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Tom came back upstairs from dinner. He opened the door, expecting to see Tord bouncing around the room, but he wasn't. Tord was on Tom's bed, on Tom's end of the bed, sleeping. Tom sighed, not wanting to wake Tord up, Tom slipped into Tord's end of the bed. Tom didn't sleep well tonight either, he tossed and turned, but nothing worked. Tom clenched his eyes closed, trying to get to sleep, but failed miserably. Tom sighed and opened his eyes again, deciding he should just do some homework early.

Tom walked to his desc and sat down on the chair. Tom grabbed the pencil that was laying on the desc, and pressed it against the paper. Tom started moving the pencil up and down, his handwriting as beautiful as ever. The homework Tom was working on was his English homework, his task was to write at least 4 pages of a story, made up by choice of plot and characters, and finish it by the end of the month, lucky for Tom he'd only just got it 2 days ago, so he was probably the only kid that was starting early. So far, Tom had only written four words, "Once upon a time". At this point Tom didn't know what to do, he was lost, he didn't have a creative mind, even if his hand-writing was gorgeous. Tom slammed his head on his desc, making a loud thump, also waking Tord in the process.

"What!? I didn't eat the donut!" Tord shouted as he sat up quickly

Tord looked over to where the noise came from, and noticed Tom groaning with his head on the desc. Tord, having a curious little mind, decided to see what was wrong with the blue-hooded clad. Tord gently flew his way over to Tom, tapping his shoulder. Tom whipped his head up to Tord, already knowing it was him.

"Ugh, What? I thought you were asleep" Tom groaned

"I should really be asking why YOU aren't asleep" Tord squinted his eyes at Tom, trying to glare at him, but Tom almost smiled at his cute pout-looking face

"Well, I have to do this in a week, and I'm almost giving up already"

"Well what is it? Maybe I could help" Tord smiled

"I have to write at least four pages of a story, but I don't even know what the story should be ABOUT"

Tom was about to slam his head back on the desc, when a little hand stopped him. Tom sighed, already knowing it was Tord, obviously, and looked at him with a glare, an actual glare. This made Tord jump from the inside, but he didn't show it.

"Don't, I already have an idea" Tord cat-smirked at Tom

"Plz! Plz help me!" Tom grabbed the scruff of Tord's sweater and pulled their faces closer together as he shouted

"Ok ok" Tord waved his hands in front of him, panicked

Tom let go of Tord. Tord put his hand on his chin and thought for a bit, before something clicked into his head. His eyes started to sparkle, the idea was perfect.

"Alright, here's what your gonna write..."

(◉ω◉ )つー☆ .*+ Time Skip Brought To You By Tord's Kawaii-ness +*.

Tom finished writing the two pages Tord had told him to, the story was half done. Tom smiled, a genuine smile, seeing the hard work he'd put into it made him happy, but it made him even more happy because Tord helped. Tom sighed in relief.

"Hey, Tord I finished the-" Tom was cut off when he saw that Tord had fallen asleep, floating above him

Tom covered his mouth as he laughed at himself. Then Tom paused...
'I've never felt like this... and I've never felt so happy...' Tom thought
Tom stud up, but as soon as he did, Tord woke up, falling on top of Tom. Tom made an "oof" sound as Tord landed on him.

"Ow..." Tom murmured

"S-sorry" Tord giggled a bit before getting up and helping Tom up too

"I'm going to sleep, that used A LOT of my energy surprisingly" Tom said as he walked to his bed

Tom folded himself inside of the covers like a burrito. It didn't take long for Tord to join him, but this time, Tord didn't use his side of the bed.

"What are you doing?" Tom asked as he shot his eyes open

"Sleeping" Tord cat-smiled at him

Tom rolled his eyes, but not angrily or rudely, sort of in a playful way. Tom closed his eyes again, wanting to fall asleep, and he almost did, until he felt someone else's warm embrace. Tom looked down to see Tord snuggling up to him. Tom started freaking out inside, his face showing it all as he turned crimson. Tom heard the tiny snores coming from Tord, assuming he was already asleep. Tom looked back down at Tord again, he examined the pink-cheeked angel, and relaxed a bit. Tom let himself hug Tord back, resulting in Tord pulling a tighter grip, making the hug turn into a heart-warming cuddle. Tom noticed this, but didn't really mind anymore. He let himself embrace the fact Tord was here, and let himself fall asleep.

And tonight...

No bad dreams...

This time...

Loving dreams...

Gah! This is so late! Plus it's not long! I'm so sorry!

Word count: 905

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