Chapter XII

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Roman Torchwick's POV:

I couldn't believe Cinder's been snapping out at Adam and I for the entire night for something we had no control over. She's been pissed off since that night she helped with my escape from the dust store job she had me do. "How do you not only lose a team to blackmail Beacon, but loose a large number of soldiers and supplies to ONE MAN!? ONE FUCKING MAN!" Adam was spending every minute dodging Cinder's fireballs while her lackeys Mercury and Emerald stood behind her smirking at our pain. "How was I supposed to know someone was gonna rescue them while another shot up half of my men!?" Cinder lowered her hand that was charging up another fire ball before she took a deep breath and asked, "Someone shot your men while another saved the girls?" She still had an angered expression, yet she was curious. She's been sending out Neo to find any information on who made that shot which scarred her face that night to hunt him down and kill him personally. I lowered my arms, but stayed cautious just in case while I approached Adam's side to join in on the conversation. "I don't know, none of us managed to get a look at him. We charged at him only to be cut down but a rifle and bundle of dynamite." She raised an eyebrow and sat behind her desk not breaking contact with him. "Dynamite!? You sure it was TNT Adam?" Her voice still had some anger towards him, but she kept calm for now. "Yes, the few that survived claimed they heard a sizzling much like a fuse on a firework before an object landed in front of them exploding. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before waving Adam off before looking at me still pissed off. "What?" Was all I could ask without dying right here and now. "Has Neo returned yet?" I shook my head no before I pulled out a cigar to light it. I looked at her as she glared at me, so I decided to give her the news Neo shared with me over the phone. "She hasn't found out who shot you, but there is something you ought to know." "What would that be?" She kept one of her arms in the air near her head fiddling her fingers while leaning back looking at me with the same amount of anger as she gave Adam. "Apparently Ozpin may have a gunfighter working for him." She scoffed and put her arm down before responding. "Ozpin has a gunfighter. Unlikely! Gunfighters don't work for schools let alone without some form of payment." She got up and started to stare out the warehouse window behind her before I replied, "She also sent me a picture of the gunfighter." I pulled my scroll out and pulled up the picture before showing it to Cinder. She turned around and stared at my scroll before asking, "Why does he look familiar?" She stood back up and started to think to herself before Mercury answered, "That looks like the guy from the train. There's no way that's the same guy." I put my scroll away before I gave Cinder a similar answer, but not about the man himself. "Neo also mentioned that he uses a pair of old revolvers. The same ones that shot at me from the store you had me ro-" "Quiet!" I instantly shut up waiting for a fireball, but nothing came towards me. "If that really is the guy then the plan's changed. He'll kill us just for walking around if he ever catches us." She looked at me and said, "You get caught and you're on your own, so be careful as if your life depends on it." She then let me go, but before I left the room I overheard her say, "Mercury, get a hold of that cowboy from Mistral and find out how much for his service." I didn't stick around to hear the rest, but I knew something big was gonna go down, and she's gonna be at the center of it. I went to my room and finally got to bed. I gotta be careful!? I'm not about to start a war with the most notorious gunfighter in remnant you idiot!

Gunfighter's POV:

The next rolled around and I was already blowing through the usual morning routine. I went behind the school this time hoping to avoid anyone about yesterday, I just didn't feel like having small talk about pistol whipping an idiot who saw himself better than someone else over a few extra appendages. As I walked out the door, a familiar face nearly close-lined me from the side which caused me to stop and lean back. I stuck my hands out and rubbed JC's snout as he came up to greet me. "Sorry about not seeing you for some time." He nudged me and gently bit down on my sleeve and dragged me over to a shady spot under a tree. "Feeling lonely old timer?" I asked grinning knowing he wants me to scratch him. Sometimes I wonder if was a dog in another lifetime. I followed him and sat down next to him as he laid down and started to rub up and down his neck while we sat there with time flying by. While I was sitting there I didn't notice Ruby and her new friend coming up behind me while I had a small moment of peace for once. "Sorry I was late, Velvet came to talk to me about you and wanted to say something." I turned my head the moment she spoke, startling me, but kept my hand away from the gun waiting for the rabbit girl to speak. "I wanted to thank you again for getting Cardin to stop. I uhh..I also want to ask if you would mind letting me hear your story?" I looked in her hands and noticed she was carrying a notebook with a pencil. She's had it rough already so I calmly moved to turn a round and motioned my for them to take a seat. I looked at Ruby and asked, "Did you fill her in about what I told you yesterday?" She nodded in yes while Velvet turned the cover and a couple pages to an empty page. "Is it alright if I write this down? I thought it might make a good story to keep." I extended my hand and gently grabbed the notebook from her and went through the pages looking over what she had. I noticed she didn't bother write down my name, but left a blank space to fill it in probably with another name to keep people from ever finding anything about me. I gave her a response while handing it back to her, "I guess it wouldn't hurt, but keep my name out of it if you don't mind miss?" She gave me a smile and nodded in agreement before I started to talk, starting off after time passed from that day Vanessa asked me to help her with using a gun.

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