chapter 38

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The Emperor has ordered no one to enter Luna's palace until he could talk to her. He told Leon to stay in his palace, Liluo was to stay in Alex's room because they will be engaged soon. Lucas will be with some of the other guards. Even though no one could get in, Luna still refused to come out and speak to him. In the end, Emperor Youngbae waited in the garden of her palace for her to come and talk to him. Day and night with no food or water refusing to leave without seeing Luna. Luna didn't care what he did anymore because she was upset but more upset at herself.


Its night time and the last few hours of day 3. The Emperor has forbidden anyone from entering my palace and I refuse to leave it to face him. I can't believe I keep falling for this time and time again. When I finally accept that I still love him, he is with someone else. I want to sleep but the sound of rain and thunder outside is making me worry. The loud noise can only make me think of him now. I got out of my bed and walked to one of the windows where I could see him but he could not see me. There in front of my doors, the Emperor kneeled unmoved and unbothered by the rain. "What is wrong with him," I asked myself aloud before leaving the window and heading into the kitchen area of the palace. I decided to eat something because I needed to distract myself from thinking about him. After I finished cooking something random, I heard a big thud from outside. The sound made me worry about what happened so I ran out to see. I stopped at the door when I saw the Emperor passed out on the ground. He looked thinner, pale, and he was drenched in rain. I didn't think twice before I ran out to check on him. I fell to the ground by his side and lifted his head gently in case he was bruised. "Your majesty. " I called him but he didn't wake up. I tried a few more times but it didn't work. I used all of my power to lift him and bring him inside my home and to a bed. When I got him in the bed, I removed his wet clothe and replaced them with some of Lucas's dry ones. I covered him with blankets to warm him up. I rush and made him some soup to warm him up and kept it warm for when he wakes up. I looked over his body for bruises of any kind but he was fine. I was relieved and just waiting for him to wake up now. "Ya Won Youngbae how dare you worry me like this. You know I'm mad at you but you decide to get yourself hurt to make me take care of you! You're so bothersome. You starved yourself for days to make me talk to you. Your dehydrated and now your sick but I have to be responsible for it." I ranted knowing he can't hear me. "This is all your fault you know. Had you not been such an idiot in the first place, we could have been married with more children than just Leon. We could have been happy together years ago but you just had to be so idiotic. You never considered me when you did things like that. You even assumed I loved someone other than you. I question your sanity when I think back to that time you know. I was crazy about you, I didn't dear look at another man because I had you and you were my everything." I let out a sigh as a tear rolled down my face. "If you were awake, I would never tell you these things. It would be too hard for me for some reason but I guess this is the only way I can tell you my true feelings. I guess when you wake up things will go back to normal. I won't bother you with this stuff, it will just be a waste of time." I finished my rant and stood up to let him rest. At that moment my hand was grabbed and he spoke making my soul leave my body for a moment out of fear. "I was wrong." I turned to see his eyes open slowly and hearing his weak voice. "Your majesty, you almost scared me to death." He tried to sit up but I made him stay down. I felt his forehead and he was still burning up and shivering. "Luna, please forgive me. It's all my fault I lost you in the first place. I was wrong and I am full of regret and guilt." You can hear how his nose is blocked as he spoke. "Your majesty calms down, you're sick and shouldn't be worrying so much." "How can I not worry knowing I will lose you again?!" He says. "Your majesty." "Youngbae! Call me Youngbae the way you did when you were speaking earlier. I never want to hear you say your majesty to me again." He says sitting up against my wish. "You need rest, I'll go get your food." I tried to escape this but he is not going to give up. He held my shoulders to keep me from leaving. "Luna please, I can't lose you more than I already have. I am begging you to give me a chance to make these things right. Dianna kissed me the other day when you came out. It surprised me but by the time I pushed her away you were there to seen what she wanted you to. Years ago I was a drunk mess after you left me and I somehow ended up in Jane's bedroom. I don't remember anything from when I was drunk and I don't want to ever. I just want you back, please. I will give up anything to have you be my woman." He started crying I couldn't take his tears like I never could. "Enough, there is nothing we can do about what has happened. The only thing we can do is chose for ourselves what to do with the time we have left." I explained giving him a hug to stop him from crying. When he stopped, he looked at me with the most serious eyes I had ever seen him have. "Luna, marry me." He says you would think after all the talk we have before about me marrying him would make this less of a surprise to me but it didn't. "Your majesty, don't act so rash. We have all the time in the world to get there but right now there are other things to take care of. " "the more time I push it off the more time I lose with you. When we die no one knows what will happen to us. There is a chance that it is the end just as much as there is a chance that there is something after death." I was surprised he was speaking of such things. "You are talking like you will die soon. Is there something I should know about?" "No, I mean the more time we push this back the more time we lose to enjoy our lives. Please, Luna, marry me."

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