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I'm so sorry! I was meant to update this yesterday but I was busy getting back into my YouTube thing! Plz forgive me children!
Tord pushed away all of his stupid thoughts, sat there, and listened to Edd. But, Tom's thoughts were just constantly spinning around his head. Tom couldn't get the blush to go away. He hid his face in his hands, making sure no one would see it. Or, that's what he intended, when Edd finally noticed that Tom was still here, and he wasn't just with Tord, he turned around to see Tom mumbling into his hands, his red glows reflecting from his face, to his hands, to Edd's eyes. Edd smirked, he knew why Tom was blushing, because he's never acted like this until Tord came.

"I best be going now, cya Tord, bye Tom" Edd pretended like everything was normal

"Aw, ok, bye Edd" Tord smiled and waved Edd goodbye

Edd walked out of the door, and down the stairs. He waved Tom's mother goodbye with a small "goodbye" and left.

Tom looked up to see Tord smiling at him. Tom started to get irritated. Not because he was angry. Oh no. Quite the opposite. It was because Tom couldn't handle the amount of Tord's cuteness.

"Stop it!" Tom shouted

Tord flinched a bit "s-stop what?" Tord stuttered

"Being so adorable!" Tom shouted with a red face

Tord's face heated up. He nervously laughed and stud up. Tord walked over to Tom and kneeled down beside him. Tord's expression turned from happy and flustered, to sad and dark. Tom noticed this.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked

"I-it's just... you shouldn't get too attached to me Tom..." Tord felt like crying as he said these words


"Because once we've found out what makes you happy, I have to leave..."

Tom felt something... snap. Tom instantly shot up onto his feet, dragging Tord by his hands to go with him. Tom squeezed Tord's hands and looked him dead in the eyes.

"You can't leave me!" Tom exclaimed

"Why? I'm only here to help you be happy again" Tord sighed

"B-but! YOU make me happy!"

Tord was shocked. This wasn't expected. "Why?" He asked

"Well... your like a little light... a little light bulb... I couldn't find the switch to light you up... but then someone finally found that switch for me... and they gave me that little light I've always needed"

"B-but... I-I can't stay here... I know I may make you happy... but I'M NOT the missing piece" Tord felt tears prick his eyes

"Then why were you sent here? To help me? Or to break me even more?"

"I... I..." Tord didn't have any words

"Tord, you've been trying so hard to find the emptiness inside me... but you shouldn't have come if you knew you had to leave again... because it just makes another hole in my heart..."

"Tom... please... your not making this any easier for me... I've always had a purpose... and my only purpose is to make people happy... other people can't even see me..." Tord was trying to keep his tears from spilling




Tord snapped back into reality. He looked up to see Edd and Tom staring at him, worried expressions printed onto they're faces.

"W-what?" Tord asked, stuttering a bit

"You're... you're crying... and you were looking down... you looked like you were in deep thought..." Edd said, worried

"I-I... I just imagined something..."

"What?" Tom asked

"I-it's not important" Tord rubbed his arm a bit

"Well, I should be going now, I promised Matt I'd help him with his school project" Edd stud up

"O-ok, bye Edd" Tord fake-smiled, something Tord never did, and he felt ashamed by doing so

"Bye Tord, cya Tom"

"Cya" Tom waved Edd off

When Edd closed the door, Tom instantly turned to Tord. Tord was looking at the ground, back into deep thought, the tears now spilling down his cheeks. Tom looked at Tord sadly. Tom had an idea, that might make Tord happy again, but he's never really done this to anyone before, so he didn't know if it would work or not, but he tried it anyway.

Tord felt warm arms around him. Tord instantly snapped out of it... again. Tord looked to see Tom... his arms wrapped tightly around him. Tord hugged him back, burying his face in Tom's shoulder. Tord started sobbing, the thoughts spinning round his head made him sad.

"Sh... calm down... I've never seen you so sad Tord, I miss your happy smile, please smile for me" Tom whispered in a hushed tone

Tom parted from the hug, holding Tord's shoulders, making sure Tord looked at him. Tom cupped Tord's cheeks and used his fingers to wipe away all the tears. Tord started to smile, it was a wobbly one, but not a fake one.

"There we go!" Tom smiled

Tord was in shock, but Tom's actions only made his smile grow bigger. Tord hugged Tom again, as tight as his little arms could.

"You smiled!" Tord giggled

"I... I did... and I actually felt it..."

"Really!? This might be another step in the right direction!"


Tord grabbed Tom's hands and pulled him up along with himself.

"There, we should get ready for bed, I'll go take a sneak peek at what you're mums making for dinner" Tord cat-smirked

"Ok" Tom rolled his eyes playfully

Tord smiled, not because he was generally happy, well, he was, but that wasn't why, he smiled because Tom looked at least the slightest more happy then he did when Tord first met him.

Tord flew downstairs, through the walls and doors. He made it downstairs, to see Tom's mum cooking. Tord looked at it, but he had no idea what it was. Tord flew back up the stairs to see Tom. Tom had just closed the bathroom door, Tord assumed to get changed.

To approve privacy, Tord just talked to Tom through the door.

"Hey, I don't have a clue in the clouds what your mum has made" Tord laughed

"What does it look like?" Tom asked

"It looks like rice inside of... this black stuff.. and then there was also this orange thing poking out of the sides" Tord described

"Oh, that's just sushi"

"Ooo, sounds nice" Tord cat-smiled

"It's ok, I'll save you some if you want"

"Nah, I don't need food, I'd just be wasting you're poor stomachs num-nums" Tord giggled at himself

"It's ok, I don't normally eat all of it, so if there's any left I'll give you it"


Tord relaxed himself, putting his arms behind his head, and allowing himself to rest his head on his arms, crossing his legs, and floating in the air.

Just waiting for Tom

Word count: 1148

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now