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Tom woke up with a strange feeling in his stomach. He didn't know what it was, but it was hurting. Tom tried to get up, but it didn't help at all. Tom wondered what this pain was, because he had no idea.

"Are you ok?" He heard a voice

Tom quickly lashed his head to his side, seeing a person he'd never seen before.

"Gah!" Tom squealed a bit before falling off of the bed

"Oh no, I'm sorry" Tord held his hand out to Tom to help him up

"W-who are you!? Was I not dreaming!? This has to be a dream! I haven't woken up yet!" Tom was breathing heavily as he shouted at the strange 'boy' called Tord

"We went over this Tom, anything you dream, I dream, and I woke up about 2 hours ago" Tord sighed

"Wait... what time did you wake up then?" Tom asked

"I don't know, that noisy box woke me up" Tord pointed to the alarm clock on Tom's bed-side table

Tom's eyes widened. He quickly got up, again ignoring the pain in his stomach. Tom dragged his clothes out of his wardrobe and started throwing everything he needed on. Tom then rushed downstairs, his mum wasn't there.

"Shit!" Tom shouted as he ran to the door

On the way to the door, Tom grabbed his bag and through it over his shoulder. We swung the door open, ran out, and slammed it shut. Tom started running as fast as he could down the street.

"Um... where are we going Tom?" Tord asked

"School! I'm so late!" Tom panicked

Tord flew beside Tom. Tom just ran, he ran until his legs would fall off. Tom got to school, and tried to open the gates, but they were locked.

"Ugh! What do I do now!? There supposed to be open!" Tom shouted with an angry tone

"Well don't ask me" Tord shrugged "but seriously don't ask me because if people see you they'll just think your crazy"

"Ugh, why didn't you wake me up?" Tom grunted

"I didn't know I was meant to"

Tom swung his bag backpack off of his back. He dug through it, trying to find his phone so he could ring his mum. Tom grabbed his phone and pulled his hand back out of the bag. Tom clicked the button to turn it on, and his eyes widened at the front screen. The reason no one was here, and the gates were closed, was because it was 5:00 AM. Tom remembered that he changed the waking time on his clock so his mum could use it to get up for work, and he forgot to change it back.

"What?" Tord asked

"... I wanna die" Tom sighed

Tord gasped "no!" Tord landed on the ground and hugged Tom tightly, he squished they're cheeks together and whispered "no"

"I was just joking"

"Wow, dark humor"

Tom pushed Tord off of him, but lightly. Tord stumbled back a bit, but caught himself on his feet. Tord folded his arms and pouted. Tom noticed this and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked

"I just wanted a hug" Tord said in a pouty voice

"God, you're so childish"

Tom walked to Tord and hugged him from behind. Tord wasn't expecting a hug from the back, so he looked up to see Tom, he had a bit of blush pattered around his cheeks, and a little smile crept onto his face. Tord smiled as he noticed this, so he turned around and hugged him from the front.

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now