Chapter XXXVI

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Third Person:

Sitting on a chair rocking back and forth as the dry wind blew around him while he waited for the evening train. To his far right pacing around before finding a shady spot right under the water tower stood another with a gun belt wrapped around his hip holstering a '92 sawed off Winchester rifle with a cut down stock. Fanning himself off from the intense heat. To the man's far left as he stayed seated napping away the time was two other guys branding their guns at their hips while sitting there under the sun next to the water trough occasionally dipping their hands in to cool them off while waiting. While they occasionally looked back at the two the man fanning himself heard a drop of water landing on his hat looked up to see a small spot of water dropping every few seconds onto his head before he slowly put his hat back on. The man napping slowly opened his eyes while lifting his hat back to its upright position as he turned his gaze towards the machine reading messages from other towns making a racket. Without uttering a word he grabbed the cables closest to him and tore them out silencing eh machine before putting his hat back over his eyes to nap once again. Buzzing around him soon getting his attention was a fly not bothered by his occasional movements in attempt to rid of it from his stumbles under his chin as it slowly moved about. While he tried various ways to blow it off the fly soon found its way around his face before flying off to the side of his rocking chair before he eyeballed it sitting there idly on the interior of the chair. Cautiously unholstering his pistol he kept his eyes fixed on the winged bug before slamming the barrel down over the unsuspecting insect and trapped it before lifting the barrel far enough to slip his finger under and keep it contained inside the gun's barrel. As he sat there amused by eh fly's constant buzzing around in the barrel the train whistle soon caught his attention along with the other four men standing far apart on either side of him fixing their attention as well. Lifting his finger the fly soon escaped, but the man holding the insect hostage couldn't care less while the man standing under the water tower next to the tracks took his Winchester out and began to load it one bullet at a time. As the train rolled in before coming to a ear screeching halt the four men stood there waiting for something happen someone to come out. As the fixed their eyes up and down the length of the train they all soon focused on the door sliding open where goods were stored to see a train conductor throw a large bundle out the side before closing it back up. The man looked at the one on his left and tipped his head back towards their horses before looking at the two on his right with the same gesture before turning around himself. The train blew its whistle once again before taking off with its metal wheels screeching against the long steel rails underneath it, but soon faded away as the sound of a harmonica began to play getting the four men to turn right back around with their eyes wide open. Standing on the other side of the tracks was a tall old man holding his belongings while being accompanied by a young girl in red covering her face with a red cloak draped over her as he played a harmonica with an eerie tune. The four men started to walk a few feet from where they stopped and faced the two as the old man tucked the metal instrument back under his old duster and asked, "And Ozpin?" The man kept his eyes on him while replying, "Ozpin sent us." The old man looked past them at the horses before asking, "Did you bring us a horse?" The man chuckled as he answered, "It looks like we're..." He turned his head around to look back and before continuing. " looks like we're shy two horses." After he finished the four men had their laugh while the girl in red looked at him as he shook his head in disagreement. "You brought two too many." He said getting their full attention as they quickly shut their mouths. They focused their gaze on the old man as he stood there holding his stuff in one hand while his other stayed in his right pocket. As the girl looked at the four men they all made swift movement for their firearms, but one clap of thunder after another said enough. One by one right after one another fell back dead from the gunfighter as he held his only Walker in his right while repeating the hammer before the last guy with the sawed off rifle fire a shot only to graze the gunfighter's arm as he fell over dead.

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