Chapter XXIII

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Mercury's POV:

"What happened yesterday?" Cinder didn't say a word as she sat in her chair staring furiously at the wall near me. "Cinder is the-" She suddenly shot up and stormed into the warehouse as Emerald and I got up and followed her. By the time we caught up with her she was ranting on and on about the gunfighter. "First he ruins my plan to get some damn money from the egocentric Schnee! Then survives my assassin! And now he catches TORCHWICK! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!?" She finished screaming while some of the White Fang watch her and backed away. Sh had several fireballs waiting to lob at anything, but took a deep breath and calmed down. Emerald and I finally approached her and could-well rather we didn't know what to say that wouldn't piss her off, so we stood there in silent. She turned around and demanded, "What do you two have to say? Spit it out!" Emerald finally answered, "Um it's Neo." Cinder glared at her with rage and curiosity. "She left this morning saying she's got something to go get. She won't be back for the mission regarding the train." She sighed while rubbing her head and replied, "Then we proceed without the two." "What do you need me to do?" I asked since I didn't want to sit around doing nothing. "Glad you asked. There's possibly someone here in Vale that might know something about our gunfighter. Go find him and see what you can get out of him." I smirked seeing how she didn't specify and asked, "By any means?" She glared at me and responded, "No with love and affection. O course by any means!" She shouted. I winced and began to walk away as Emerald tailed me. "Don't get caught. I can't afford to lose you both." She stated as we left. "What do you think Neo went to do?" I asked looking at Emerald as we walked towards one of our airships. "Probably to bust Roman out. The two never leave each others side in all honesty." "Maybe they have a thing for each other." I replied as Emerald looked at me as if I was some creepy old man. "Mercury, shut up."

Gunfighter's POV:

The thought never left me, even as I slept last night into this afternoon. Where would Torchwick be when he gets back? He's not gonna take a boat, it's too slow. Hiding in Atlas would be suicide, so he's gotta fly back. But where too? I mentally argued for a while as I cleaned up and left to get something to eat in the teacher's lounge like every morning. "How long do you think they'll be gone?" I heard Glynda asking a question and slowly walked around the corner to see only her and Port sitting there. "What's wrong?" I asked getting their attention. She looked at me in the eyes and answered, "Ozpin sent team RWBY on a mission with Professor Oobleck towards the southeast section of Vale." I raised an eyebrow as I walked over to the coffee maker and poured myself a cup before taking a sea in my spot and didn't ask why. As I sat there, both Port and Goodwitch watching my every move, I pulled out my map of Vale and laid it on the table while taking a glance over the possible places where someone would travel to when flying from Atlas. "If you don't mind me asking, what's on your mind gunfighter?" I looked up at Port...and his large mustache and replied, "A few things." I leaned back taking a drink while trying to think of a place where Roman might go to get back to Vale. As I sat there, I decided to put my map away before the two teachers could ask me any questions. Before I let them say a word about the map, I quickly asked, "What's this Vytal Festival I've been hearing about lately?"

Port was quick on the answer. "It's a tournament held every two years. The festival is celebrated by all four kingdoms and holds an annual fight competition in an arena called-" Seeing Glynda's expression of that of boredom I quickly interrupted saying, "That's more than enough information. Thanks Port." He looked at Glynda's expression, and nodded before going back to what he was doing. "You said you went after Ringo correct?" I looked at Glynda and nodded not breaking eye contact. "What happened when you caught up to him?" I looked at the coffee in my cup while swirling it around before I started to recall that day while saying, "Next in line to take in line to take a bullet."

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