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Tom lashed the sleeping Tord on his bed. Tom sighed at the sight of him. He couldn't believe Tord was so upset, he'd never seen Tord like that, let alone ever expect Tord could ever be like that.

"It's gonna be ok bud" Tom said as he stroked Tord's hair

Tom got dressed into his uniform, ready to go back to the hell he was about to enter. Tom was more scared to go to school without Tord, but he figured he needed to man up and just do it. (Dead memes)

Oo。('っ-ω・)つ【゚*:.o。 Time Skip 。o.:*゚】

Tom walked into the school gates, nervous. Tom's attention immediately landed on Eduardo and his gang. They were leaning against his locker, smirking, or at least Eduardo was, the other two just looked bored and confused.

"Well well well, ready for a beat down?" Eduardo said as he punched his fists together

"I'm not in the mode...' Tom sighed

"Your never in the mood" Eduardo laughed "and why should I care if your up to it or not? You know your gonna get it anyway"

Eduardo lifted his fist up, ready to punch. Tom just sighed again, closing his eyes, waiting for it...

But it never came...

I'm so sorry! It's so fucking short! I've just had a long day at school! It was my first day in my new high school, and my anxiety made it even worse!
I'm such a fucking prick! I'm so sorry!

Word count: 252

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now