chapter 4

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During dinner, his majesty didn't look at me once. I hated being neglected and I noticed his eye was on the Empress mother's new lady in waiting. What for I can't say but I will tell you what there was not much to look at. I tried many times to get his majesty's attention but failed. He kept looking at her, I caught her looking around a few times and catching him a few times. She looked away worriedly but could feel his gaze constantly.
After dinner, the empress mother left first with her lady before everyone else. When I left, I gave my lady in waiting for a job. "Woori, I need you to find out about the empress 's new servant." I assigned her. "May I ask why?" She asked bowing her head. "Because I need to know who she is, why she is here, what she intends to do," I said simply explained to my servant

It's been a few hours since dinner and the empress has requested tea. I decided to go get it for her so the other maids would not have to. I walked alone in the halls on my way to the kitchen, and when I arrived, I requested tea to help her majesty's headache. Since earlier in the day she has had one, I thought this could help her relax and sleep. I got a tray of cookies on the side along with the tea in case she wanted a snack. I began to walk back to the room when I was approached by another lady in waiting. I knew she was because were wearing similar clothes just in different colors.

She came up to me and I bowed respectfully to her. "You're the empress 's new lady in waiting right?" She asked and I nodded my head. "My name is Woori; I am a lady in waiting to Lady Jane." She introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, I hope we can get along well," I said bowing to her. "I do too." She says simply but her tone seemed a bit sarcastic. "Well if you'll excuse me, I must go now, good evening." I bowed but she prevented me from leaving. "What's your rush?" She asked moving as I moved. "Well I am serving tea to the empress mother and I don't want her to wait too long or for the tea to get cold." I pointed out the tray. "Interesting it is to be wanting tea at such a late hour. Why did she not just call for a maid?" She asked me suspiciously. "Well it was not a big deal, I didn't mind making the trip," I said shrugging. "Tell me are you up to something?" She says very suddenly. "I'm sorry?" I asked taken aback and a bit offended. "Just tell me what's in the tea." She says pointing at the pot. "Fruit, herbs, a bit of honey, and whatever the cook said can help with her majesty's head pain," I said getting annoyed by her suspecting of me doing something wrong. It's my first day I wouldn't dare." You're new here so I hope you can understand that it's hard to trust easily. I cannot let you go unless you can prove that you have no intention of harming the Empress mother." She said. I couldn't believe this. It's my first day and I'm already be suspected by people. Before I could speak someone else did. "I'll prove it." The voice made us turn our heads. Walking towards us was his majesty Emperor Won Youngbae.

I was stunned by his appearance as he walked over to us. When he reached, he took the small cup that held the first glass of tea and drank it in a one-shot. We were both surprised by his act it was very unexpected. "The tea is fine; you don't have to worry now move along." He commanded Woori while watching me the whole time. She had no choice but to walk away or risk being punished. "Thank you, your majesty." I bowed to him with gratitude. "Don't think too much of it. What is your name?" He asked. "My name is Luna Pain," I answered him with my head still down not to look him in the eyes. "I see and what is your job here?" He asked. "I am the lady in waiting to her majesty the empress mother," I said.

She didn't once look up at me and her fearful yet shy tone made me smile. I knew she couldn't see it, so I kept asking her questions. " why did Woori question you?" I asked. "I don't know, I was just taking the tea to the empress and she approached me. I didn't want to be rude, so I greeted her but then she started suspecting me." She said bowing again. "Well the tea will be cold by now and my mother will be annoyed. You should go and make a new batch." I instructed and she nodded her head. She hurried back to the kitchen and after a few moments, she came back with a pot of steaming tea. When she saw me, she seems surprised? "Is there something else you need your majesty?" She asked looking down once more. "Yes, I want you to look me in the eyes from now on. And I will be accompanying you to my mother's room." I said her eyes grew big in shock. Before she could protest, I began to walk in the direction of my mother's room and she followed.
We arrived and I let her in first, the sound of her made my mother stand. "What took you so long?" She asked annoyed and her tone made Luna put her head down. " mother it was not her fault. Woori kept preventing her from coming not wanting to be rude she greeted her. But Woori began to accuse her of nonsense. I overheard it while walking and stopped her. By the time I came your tea had gotten cold, so she rushed to make you more." I explained and she understood. "Luna you are the empress 's lady in waiting so you have more authority over those who wait on concubines such as Jane or any other one." Luna nods her head as if she were a child. "You are dismissed, I'll see you in the morning." She tells Luna dismissing her to her room. "I hope Woori won't give her a hard time tonight," I say sitting on my mother's bed pouring tea for her. "She won't, Luna does not live with the other ladies in waiting she lives in the scholar tower for her training." My mother explained to me. "What are you up to?" She asked suddenly making my smile fade. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You don't know this girl but you're protecting her and making sure she doesn't get in trouble. Why? Does she catch your eye?" She asked with a smile. "No, I am not. As for my eyes, I have no comment and cannot vouch for them." I said causing my mother to laugh. "Well, I will tell you this in case your eyes go weak and try to have their way with Ms. Luna. she is here determined to work to save her struggling family. However long it takes I assume so if you want any chance with her, I would wait till she has done what she needs to." My mother says. "Let's say she finishes helping her family, will she leave?" I asked feeling a bit sad at the idea. I don't know this girl, but I want to. "Who can say other than her, if she does, she may if not then maybe there is a reason she stays." She says sipping the tea slowly. "Well, I'm going to bed goodnight mother," I tell her with a bow before I leave her room.

I walked up the halls alone I bumped into someone else but unlike the last time, I bumped I to someone this person had a smile. "Luna, how have things been going so far?" The person asked. "Lucas it been well and you?" I asked his box smile was adorable. "So, tiring, being a guard is fun, tiring, and sometimes annoying." He said and I laughed. "Where are you headed?" He asked. "Well the empress just dismissed me for the night so I'm going to my room," I said happily. "I see well I don't want to go to my quarters yet so is it alright if I walk with you?" He asked and I just nodded. We walked quietly until I asked him. "Lucas, how long have you been working here?" I asked. "A little over 5 months now, I'm still on the new end too." He explained, "Can I ask you, would you consider me your friend?" He asked suddenly. "Well, I would say so because you are the only person, I somewhat know but we can get closer over time." I made him smile. "Okay, friend." He says happily

I watched the new server and guard walk together and she was not headed to the area where other servant girls slept. "What's her deal, why is she here? I asked aloud and thankfully go no answer.

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