chapter 43

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It's been two years since the war in Oden began. The Emperor always writes to us to assure us he is okay and he will come home soon but soon always seems to be so far away. Leon is now 10 years old and the Emperor missed his last two birthdays. I know it is not his fault but it is still upsetting. There is another thing I regret I didn't do when I had the chance 2 years ago. I turned him down for marriage because I felt something was stopping me. Now two years without him here I often feel lonely. Liluo and I both are in the same boat because along with the Emperor are Lucas and Alexander. Leon and Xander are both living peaceful and happy here still brothers even if it's not by blood. Jane and Woori have been locked up since that day but I stopped going to see them. I tried at first to get them to change but they never do. All they talk about is how she should have been Empress and she will get her revenge. I got tired of it so I stopped going to see them. Before the Emperor left for the war, he as predicted gave the title of the crown prince to Leon. I still have my worries but he has been doing well with it so I calmed down a lot. Xander has been by his side as well as growing just the same. Xander and his mother live happy and peaceful lives in the palace and I am very happy for them but I still wish the Emperor would return sooner. I sat at a table in one of the walkways watching the snow fall softly. I was still in thought about the last 2 years when Liluo appeared rushing down the hall to me dressed beautifully.

"I found you!" She says as she comes to a stop. "What's wrong?" "Good you don't have to change you look beautiful." She says looking at my dress quickly.

I was confused. "Liluo what's wrong?" I asked again but she only smiled. "They have returned." She says my eyes grew big. "How do you know?" "The first carriage has arrived and Lucas was in it." She said. "Are they okay?" "They were victorious Luna, the Emperor is on his way home." She says holding my hands excitedly. At that moment Lucas arrived and greeted us with hugs. I rushed to get Leon and tell Xander of the Emperor's arrival. In these past years, Leon has grown so much and he is very handsome like his father so has Xander.

They were still adorable but getting older day by day. After we found them the horns and drums sounded announcing the Emperor 's arrival. We hurried all together to gates of the palace where all the carriages were and his men were lined up. At last, he stepped out of the carriage and I was seeing him face to face. Nothing stopped Leon and Xander from attacking him with hugs of joy to see their father. The Emperor still allowed Xander to call him father because of their relationship. It lasted a few moments before he looked back up to me. I had a silent and shy smile on my face as I avoid eye contact. He let the boys go before he walked over to me. I looked up and into his eyes and we had a moment before anything else could happen. It was like a moment of reconnection for the both of us and before I could say a word. When he took me I to a strong hug I didn't want him to let me go.


I was home and with my family and in my arms is the love of my life that stayed on mind since I left 2 years ago. Luna and the boys were all of my strength to fight because as long as I survived would come home to them and the people of my country. However, I didn't just survive, returned victorious because of the people I was fighting to return to. I put a little space between us to look at Luna from head to toe and shook my head. "You seem to grow more beautiful every time I see you." She blushed at my words making me smile before I kissed her cheek and pulled her back into the hug. After a little bit more time I was reminded that I have to greet the rest of the people in the palace. With that I took Luna's hand and with her by my side we all headed to the throne room. "The Emperor has returned!" The door opened for me and everyone who was behind me. I was greeted happily by my people and spoke to them after so long. I about dismissed everyone when I decided now will be the perfect time to do what I have been waiting for. "I would like everyone to prepare greatly because by this time next week, lady Luna Pain will be my wife and your Empress," I said while I took her hand. Everyone including Luna was surprised by my sudden announcement. I could see Luna wanted to talk to me about it first but I just made her wait a bit. Everyone but a few were on their knees bowing to her in congratulations. When it ended, we went on a walk hand and hand. "How can you just announce that without giving me a warning?" "Im tired of waiting, Luna. You didn't marry 2 years ago because if your case now I will not wait any longer." I reminded her. "It still would have been nice to have a fair warning before you annoyed everyone that we will be getting married in a matter of days. That is not enough time to prepare for an entire wedding." "For average people no but for the Emperor, all you need is one day. Besides, it doesn't have to be the extravagant wedding ever. Just something for us to do the traditions and be officially married." He says. "No, I want an over the top wedding. It's been my dream since I was young and what is more extravagant than marrying an Emperor ?" I laughed at her words. "Alright, then a big wedding it is." She giggled as she held my arm. "I need to send for my mother as well." "Your father?" "Not in this lifetime." She says shutting the idea down. "I will have the servants prepare my palace." "Why?" She asked confused. "Well once we're married you will move into my palace. " " but what about Leon, Lucas, and Liluo?" "Leon will Keep the snow palace to himself. Liluo will be moving into Alexander 's yard as his wife and Lucas will receive his own as well." I explained. "Youngbae, Leon is only 10, how can we let him live there alone? How about we let Lucas stay there with him till Leon is old enough to do so?" "Fine but either way you will be moving in with me." She nodded her head. "Well, if we will be married in a few days we have a lot to do. The invitations, the decorations, the dress." She started to worry. "Luna calm down I can lift one of your worries now." She looked at me confused. "Come on." I led her somewhere not too far from my palace. Inside there was a very private room and I covered her eyes before we entered. "Okay, you can look now." I uncovered her eyes and she saw I did. "Wha...whats all this?" She asked moving towards my surprise. "I have been waiting and dreaming of this day for so long and in my dreams, I can see you in some of the most beautiful dresses. I drew them out and had each of them made for the day you say yes holding you would pick one. Do you like them?" She touched all of the dressed one by one.

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