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"W-what?" Tord question, the tint of sadness could be heard in his voice

"Yeah!" Tom smiled again

Tord smiled too. Although he didn't really want to. He was happy that Tom found the missing piece. But... this meant it was almost time for Tord to leave...

"So... what is it? What have you been missing?" Tord asked

"Well..." Tom gulped, his whole face flushing a deep red

"Tom?" Tord tilted his head like a curious kitten

"If I tell you... promise not to hate me..." Tom sighed

"Why would I hate you? I would never" Tord smiled and squeezed his hands for reassurance

"Ok... so... what I was missing was... love... but not just any Love... I already had my mums love... I had my friends love... but as I look around, I see my friends happy together and my mum and her new boyfriend are happy together too... but I was so confused as to why I was so sad about it... but when you came, I realized that I could have love... and you showed me it... even if it wasn't intended for you to make me feel this way and show me love in the way I felt it... I just felt loved by you... so... I was missing... you... and you're love" Tom smiled, happy tears spilling down his crimson face

Tord was surprised. His whole face flushed red. Tord smiled. He started giggling. Obviously Tom was confused about this, and thought Tord was laughing at him, so he got sad. Tord noticed this. So for reassurance he cupped Tom's cheek.

"I love you too" Tord let his tears go

Tom had the biggest smile anyone could ever discover. He pulled Tord into the tightest and warmest hug he could. Tord cried onto the back of Tom's hoodie harder. Tord was happy that he could complete Tom. Make him smile. Make him laugh. Make him communicate with people better. Have a better self-esteem. And most important... clear his depression from existence. Tord started crying. But not happy tears. And Tom could tell because of how heavy and fast Tord was breathing. Tom quickly pulled away and looked at Tord.

"Tord!? What's wrong!?" Tom panicked

"I-I want to stay h-here w-w-with you-ou, b-but I c-c-can't" Tord stuttered through big breaths

"W-what do you mean?" Tom asked, the tiniest bit of worry and sadness hidden in his voice

"T-Tom... I only c-came h-h-here t-to help you-ou w-with you're d-depression a-and f-f-find our what wa-as causing i-it, I-I'm not aloud to s-s-stay"

This shattered Tom. He instantly pulled Tord back into a hug. The best one he could. As Tord sobbed into Tom's shoulder, tom started to ball too. Suddenly, Tord started to slowly disappear. Tom quickly pulled away to look at Tord. Tord sadly smiled, the tears rolling down his face non-stop.

"Goodbye... Tom... I love you... please never forget me..." Tord sniffled

Then he vanished.

Tom couldn't move. He couldn't speak. Then he made his sudden action that even scared himself. He got up and ran. Not caring if anyone looked at him weird for running home crying.

When Tom got home, he ran straight upstairs. Knowing his mum wasn't home, he went digging through his cupboard. Tom has been saving these for when he thought he would never find happiness again. He snatched the rope and paper and pen out of the cupboard. He sat at his desc and began writing. When Tom finished writing, he put the paper under his feet.

He climbed onto his bed.

He tied the rope around his neck.

He tied the other end of it to a railing hanging on the ceiling that was next to his bed.

"I'll be with you soon... Tord..."

Tom smiled...

He cried too...

Then he tuck a step forward...

And everything went black...

Word count: 670

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now