."

Io froze. I've been unconscious for two weeks. Blue, Swordtail and Luna might as well be dead by now. I was supposed to protect my little brother and his friends. I was going to find the chrysalis and stop this madness once and for all!

Katydid continued to fill Io in on what she had missed. "We get new prisoners here everyday. It's horrible and cruel. It makes me actually feel ashamed to be a HiveWing. I'm part of a tribe of murderers!" The nearest guard growled and poked Katydid extra hard that sparks flew everywhere. But she didn't even flinch. "Yeah that's right! I said it!"

It was a miracle that Katydid was still alive with that attitude. It was reassuring though to know, that dragons still had an opinion against Queen Wasp. It was everyone's fight after all. 

"There was this one SilkWing, who was the first ever prisoner here. I was second. She was kind of old, but had a lot of secrets. She was so important that Queen Wasp didn't want her dead. The guards were extra careful with her but she never gave in." Katydid explained, her voice faltering with sadness. "Sh-she ended her own life so no one could ever find out what she knew. She told me to tell her dragonets that she was sorry and she loved them. It's quite a sad story but also inspiring." A tear slid down Katydid's cheeks.

Io understood how Katydid found it inspiring. It showed that the LeafWings were strong enough to overthrow the HiveWings. It showed that their whole tribe had been treated unfairly for a thousand years!

"Her name was Silverspot." Katydid said. "Her dragonets must be really special."

Io shivered.

She hoped Blue and Luna would never meet the same fate their mother did.

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