Magic (Blue)

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Blue never really believed in magic. He had heard stories of it. A powerful force and power that dragons rarely possess. He had even heard a rumour that Clearsight was magic. 

Blue had grown up listening to tales of the land across the sea, where there were new, different tribes. If they were out there, how different would they be to Pantala? Do they have crazy, psycho queens too? He had always wondered if they might possess magic. 

Now he wondered where Sundew's coral could've come from. Maybe she had found it when she was going for a casual little stroll along the beach. But then again, if you're wanted and supposed to be extinct, it's kinda hard to go for a leisurely walk without being seen. The coral was a species he had never seen before, not to mention that it was like a portable tracking device. It was incredible. Did someone make it? Enchant it? Did it come from the other continent, (if it even exists)? Do they grow magic coral over there?

Blue tried to picture himself as a dragon from a land far across the sea. He would walk along the coast until he came across a pretty piece of coral. He probably wasn't supposed to be out all alone this late. Did his family worry about him? Will he come home to a loving brother or sister and parents? But he wanted to show them something awesome. He would enchant this coral so that he could find what ever he wished for. However, he would one day lose his magic possession, never to know that it would soon be so important to another dragon on the continent called Pantala.

Blue was sure that Cricket had the same questions. Her brain worked like that, in very mysterious ways. Kind of like his own brain. I mean, have you ever met someone else that imagines his/her as another dragon?

Ah, we have so much in common.

The coral pulled and tugged suddenly in Cricket's talons as they were flying towards Wasp Hive. It did this often along the way. At times, Cricket had to drag Blue across the ground, as he still wasn't used to his brand new wings and she wasn't strong enough to carry him. Plus, that would be awkward.

Once it was Blue's turn to carry the coral, he let it pull him along without turbulence for a while. Then suddenly, as if it had a mind of its own, the coral jerked, throwing him around in the air. Cricket steadied him in the sky, flapping her own wings for balance. The magic coral suddenly spun one hundred and eighty degrees around and took off in the complete opposite direction. 

As it pulled them along, Blue glanced back at Queen Wasp's domain, slowly disappearing behind them. 

"Either the coral is broken, or Sundew is on the move." Cricket pointed out. As her wings started to tire, she wrapped her claws around Blue's for support. Blue relaxed a little, knowing that he shouldn't. 

They were heading to who-knows-where and Blue was dwelling on his stupid crush on Cricket! Suddenly Blue realised that this was the first time he had actually admitted his love for Cricket to himself. Their connection was stronger than anything Blue had ever felt before. He finally understood how Luna felt when she had been told countless times she couldn't be with Swordtail. 

That didn't stop them.

"Hey, I'm not the best at Geograpy, but we're going north, right?" Cricket interrupted his thoughts. Blue nodded, looking into her worried eyes. He hadn't noticed until then how close they were. "Oh no!" She exclaimed, perking up slightly, but not letting go of Blue. "The coral is taking us to the Poison Jungle!" 

Blue spotted specks of green in the distance. The first, actual trees he had seen in the wild. 

But not in a good way.

It wasn't called the Poison Jungle for no reason.

"Wait. No dragon in history had gone in to the Poison Jungle and made it out alive! They disappear and never return, EVER! Why would the HiveWings be taking Sundew there?" Blue asked, beginning to freak out.

"I have a theory, but it's mad. Wild, even!" Cricket said, "If I told you, your cheeks would turn even more pale. And you'd probably ditch me here and now."

Blue took her word for it. He pressed on his cheeks, trying to bring back the colour into them.

The colour drained once again as they landed in front of the first tree Blue had ever seen. Cricket started up at in in wonder. They weren't quite like the few, forbidden pictures of trees that he had seen. They were more... twisted and evil.


The word gave him the heebie-jeebies.

A cold, spine-tingling breeze curled through the air, rustling the dazzling green leaves. It was eerie and quiet. Too quiet. This place seemed completely deserted, like no life lived beneath the endless canopy of green.

But somehow Blue knew that wasn't the case. 

How was it that no HiveWing or LeafWing had returned from this jungle? How was it that there seemed to be no life living amongst the trees? Why would the HiveWings be so interested in bringing Sundew here, now, after all these years? Why would they bring a LeafWing to the only place there were trees? 

Cricket reached out slowly with one claw to touch one of the strange leaves. Blue didn't lile the colour of them. They were green but a sort of sickening yellow-ish green.

Like... poison.

He was about to yank Cricket's talon back from the greenery but it was too late. She held back a scream and jerked it back immediately. She cradled her claw, stiffening up as if she didn't want to cause a racket in the silent jungle. Blue nearly shrieked as well once he had noticed the ghastly green infection that had spread along her claw. 

As Cricket ran her good claw along the mouldy green poison, (which Blue thought was really stupid coming from such a brilliant dragon), her claw sort of... fell off. Cricket held up her only nine-clawed talons in shock. At least the infection was gone. 

"Now we know why Queen Wasp was scared of sending dragons here." Cricket whispered. "But that can't be the only reason." Her last sentence sent chills down Blue's spine.

His thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling scream from somewhere inside the jungle. 

So much for no life. 

Cricket stopped breathing beside Blue. She nudged him and signalled to be absolutely silent. He also noticed that the coral had stopped leading the way. It's like it had given up on finding Sundew... or it didn't want to go into the forest. Blue was with the coral, he didn't want to go anywhere near that scream.

But Cricket apparently did. 

She wandered forward cautiously, avoiding stepping on any leaves. Blue followed reluctantly, feeling the need to protect her.

It was absolutely pitch black deep inside the Poison Jungle and ridiculously quiet given the ear-piercing scream five minutes ago! Blue made a mental note to never ever trust a piece of coral ever again. 

Suddenly Cricket pulled him aside, behind a tree trunk. They were careful not to touch it.

She must've spotted or heard something. Cricket grabbed hold of Blue's talon again, which in any normal situation would've confused him or made him blush tremendously. But he needed to know she was there.

Beyond their hiding spot, Blue saw what Cricket had seen.

A faint glow of flamesilk illuminated a small gathering of dark shapes. He noticed some familiar gold and black scales of HiveWings who held lanterns. He could hear their voices now, shouting threats and roaring. Two of them were dragging an unconscious dragon that stood out from all the other HiveWings. Blue breathed a small sigh of relief as he recognised the unconscious dragon as Sundew. 

The HiveWings were roaring at the other dark shapes who were safely dwelling in the poisonous trees. The poison didn't seem to affect them. There were in fact at least a hundred of them, acting like the Posion Jungle was their home.

But what scared Blue most was the other shapes' wings. They had only two, not four. Their scales blended in with the colour of the trees. 

It all made sense now. 

Cricket, Blue and the HiveWings had found the secret home of the LeafWings.

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