chapter 23

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I looked out at the water watching the sea as the boat moved to sway me back and forth. To be honest, it was making me seasick but I just closed my eyes to hold myself together. "My lady, are you feeling unwell?" I heard Liluo ask me. "I am a bit seasick but I'm fine, Also, I'm just Luna now," I explained. "Well, are you excited?" She asked and I could only smile. "I feel bad that I didn't get to see or talk to my mother one last time," I said I felt guilty leaving her in the dark. "You could always message her when we get to Oden." Liluo reminded her and I felt a bit better. "Oh, where is Lucas?" I asked not seeing him around anywhere. "He is eating below deck, come on we should eat as well. I don't want you getting another headache." Liluo says. "Thank you but if I eat something on the boat I'm just gonna toss it up and into the sea," I said with a laugh. "Luna you have to take care of yourself from now on. You are free to do anything you want now. There is just one thing I wonder." She says. "Huh?" I asked. "What if one day the Emperor finds us, what will we do?" She asked suddenly turning worried. "There is nothing we have to do," I said simply. "He will force us to return, we all will be punished." " We are no longer in his Empire, he can not make us do anything so if he finds us or not doesn't matter," I explained with a sigh. "Luna, it's been hard on you. You should go rest." Liluo says. "I will, you go ahead ill be down in a minute," I assured her. Right now I just really wanted to be alone. When Liluo left, I kept looking at the water for a while longer till I drew tired and headed to sleep.

Back in the Empire


I sent every person I could to look for Luna, Liluo, and Lucas but they are nowhere to be found. I sat in my throne room angry, worried, upset, and frustrated. How could I have been such a fool, I knew I shouldn't have gotten drunk. I just couldn't help myself, I wanted to forget and start over with Luna. However, all I did was make it a million times worse I stayed in my thoughts until lady Jane came in with a smile on her face. Her smile was for obvious reasons and it made me so angry but I couldn't take my anger out on her. "greetings Youngbae." she says and I glared at her coldly. " who gave you permission to say my name, because I know I didn't." I said angrily and she didn't seem scared. "your majesty, remember you told me last night to call you by your name when we are alone together." she says taking a seat next to me and grabbed my arm but I snatched it away. " Youngbae I." but I stopped her from speaking. "stop calling me that, I don't remember last night and I don't want to, so forget it as well. Don't touch me either, my body is not yours nor is it for you." I said moving away from her annoyed. "but last night you said you love me, that you love me for holding our child, that you resent Luna and that she means nothing to you." she says but it made me angry. "Other than the child there is nothing in you that I love lady Jane so don't think otherwise." I said not caring if I hurt her feeling or not. "if you don't love me, then why did you come to me after you left Luna last night." she asked with a huff of anger. " I was not in my right mind, I was drunk and emotional over what happened between Luna and I. I treated her like nothing because of you, I made you happy but at what cost. Because of you, I lost the one woman who made me truly happy in this world. I said angrily but she didn't even look sad or hurt, she simply stood up and held her belly. " Your majesty, I hope with time you will remember and understand what is more important. Me and your child or some worthless peasant woman who you think you love. Didn't she have an affair anyway, you should know she doesn't love you." she says but her words made my way beyond mad. "YOU!" I yelled at last but before I could punish her for her vile words an announcement was made. " The Queen Mother has arrived!" I stopped and we both looked towards where my mother will enter from. "Greeting's mother," Jane says bowing to my mother. " Lady Jane, please do not call me that. it makes me feel strange." she says as she approached us quickly. "oh mother I was hoping you would get used to it because soon the Emperor and I will marry. also, I was hoping you could help me." Jane says reminding both of us of my mother proclamation. "help you with what?" my mother asked. "well I want to help the Emperor as much as possible when I become queen, so I was hoping you could give me the advice to do so" she says with a smile to my mother. I could almost read my mother's thoughts but she smiled back. "Lady Jane, will you please leave me and my mother alone to discuss." I requested she bowed and agreed. " yes your majesty, I was planning to think of baby names for a while. November is approaching and I simply can't wait any longer to meet my little baby." she says before she left. when she did, my mother exploded at me. "where is my Luna!" she yelled furiously. " Mother." I tried to calm her down but it was not gonna be easy. "Don't mother me, I want to know what you have done to that poor girl," she says. "I messed up mother, badly." I said as I sat down in my throne. "what did you do?" she asked. "how I had been treating her lately doesn't compare to what I did last night. I slept with lady Jane because I was angry and drunk. I don't remember much but Luna heard us and she left. I didn't know she was gone until this morning when I got her letter." I explained and my mother didn't know what to do. "mother let me ask you why you had to make that proclamation years ago? why couldn't you just wait for me to find the woman I wanted."I asked but she turned angrily. " you will not blame this me. had you not taken you so long you would already have a queen. I know you love Luna but it is your fault you lost her. If you want her back you will need to earn her back. when you find her you must earn her trust and her heart. and when you do you must bring her back home and make sure you never lose them again." she says I simply nodded my head. she left and I was alone with my thoughts.

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