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(Don't play the song yet)

It was an early Saturday morning. Tord had gotten up before Tom, and assumingely everyone else in the house hold. Tord was quite bored, he didn't have anyone to talk to, to laugh with, to have fun with. Tord sighed, boredom and frustration mixed together. Tord looked over to Tom's window, then he had an idea. Tord walked over to the window and opened it carefully, sitting on the ledge of it. Tord looked up at the sunrise, it was beautiful, it made him think of memories... but what memories?... Tord shuck it all off, not wanting to think about anything that could cause problems, he was doing this to relax, not to stress more. Tord tuck a deep breath, in and out. He closed his eyes, and began to think. He thought of how warm and loved he felt when he woke up to see Tom had accepted the cuddle Tord had forced himself to a pose onto Tom. Tord felt his cheeks turn from a happy-pink to a hot-red. Tord half-opened his eyes, not feeling the exact amount of energy to open them wide.

Tord sat there, looking at the beautiful sky, eyes half-open, alone with his thoughts. Then Tord remembered a special song, but he couldn't remember why it was special, or where it came from, all he knew is that it made his heart glow. Despite this, every time he would sing this song, he would see images of a woman with blondey-brown hair, beautiful calming brown eyes, and the perfect-smooth skin that Tord also had. Tord started singing this ever since he remembered, which was coincidentally when he ended up in heaven. Tord clicked his fingers, appearing from the sky was a ukulele, and it dropped on Tord's lap.

(You can play the song now)

Tord started strumming... his face turning from a happy, calm expression, to a sad...

"Often, I am upset"

"That I can not fall in love, but I guess"

"This avoids the stress of falling out of it..."

In the middle of Tord's strumming, Tom woke up to hear the beautiful melody, not hearing the gorgeous singing yet. Tom sat up, and looked at Tord, to where the sound was coming from...

"Are you tired of me yet?"

"I'm a little sick right now, but I swear"

"When I'm ready I will fly us out of here..."

Tom got out of the warm sheets, walking to Tord. Tord had no idea tom was standing right behind him, listening to his beautiful melody and his gorgeous voice...

"I'll cut my hair..."

"To make you stare..."

"I'll hide my chest and I'll"

"Figure out a way to get us out of here..."

As Tord kept strumming, his heart ached, like it made him sad, but he had no idea why... then he saw that lady again... and this time he heard her voice... she was calling out Tord's name... and she called him... her son... and that's when Tord realized why this song was so special to him... and all the memory's started filling up inside of his head again... not making his head ache... only his heart... and that's when the tears started spilling... and quickly. Tom noticed this, but didn't want to disturb Tord... he only kept listening...

"Turn off your porcelain face"

"I can't really think right now and this place"

"Has too many colors"

"Enough to drive all of us insane"

"Are you dead?"

"Sometimes I think I'm dead"

"Cuz I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head"

"But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet..."

Tord strummed more, the tears were now spilling out like crazy... Tord has never felt this much pain before... he's never felt this much sadness before... Tom wanted to do something, but something else told him not to... so Tom just watched...his expression was... strange... he had tears bunched in his eyes... one being released... but why?... why did he feel so bad when he didn't even know what was wrong... just something about seeing Tord sad made Tom miserable...

"My eyes went dark"

"I don't know where"

"My pupils are But I'll"

"Figure out a way to get us out of here..."

"Get a load of this monster!"

"He doesn't know how to communicate!"

"His mind is in a different place!"

"Will everybody please give him a little bit of space!?"

"Get a load of this train wreck!"

"His hair is a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet!"

"But little do we know the stars!"

"Welcome him with open arms..."

Tord kept strumming as he closed his eyes, the tears spilling out faster the more he shouted the lyrics... the more tears came the more he sang all of it...

"Time is..."


"Tracing his face..."

"But strangely he feels at home in this place..."

As Tord slowly stopped his strumming, he felt tired... more tired then ever... more upset then ever... more memories then ever...

When Tord finished his song, he slouched, and weakly held onto his ukulele, trying not to let it fall, but the grip was only light. Tord clenched his eyes shut, also clenching his hands together, his crying got to its biggest, and he sobbed into his hands. Tom knew Now was the time. Tom put his hand Tord's shoulder, making Tord quickly spin around. Tom didn't say anything, he only held his hands out to Tord. Tord's sobbing turned into something more as he leaped into Tom's arms, holding him as close and his hard as he could, not wanting to let go. Tord sobbed into Tom's chest. Tom let his tears go, but he didn't sob, he didn't even make any actions or signs he was crying, not wanting to make Tord more upset.

Tom clenched Tord into his grip. Tord not wanting to let go, Tom the same. Tom gently let go of the hug, but kept his grip on Tord's arms, making sure Tord wasn't going anywhere. Tord just continued to sob, the memories making him hurt more, which made him cry more. Tom used one hand to hold Tord's chin, making Tord look Tom right in the eyes. Tom slowly let go of Tord's arms, cupping his cheeks instead. Tom used his thumbs to wipe away Tord's tears.

"It's ok, I'm here... was it the song that made you sad?... or something else?..." Tom soothingly asked

Tord tried to calm down, but couldn't, but he tried to speak anyway...

"I-I couldn't r-remember a-a-at first... th-the f-f-first time I-I ever remembered this s-song... I-I knew it was s-s-special... I-I just didn't know why... b-but the song m-made me remember w-who I a-am... o-or who I u-used t-t-to b-be... I-I had a-a m-m-m-mother... and sh-she loved m-m-me... b-but I left her... b-because I-I couldn't c-carry on with the p-p-pain... I MISS HER SO MUCH!" Tord gasped for air in between sobbing and talking

Tom pulled Tord into the warmest, safest, hug he could... and it worked... because Tord never thought anyone would love him... because he didn't remember his mother before... but now he remembers he thought he'd never find that love again... but he did...

And Tom was the one who gave him that love...

I actually cried while writing this...

Word count: 1265

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