chapter 13

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Youngbae's Pov

A bit later Luna and her lady in waiting arrived and greeted me, she saw Lady Jane by my side and her eyes looked annoyed but also confused. "your majesty please excuse my rude behavior but am I correct to assume the reason you summoned me here is because Madame Jane told you I slapped her?" she asked I was surprised. "Luna this is true?" I asked hoping she was just guessing but it was clear. "Yes, I did I admit it. However, based on the fact that you are surprised I guess she failed to tell you the full story that led to her being slapped," she says I looked at Jane and saw her with a stone face. "Tell me what happened," I say not looking away from Jane. " If I were like her I would have come crying to you, she slapped me first yet I said nothing at all." She stated. "You seemed to have left that part out." I tell Jane who could not deny it. " when I slapped her, I warned her to never put her hands on myself or bully anyone else." She says. "lady Jane would you care to explain?" I asked angrily she left that out. " she is lying your majesty" she says on her knees. " tell me why you hit her." I demanded but she denied even though it was obvious I didn't believe her. " your majesty, she did it because she saw us together earlier." Luna explained not hesitating at all. "so you put your hands on Luna because you were jealous, but when she gave you the punishment you deserved you came running to me wanting to punish her because you are weak?" I asked her getting up. " your majesty I am a weak woman who can not fight like scholar Luna. It was an unfair advantage, I had no other choice than to come to you to save me. Not to mention I have been feeling quite ill lately. " Jane tried to sway my thinEmperor on the matter but failed. "if you knew you could not compete with her why did you start the fight?" I asked raising my voice at her. "your majesty, she is changing you, you have never raised your voice at me before. Open your eyes and see you are under her spell." She says getting up with help from her lady in waiting. "Why do you women believe that just because the Emperor has feelings for someone else she has bewitched him?" Luna asked and I chuckled mentally. "Your majesty. " Jane tried to coax me once more. "Shut your mouth and apologize," I command and watch her face turn shocked. "Your majesty," she says but I looked over her head. "I will apologize for offending scholar Luna but I will not apologize for loving you, your majesty." She says before a tear rolls down her eyes.

Luna's POV

A performer indeed I thought as Jane cried tears I almost believed. I know today will not be my end with her and that she is a manipulative person no question. My thoughts were interrupted when she spoke. "Scholar Luna I ask your mercy for my behavior but I hope you can understand I truly love his majesty," she says with her head down but I saw her eyes glaring at me while she bowed to me. If she wants to put on a show, what is the harm if playing a role for a while. "Lady Jane I understand your genuine love for his majesty and you envy for someone else to receive his favor. I can not say I would not feel the same because I , like you, have a love for his majesty. I hope we will be able to peacefully co-exist here in the palace." I say while looking into the Emperor's eyes lovingly. "Does that mean you forgive me?" She asked unsure of the meanings of my wise words. "Yes, I forgive you lady Jane and your majesty I apologize for disturbing you with this petty matter," I said bowing to him. Jane bowed as well. "Rise, lady Jane you may go. Scholar Luna I would like to discuss law backgrounds with you. I am at a crossroads. " he says. "Yes, your majesty. " we both said, lady Jane walked out but she looked unstable in her steps. 

When she left, I looked at the Emperor. "Come here and look." He says sitting in his seat I simply followed him and stood by his side. "I looked over the maps again and again but I couldn't see weak spots in natural protectors." He says showing me rivers, mountains, deserts and other things surrounding the Empire's domain. "Well they are natural boundaries, I do not know if there is much we can do about them," I tell him not knowing how I could help with mother nature's creation of the earth. "Everything seems fine, but there is a small area in the mountain." He says pointing to a spot on the map. I could not see what he spoke of. "your majesty I am not as smart as you, pleases tell me what to look for?" "Here look closer." He says taking my hand and pulling me down closer to the map. I still couldn't see it and didn't notice he was still pulling me. "I worry that the small opening in the mountain would allow someone to sneak through." He says. I felt quite dumbfounded when I hit his lap. Suprised I try to get up but he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at me lovingly.

"Don't move, I want you to stay with me tonight." He says in a voice I had never heard before. "Your majesty what do you mean?" I asked unsure of what was happening. The next thing I knew his lips captured mine hungrily as if I would disappear if he let me go. When he let my lips go, he went to my neck. I was very surprised and unprepared. "Your majesty please stop," I asked trying to push him away. "I want to make you mine fully Luna." He says in between the kisses he was placing on me." your majesty I'm sorry but I am not ready for this." I said growing breathless from his intense touch. When he heard my words, he stopped moving. He moved his head and looked me in my eyes

"I'm sorry your majesty I am just too afraid to do this at the moment," I said feeling bad that I could not fulfill his need. He lifted my head and kissed my lips sweetly before he spoke. "My love for you is strong enough to wait for you to give yourself to me willingly," he says I didn't know why I was so touched, a tear rolled down my cheek as I think of how no one has ever treated me with so much love and affection. He kissed the tear away and hugged me, I knew I had to make it up to him Just not now. "Your majesty my birthday is soon I would like to fully give myself to you then. That is if you can wait for me." I suggested and the gentle smile on his lips eased me. "Luna if you are not ready, you are not ready. I don't want you to feel pressure to do anything you do not want to. Never by anyone, especially not by me. " he says stroking my hair. "No I want to I just can't now," I tell him with a deep breath. "If you want to do it then on your 22nd birthday we will. But if you change your mind we will wait as long as you need." He says I simply nodded my head as he kissed it. "Your majesty are you upset with me?" I asked like a child asking their parents. "No, my love I am not upset, besides waiting and earning your love desire will make our first time all the sweeter." He says sweetly.

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