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It was 2:00 AM. Tom was asleep, like all people would be at this time. Tom had troubles with sleeping, so sometimes he never knew if he was still asleep or not. Tom was tossing and turning, moaning and groaning, he just couldn't sleep. Then there was a bright light. Tom slowly opened his eyes, they were droopy and he had bags under them, I mean, just because he can't sleep doesn't mean he's not tired. Then his eyes widened at the sight of this giant floating light. Tom slowly sat up, at first he believed it, but then he rubbed his eyes and shuck his head in disbelief. When he removed his hands from his eyes so he could see again, it was still there.

"Woah..." Tom said in awe

Tom slowly removed the covers from his warm body. He walked towards the light. He didn't know whether to touch it or not, so he thought about it, he made up his mind and slowly moved his hand to the light. Then someone else's hand came from the light, and it touched his. Tom instantly fell backwards, trying to hold in his screams by heavily breathing. Tom looked at his hand, trying to find something wrong with it, but it looked perfectly fine. Tom lashed his head back up to the light. Emerging from the light was a figure, but he couldn't tell who it was.

"What the..." Tom paused to spectate

The figure stepped out of the light, and the light soon faded away. It was a boy with beautiful caramel hair that stuck up into two horns, gray eyes that looked like the shiniest of silver, smooth-tanned skin, and his cheeks tinted with blush. But what really caught Tom's 'eyes' were the boys wings. Tom slowly got up, not removing his eyes from the 'boy'.

"Who are you?" Tom questioned

"My name is Tord! I'm going to be your guardian angel until I can figure out what your missing piece is that makes you so sad!" Tord exclaimed with one hand on his heart

"Sshhh, keep it down, if my mum hears you she'll probably ground me for having a stranger in here" Tom groaned tiredly

"Oh, don't worry about that, no one else can see me unless I let them, and I don't plan on letting anyone see me!"

"Oh..." Tom looked at the ground to think, then he looked back up "I'm not dreaming... right?"

"Um..." Tord looked around him, then at his hands "no, I don't think so, cuz if your dreaming then I'm dreaming, we're connected like that"

"Hm... wait... so if I have a Dream you'll know what I'm dreaming about?" Tom asked

"Well, yeah, or I could be in your dream and it's actually me, I don't even know anymore" Tord laughed a bit

"And just another question..."


"What do you mean, my missing piece that makes me sad?"

"Well" Tord snapped his fingers and a file poofed from out of no where and dropped into his hands, Tord opened the file and started to read everything inside of it "it says right here that you're depressed, but you don't really have a reason to be, you have a lovely mum, you never liked your dad and wanted him gone anyway, you've got amazing friends that treat you nicely and with much respect, but you're still sad for some reason, so I'm here to find out what's wrong" Tord smiled and clicked his fingers again, making the file disappear

"Well, I am depressed, I got diagnosed with it last month... but even I don't know why" Tom frowned a bit

"Well that's why I'm here! Now smile!" Tord ran to Tom and used his hands to cup Tom's cheeks, making his mouth into a smile

"I can't" Tom sighed

"Please!" Tord whined playfully


"Hmf, fine then, I'll just have to find a way to make you smile" Tord floated upwards while in a sitting position

"Woah... that's so cool" Tom stared in awe

"Hm..." Tord thought for a bit, then he smiled at his thought

Tord turned upside down. He stuck his tongue out like a child and smiled. Tord was hoping that he could at least get a grin. Tom was slowly making a smile, and Tord got excited, even if it was the littlest smile in the world.

"You did it!" Tord dropped himself on the floor in front of Tom

"I did?" Tom asked, confused

"You mean... you didn't even know?" Tord looked kind of sad, he felt it too

"No, I didn't"

Tord sighed. At this point there was not much he could do himself but find out what was ACTUALLY making him sad, but this might take some time. Tom put his hand on Tord's shoulder.

"It's ok, you don't have to make me happy, it's just something I don't have, and I don't think you'll ever find out what it is, I mean, even I don't know what's making ME sad" Tom sadly smiled, but Tord wanted a happy smile from him

"No! My job is to make you happy!" Tord grabbed Tom's hand and placed it off of his shoulder "I know I can do this! Even if it takes a while, I'll never give up, everyone deserves to be happy"

Tom sighed and nodded "well I'm going to bed then" Tom yawned and waddled over to his bed

Tom tucked himself back in the warm covers. He was about to close his 'eyes' but then he remembered Tord was here.
'How could I forget I have my own guardian angel here!?' He cursed at himself
"Hey Tord" Tom said


"Where are you gonna sleep?

"Um... the floor I guess" Tord shrugged

"Um... we could top and tail" Tom proposed

"Um... what's that?" Tord asked

"Well, it's when one of us sleeps at one end, and the other one sleeps at the other end"

"Oh, so who's going at which side?" Tord asked while walking over to Tom

"Well... I'll stay up here and you can go down there"

"Ok!" Tord exclaimed happily

Tom gave Tord one of his pillows. Tord walked back the other end of the bed and plopped the pillow down, and slid into the covers.

"It's so warm" Tord smiled as he closed his eyes

Soon Tord fell asleep. Tom noticed this and decided to close his 'eyes' and try to sleep too. Surprisingly he fell asleep instantly this time, but he didn't know why. Was it because Tord was here? Maybe...

Sorry this is a sort of boring chapter, I promise all the good stuff will come soon
Word count: 1103

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now