chapter 22

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I have not seen the Emporer for a week but I have been receiving his notes and gifts every night. They make me happy that he still thinks of me. His gift chooses are a bit odd though, he sends some things he knows I don't really care for. I won't complain though because they are gifts with meaning. It is a nice thought but I would rather not receive gifts. I don't think a gift can compare to actually being with someone, however, due to our situation I understand and accept them.

I got out of bed and I felt dizzy and knew I needed to eat. Last night Liluo had cooked food for me but I was tired and didn't have an appetite so I just went to bed. I left my room and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat on my own. I didn't want to bother anyone so I made my own food and ate it deliciously. When I left, as I walked the halls ran into the Empress mother. "Greetings your grace," I said with a bow and when I raised she had a not very readable look on her face. "Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Luna, Youngbae told be what happened yesterday between you and lady Jane. Are you okay?" She asked. "He told you what really happened, I didn't think he bothered to look into it and prove I didn't do anything," I said surprised but she was surprised as well. "What do you mean?" She asked but I was confused. "What do you mean, what do I mean?" I asked back. "The Emperor told me you pushed and or hit lady Jane. He saw her on the grown when he stopped you, and when he tried to talk to you, you refused to do so. I thought it was a bit odd so I wanted to check on you" She explained. "So he still doesn't bother to try and find me innocent," I said annoyed and in disbelief. "Well, what really happened?" She asked. "Lady Jane called me to her room because she wanted to tell me something. Before she did I told her I want us to stop fighting because it is pointless and she is about to have a baby. However, she said she doesn't want to stop because she wants me to leave the palace. Then as we're were talking she suddenly started yelling nonsince. I tried to calm her down when she accused me of wanting to kill her and her child. I was upset and offended so I yelled at her out of anger. When I did, she dropped to the floor pretending I hurt her. The Emperor only saw her on the ground and my finger pointing at her but he assumed what she said and what he heard was true and made me leave." I explained the Empress mother felt so bad. "I am sorry you have suffered my dear. I do not doubt your words because over the years I have known about Jane's little acts when the Emperor and I are not around." She says and I felt happy she knew I was not lying "You know her pregnancy is so sudden and surprising to everyone. I don't know how even I missed it." She says still confused. "Your grace you don't spend much time with the women of the herm as some others so how could you have noticed." I reminded her. "What I wouldn't give for you to be pregnant instead of her. I know the Emperor truly loves you and only acts this way because he is expecting a child. If you were pregnant instead of her, you would not be suffering so much." The Empress's mother says stressed. "It's alright your majesty, there are many things we can not control but we must live with things we don't want to." I soothed her. While we were speaking, the Emperor made his appearance. Before he came our way through his mother left me alone. At last, he approached me. "It's been a while since I have seen you, Luna, what brings you here?" He asked I bowed before I spoke. "Yes, it has been a while, your majesty, I was simply wondering around today," I explained. "Luna I have talked to lady Jane." He started but I stopped him. "Your majesty I think it would be best for everyone if I just stay away from lady Jane from now on. This way I can not somehow cause trouble or be accused of things that are not my doing." I said hoping he would understand but I have the feeling right now the Emperor is not the same as before.


"Why must you stay away for there to be peace? can you not just control yourself?" I asked angrily that her way to solve the problem to her is to run from it. I know Luna is a stubborn woman but she was wrong to hurt Jane and she should admit her fault. I know Jane is not the sweetest but we all must adjust to her from now on and since she is caring for my child I must protect her even from the ones I love. "So after all this arguing you still think I hurt her. Let me ask you if I did do you think I would do so, with simply the reason I'm jealous of her. I am not by the way so don't think jealousy on my part had anything to do with this." She says ever since we found out Jane was pregnant Luna has changed. She attacks Jane randomly. Because of our relationship, I just warn her but she didn't listen to me, now she wants to solve the problem by not facing it. She is really too much now but I can not bear to punish her, I just hope she will admit she is wrong. "I intend to do as I say, I will stay out of your way." she says turning and leaving. When she walked I took a deep breath and rubbed my head before heading the other way. I was going to pass her room when I saw something odd, she had just left but someone has just entered. Luna and Liluo are both out so I don't know who it was. Whoever he was, he had a gift in his hand. I waited a bit till he came out and left, I entered the room to see quite a few gifts scattered around. On the table I saw a pile of letters that were opened, I picked one up and read it in my head.

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