Sundew's Secret (Blue)

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The next think they knew, Blue and Luna were tied up against a most-likely poisonous tree trunk surrounded by deadly LeafWings... again. The trunk felt painfully warm against his back. Yep, definitely poisonous.

Suddenly Blue felt a trickling sensation slide down his arm. He shivered and noticed that Cricket was bleeding from a scratch one of the LeafWings had given her. The blood slid down her dirty, golden scales and seeped into his. She gave him an apologetic look, scared to speak with the LeafWings' gaze on them at all times. 

Blue expected them to pounce and rip each of the imposters to shreds. But the LeafWings just stood there, examining him and Cricket. In any other situation, Blue would find it extremely creepy but right now he was just glad he wasn't in pieces stuck between one of their sharp teeth. The LeafWings probably haven't seen a SilkWing for a very long time... since the tree wars. I'm like an exquisite, priceless piece of artwork to them.

Blue felt Cricket ruffle her wings and blushed slightly at the contact. Were the LeafWings gawking at how embarrassed Blue probably looked right now being tied so close to Cricket?

Belladonna stepped forward, pushing past the rest of her tribe, reeking of authority. Blue guessed she must have a special position in the underdeveloped tribe.

Belladonna sneered, "Are you sure you can trust these dragons my daughter?" 

"They saved my life Mother. I am extremely grateful." Sundew's voice came from behind Blue. As Blue turned to look for his friend, suddenly the ropes loosened and he and Cricket were free. Sundew tossed the cut ropes aside and glanced at Blue with a straight face. A proud glint I her eyes didn't go unnoticed though. He guessed it was her way of thanking him. Maybe she didn't know how to smile? Sundew had dark circles around her eyes and her green and brown scales looked paler and awfully dry. Blue had forgotten she had been held hostage for at least a week. He could only imagine what Queen Wasp had done to his friend.

He was relieved to be free from the searing, burning pain from the poison tree. Blue glanced at Cricket who was rubbing her sore arm and he blushed deeper. She looked up at him from the corner of her glasses and smiled, mouthing the words 'I'll be fine.'

"Ahem HiveWing! SilkWing!" Belladonna snapped. "There's someone who would like to meet you. Then we can discuss what you saw in the Book of Clearsight." She swept away regally, earning intimidated looks from her tribe.

Blue froze. How would they react when he told them the Book of Clearsight was useless? More importantly, who was this someone they needed to meet. Another crazy, deranged LeafWing? Full respect to them, but the LeafWings are caught up in the middle of another continent-ending war. There comes a time when you need to slow down and make some friends. 

Cricket shuffled over to Blue and whispered, "How did a bunch of dragonets like us end up responsible for the fate of their entire continent?" 

Blue laughed. "We're either doing something very right or something very wrong."

"Because I enjoy being Queen Wasp's worst nightmare you know?" Cricket smiled.

"We were both born to be hazards." Blue said . "I'm a fugitive flamesilk and you're my sidekick who can resist mind control."

"Hey! I'm pretty sure you're the sidekick! I am the heroine!" Cricket flared her wings.

"Who said any of youse were the hero?" Sundew said scaring the life out of Blue. The LeafWings blended in so well to the rest of the jungle that he had a hard time seeing them coming. "I just saved your skin. I would've gladly had you killed if I didn't..."

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