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Tom slowly opened his 'eyes'. And what he saw next amazed him.

Tord was there, holding Eduardo's fist. Tom wasn't really sure if this was to happen Tord would have to show himself, so Tom just waited for an sort of reaction to show if Tord was visible to anyone else.

"What the!? Why can't I hit you!?" Eduardo shouted with confusion and anger

"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about" Tom smirked

"Why you little!"

Eduardo tried to throw another punch, but got stopped by Tord again. Soon enough almost the whole school was gathered around in a big circle watching what was going on. Most gasped at the sight of Eduardo being stopped by something invisible from beating the shit out of Tom. Tom just smirked. To him this was hilarious.

"Ugh! Whatever! Just be ready next time! Because I swear nothing will get in my way again!" Eduardo shouted as he stopped off

The circle of people disbanded and walked to their classes. Tord turned around to face Tom, his usual cheerful smile plastered on his face. Tom simply smiled back.

"So, are we heading to class?" Tord asked

"Nah, I don't wanna go, it's math, and I can't be bothered with more suffering today" Tom huffed

"Ok, follow me then!" Tord cheered

Tord grabbed Tom's hands and started running, pulling Tom along with him. As they held hands, tom couldn't help but blush. Tord's hands were nice and soft. Tord's smile was beautiful. His personality was amazingly happy. Everything about Tord was just perfect to Tom. It made Tom's heart beat more then normal.

Tom found when he was with Tord he felt so much happier. Tom was never one to be happy or smile, and he knew that. He deeply knew that. But at this point Tom had already put all the pieces of the puzzle together before Tord.

Tom now knew what he was missing. The one thing he was missing that made a hole in his heart. The one thing opening the gap. Was now found. And Tom found it out faster then Tord. But that didn't really surprise him. I mean, how could Tord have known sooner then Tom if he isn't Tom?

Tom felt the pace of Tord's running slowly start slowing down. Tom looked up, seeing a pink blossom tree. Tord let go of Tom's hand and stopped walking. He turned around and as always, smiled the biggest smile Tom had ever seen, directly at him.

This made Tom more sure that he found the missing piece that made him complete. Because every time Tord smiled, he'd smile. His heart would go faster. And he couldn't help but want to hold Tord and never let him go.

"I come here whenever I feel down, so this is kind of like my calm place, it helps, maybe it could help you too" Tord chimed

Tom nodded. He had a smile. This shocked Tord a bit. Tom has been smiling a lot today. And even before, he wouldn't smile this much. Tord brushed it off though, thinking this could be a clue to the missing piece. Even if Tom already knew what it was.

Tord sat down under neath the tree. Tom followed his actions and sat down too. Tord hummed a song while Tom just sat and listened. Tom closed his eyes, letting Tord's melody take him into a land of wonder.

A little time later when the boys were just talking and laying with each other, tom felt the need to tell Tord that he'd figured out what was wrong with himself. But because he knew the heart-beating answer, he was scared to tell Tord.

Tom inhaled and exhaled. Tord noticed this and put on a face of confusion, tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"What's wrong Tom?" Tord asked

"Well..." Tom paused and grabbed Tord's hands "I found the missing piece..."

Word count: 658

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now