chapter 6

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The rest of that day Luna was still conflicted about if she should meet the emperor in the mornings as he asked her too. He seemed to give her a choice when he let her leave this morning, but she was not very sure. That night after dinner Luna set off to bring tea for the Empress mother and the Emperor who was with his mother at the moment.
I was making my way back with the tray of tea and cups for the Emperor and empress mother when I was stopped. Jane had begun to walk toward me and as a lady in waiting I still respect her. I bowed silently before attempting to leave. "Wait." I stopped and turned to her bowed once more. "Yes, lady Jane-?" I asked but she said nothing. I lifted my head when I felt her palm struck my face. I almost dropped the tea, but I didn't thankfully, I wanted to slap her back, but I can't. My rank does not allow me to do such things.... yet." Lady Jane have I done something wrong?" I asked not sure what I should do. "I understand that you're new, but you must learn that you have a place here and it's not with the emperor, " she says. "I'm sorry?" I said not understanding what the emperor had to do with anything. "Don't play dumb with me, the emperor is the biggest prize in this world." She says accusing me of attempting to seduce the emperor. "Lady Jane I have no interest in the emperor," I said not rallying knowing what else to say. "Don't make me laugh, and don't make me regret letting you off easy this time. Heed my warning you have no place here so leave while you can or suffer the consequences." She says before walking away, I had no time to spare I needed to get to the empress. I rushed to her room and gave her the tea. Thankfully she didn't notice I took a bit of time, but the emperor did. They were drinking the tea and were satisfied so the empress mother dismissed me for the night. I walked out and was heading to my room when the emperor stopped me. "Luna." He called my name making me turn around. He was a bit close and when I turned, he could see one of my cheeks were a bit red. " were you taking longer because someone hit you?" He asked his hand rises and tried to touch my cheek, but I stepped back. I didn't want to lie but I also didn't want to tell, it would sound like I'm compelling. Say he punishes lady Jane for it, she really with think I am trying to seduce the emperor.... wait what am I thinking I'm a servant why would he go through all that trouble to help me. So, I just said nothing. "Who did it?" He asked his hand still on my cheek as he looked deeply into my eyes. My eyes grew big when he asked that, he seemed angry, but I don't get why. "Your majesty it is nothing you have to be concerned about, I am fine," I said moving from his hold not knowing what else to do with my head down. "If you don't want to tell me I won't push you but let me advise you. Don't let anyone punish you for something you didn't do or if you don't deserve it." He says placing both his hands on my shoulders. "I understand but I must also consider my rank, even if I am misunderstood people of higher rank still have the power to control me to a certain point," I explained hoping he would understand the palace rules even though he is the emperor. My words made him huff but I didn't know what was going through his mind. "You may go now; I will see you in the morning." He says I just nodded my head and watched him walk into his mother's room once more. I headed down the halls and walked pass the concubines' chambers when I saw a familiar face leaving it. " Luna Pain is that you? This is unbelievable, you here in the palace and working as a maid. I truly thought you would do better." She says with a chuckle. She was the person who I disliked as children because she treated everyone as if she were better than them. Her name is Lucia.

Don't misunderstand she is very beautiful, but she is vain as well. Her looks are her everything and get her everything she wants by using them. Many boys adored her from a young age because of her looks and wish to be admired by the opposite sex. She came to be a concubine about 2 years ago, that men all the men she had following her around like lovesick puppies needed a new darling because she was the emperor's property. Until he says otherwise. "Nice to see you again as well Lucia," I said bowing to her not intending to stay and hear her words. I began to leave but she stopped me. "How does it feel" being lower than me?" She asked making me turn to her. "Excuse me?" I asked. "You heard me; how does it feel to lose to me again?" I was very annoyed. "I do hope you know that we were never in battle." I reminded her but k owing her she wouldn't care. To be honest about our past she always thought I wanted what she had. Almost everyone would compare us to each other. We both hated it, but it was actually people comparing her to me. She would do everything she could to outdo me, but I never tried to compete with her. Iam not trying to sound cocky, but I have always been a pretty girl as well. My friends and family tell me I just grow more beautiful as I get older and more mature.

"I don't really matter because we all know the answer anyway. Run along to do whatever it is you are, and I look forward to seeing you around more fervent." She says with a laugh before walking off. I was so annoyed by her the ones who had deal with her mother were lucky.
I arrived back to my room and sat on my bed with a huff of tiredness.

I'm grateful for this job and the fact that I can work to help my family, but this job is annoying as well. Women constantly assume I'm after the emperor. People constantly think I want to be his concubine and the emperor himself gist being odd, I guess. I began to work from one of my books that is part of my training. Even though it is getting late I need to be promoted as quickly as possible. I stayed up for hours studying and I was very tired, but I notice the time and began to freak out. I hurried and went to clean myself up before changing my clothes I need sleep, but I don't have any more time to lose. I hurried outside and to the place, the emperor would be, and I saw him. I took a moment to calm myself up before going over to him. "Greetings your majesty," I said softly. He turned to see me bowing. "You may rise Luna-." He said letting me rise. "I am glad you decided to come." He says I took a bleep berth before I spoke. "I realized there is no harm in being here as someone you can talk to. I have no ill intentions and it is too early for anyone to notice us here together. My great earlier was that people would misunderstand my reason for being at the palace as a plot to win your majesty's favor." I admired with my head down. "If you were to win my favor would you turn me down?" He asked stepping closer to me. I took a second before I took a step back. "To tell you the truth I do not know but I do that at the moment I am here to work to help my family and I do not need any distractions," I said I saw him smile.

Youngbae pov
"I admire your dedication to your family Luna and I will try my best to help you with promotion but would you coming to meet me before daybreak every day not count as a distraction." I pointed out. She just smiled at me; her smile made me feel as if I were the only person in her eyes. " not really I study to be a scholar as night while I work as your mother's lady in waiting during the day. This is fine." She says but I turned concerned. "If you study all night did you not get any sleep?" I asked and she put her head down. "No, your majesty but that's alright I should be fine." She says trying to erasure me. "Here rest now, you start work soon and you can work off of nothing." He says there was a blanket on the ground with two cushions. "Your majesty, did you prepare this?" I asked nearing it shyly as he sat down on it. "Well yes, I figured we will be here for a bit and standing for a long time can tire our legs, so I brought this for us to rest on." He explained as his legs crossed." I don't know if I should." I hesitated. "Just sit don't fight with me." He says but I was still unsure. "As your emperor, I order you to sit with me." He says in a tone that shocked me and made me move without realizing." See there is no harm, and I won't bite you." He says pulling me by my waist closer to him when he noticed I was a bit far away. Even though I am here I still must be careful always. "I understand, now do you have anything you want to talk about today?" I asked. "Yes, I want to talk about you today. I want you to tell me about yourself." He says. "Me? Well, there is not much to say. I'm a simple girl from a little town and I came here to save my family. That seems to sum up everything." I said just then a breeze blow past. It was not too strong but strong enough to blow a thin piece of hair fell out of place. The emperor had changed his position and was sitting with one knee up and his arm resting on it. I was sitting with my legs under my bottom but on my side. "Other than that, like what's your family like, what made you want to do things, what do you like, what do you dislike?" He says. "Your majesty do you truly want to know me personally?" I asked. "Is there something wrong with that?" He asked but then he gently placed the hair back where it should be. I didn't know what to do or what to think, my mind when blank and I could only say one thing. "No."

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