Chapter XXXIX

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Third Person:

Sitting against the tree trunk laying on its side behind, Ruby sat there as Cinder began to fall asleep with the gun in her hands as she kept her body facing the woman who's keeping her hostage. While sitting there Ruby kept staring at her gun as she moved every now and then, but not once has she woken up. I can't believe I got myself into this! I should've listened to him! She kept mentally scolding herself at her current predicament, but every now and then she would keeping lifting her head at Cinder's gun. The same gun that the gunfighter showed back at Beacon which fascinated her. Only now was she putting together why he wasn't concerned to its whereabouts. "Why didn't he say anything about losing it?" Ruby muttered under her breath making sure Cinder didn't stir at the sound of her voice. She kept think back all the way to the time when he found her on the train sitting there. There was a third gun under his coat. As she kept thinking about it she found herself moving over to Cinder's side silently as she could as she crawled over still bound to make sure she didn't do anything to hinder the mad woman's plan to kill both Ozpin and the gunfighter.The night was still young, and they were only less than half a day's trip away from finally getting there. A small groan came from Cinder's mouth, but not one eye shot open as Ruby held her hands close to her mouth keeping quiet for dear life. Knowing she couldn't just take the gun and run without the woman finding her she kept think what she could do to give the gunfighter a better chance. Slowly she extended her arm while using the other to keep herself balanced, Ruby slowly reached for Cinder's pistol belt in attempt to retrieve the gun. Come on! Just a little more! Right as her fingers barely touched the wooden grip Cinder shifted her body to be more comfortable forcing Ruby to retract her hand while holding her breath praying to Oum she wasn't caught. After Cinder finally found a more comfortable position Ruby went back to work, but her nerves were blazing within her head telling her to be more careful than ever before. The moment Ruby's finger once again touched the revolver's handle she froze staring over to Cinder's face in horror waiting for the inevitable which never came as she managed to fully get a grip on the gun, and began to pull it from her holster by the inch every time she nudged it back without alerting her. Nerves flaring, sweat beginning to form Ruby was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as she got the gun away from her, but soon she had to come up with a simple solution hoping she wouldn't find out. "Let's see you try to fight now." She said to herself opening the chamber and quietly as she could, pull the hammer back to a half cock. One by one she took the bullets and put them in a secure pocket in her cloak before setting the hammer back down. Right after she closed the chamber she averted her gaze back to Cinder and took a couple deep breaths before she did the most nerve racking thing ever in her life. She crawled back over and began to put it back into Cinder's holster all while praying to Oum she wouldn't find out what happened. Please Oum for everything that's happened! Don't let her find out!

Ozpin's POV:

"The name now?" I asked rubbing my hand which burned from his mark after he removed it. "Sad Hill Cemetery, the grave is Arch Stanton Ozpin." He replied pointing past the house where the (L/N)s once lived before I came around. I watched him walk past me mounting his horse before turning away back into the woods leaving me by the graves which one held the Dempseys after I ended their lives here all those years ago. I couldn't stop thinking about it as I rode away from the (L/N)'s house after spending the night there once I was done looking for my damn horse. "Arch Stanton-Arch Stanton-Arch Stanton...who the hell is Arch Stanton?" I asked myself riding over the hill beyond the valley which changed everything for me, and not once was it for the best. I stopped just at the peak of the hill to look back at the ruins of the rich farm lands with a frown upon my face. "Good riddance." I always hated this place all those years ago, and now I'll never have to see it again, but something feels off. I looked back into the direction I was going to see something in the far distance over the next hill. "Let's go." I muttered to the horse under me as I turned it back and began to ride after it. As I began the journey up the hill side something inside me told me to duck which was more than a good choice after a shot ranged through the hillside echoing off anything it could. I felt my horse collapse under me bringing me to the ground, but luckily I rolled off before it trapped my foot under its weight. I looked around frantically through the rocks lining bits of the hills surround where I was, but I couldn't see a thing. "WHO'S THERE!?" Nothing. No response, nothing to answer be back except the sound of the wind howling through the the valley. "WHO THE F-" *gunshot* I instantly ducked back down as another shot landed near the ground behind me forcing me to keep down. I laid back against the horse laying against the ground thinking over what was behind this hill, so rather than wait for the person trying to shoot me I booked it. Right as I got up to run another shot landed near my foot, but it didn't do anything other than kick the dirt up as I ran for whatever was beyond this hill. Something was beginning to show as I came over the top, but a bullet landed near my leg grazing it which in return made me lose my footing and roll onto the ground at the object I didn't get a good view of. I groaned in pain looking at my leg laying on my side to see it was nothing more than a slight cut. "Damn it." I muttered picking myself up which soon made me freeze once I saw what I grabbed. Gravestone? Here? I stood up and soon I was in shock at what I was looking at. Laying in front of me wasn't a handful of graves, but an entire cemetery right on the other side of the hill. A smirk began to form on my face which soon turned into a smile as I began to ignore the man shooting at me as I started to fast walk down the path between the sections of graves on either side. Soon I bolted into a sprint as I got closer to the center, and ran the circumference of the circle looking at the names not caring who was here until I found what him. Sweat was forming, my legs began to ache, but I couldn't care any more. I was so close, and I wasn't planning on backing out now. I kept running until my legs acted on their own, and stopped when for me to look right there next to a dead tree with a wooden cross marked by a simple piece of wood saying: Arch Stanton 3 February **82. I felt a smile creep back onto my face as I ran to it not caring which graves I stepped on until I was right there in front of it. Breathing heavily, sweating profoundly, but not quitting I looking frantically around my surroundings for something to dig up the dirt but to no avail. I looked behind the grave and took my jacket off to wrap around it while I pulled the large piece of wood from behind it to dig up the dirt mound covering the grave.

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