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Tom slowly woke up. His vision being blurry making it so he couldn't really tell what was going on. He rubbed his eyes so he could see what was going on. When he could finally see, he felt... panicked?... strange?... honestly he didn't really know how to feel.

He was back in his room. Laying in his bed. Tom looked to the side to see his alarm going off. Tom sat up and turned it off. He looked over at the desc. The story for his English homework wasn't there. His window where Tord once sat wasn't open as he last left it either.

Tom groggily got out of his bed. Not wanting to leave the warm inside that caved around his body. But at the same time. He did. Because he wanted to see if Tord was actually real. So he continued to walk around his bedroom, trying to find any trace of Tord. But he couldn't...

Tom looked down at his feet. He almost cried. He really thought he was in love. He really thought he was finally happy. But as he felt utter sadness, he also felt something else. He couldn't tell what it was. He knew for sure it wasn't happiness. But for some reason he had this weird feeling that he was wrong, which made him feel weird inside.

Tom had to shrug it off and get ready for school, otherwise he'd be late. Tom ran to his wardrobe and pulled his uniform out. He got ready as fast as he could. Pulling all the different clothings onto his body one at a time.

When he went downstairs, he saw his mum and her boyfriend.
'He must have stayed over last night' Tom thought glumly

"Oh, hey kiddo!" Tom's mother's boyfriend smiled and waved

Tom exchanged a simple little wave. No smile. But as his mother and her boyfriend could not have entered Tom's dream or dreamed the same thing, it was nothing new that he wasn't smiling.

Tom sighed and made his way to the door. He opened it. But before he walked out he turned around. Seeing his mums boyfriends kiss his mums cheek lovingly, making her giggle. Tom sadly looked back at the door. Wishing that was him and Tord. Some tears rolled down Tom's cheeks, but he simply wiped them away. And as almost done before, he walked out of the door.

Going on his way to school, he saw Edd. Edd waved and shouted Tom's names excitedly. Tom huffed a bit and walked to Edd. His pace a bit slower than usual. But he still... eventually, got to Edd.

"Hey Tom!" Edd looked around, then back at Tom "where's Tord?" Edd asked

Tom's eyes shot open. He whipped his head up to face Edd. Edd had a confused expression. Whilst Tom was mentally screaming inside. Happiness? He still doesn't know what the feeling is.

"You mean!... you saw him too!?" Tom shouted

"What do you mean?" Edd asked

"Edd... Tord isn't real... I think it was just a dream... because I woke up this morning in my bed and no traces of Tord ever existing..." Tom sighed, tears threatening to swell in his 'eyes'.

"Wait... Tord isn't... real?..." Edd asked sadly

"No..." Tom finally let some tears slip

Edd sighed and wiped them away "it's ok Tom" then he hugged him, warmly, but it didn't feel as warm or as loving as Tord's

The two sad boys made there way to school. Edd only just beginning to have this sad nature. And Tom's sad nature just growing more as the time went on. The long slow time to school.

.*+ Time Skip To School +*.

Tom flopped himself on his chair. He sat next to Matt. On Matt's side was Edd. Normally they would be holding hands under the table. But every time Matt tried to comfort Edd, Edd wouldn't respond. Tord made everyone happy. Because of his happy nature. His happy smile. And the only time Tom ever saw Tord cry was when he remembered his horrible past life. But it seemed like right after that when Tord was better already.

"Ok class! you're attention please!" The teacher cleared his throat

All the students perked their heads up. All of them feeling tired and not wanting to have the urge to look up. They all groaned when they saw his face. Which made some other kids laugh, lightening their mood a bit.

"Ok" the teacher rolled his eyes, then continued "we have a new student today" the teacher pointed to the door

The student started to emerge. Tom slowly started to stand up. His 'eyes' wide. Tears swelling up. He remembered that bright smile. That perfect outfit that complimented every bit of his perfect completion. He remembered the beautiful Norwegian voice. The only part that was missing were his wings. It was...


"Hello, I think one or two of you may know me, but I'm Tord" Tord introduced himself

"Ok, sit down next t-" the teacher was cut off

Tom ran to Tord and leaped into his arms. Tord giggled a bit and pet his hair. The whole class looked shocked and confused. They knew Tom to be a quiet-hidden person. They never thought he would do something like this.

Tom cried. That's all he could do. Edd ran to Tord too. It turned to a group hug. Obviously Matt was confused since he never met Tord, but seeing his boyfriend now happy made him happy. Edd slowly let go and turned to the teacher.

"Can you let them have a minute please?" Edd asked

"N-" the teacher was cut off again

Edd was doing his special puppy eyes at him. No one could resist them. Not even this lame-boring-ass teacher. The teacher sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Fine" he murmured

"Yay!" Edd celebrated

Edd grabbed Tom and Tord's hands and chucked them outside the door. He closed it shut and went back to his seat. Edd cleared his throat like a professional. Making it seem like nothing happened.

"Please continue" Edd said calmly

That made the whole class erupt with laughter.

"Ugh... kids..." the teacher rolled his eyes and turned back to face the board


Tord smiled at Tom. Tom wiped his tears away. He tried to smile, but it was wobbly.

"What!? What's this!? I know my tommy doesn't smile like that!" Tord giggled

Tord used his hands to form a smile on Tom's face. Tord removed his hands and the smile stayed in place. The tears still rolling down Tom's face. Just faster.

"I-I thought you were j-j-just a dream" Tom whimpered under his breath

"Nope! Well! I mean! Remember when I said our dreams are connected!? Well when you were dreaming So was I!" Tord exclaimed

"Then what happened to you're wings?" Tom asked

"Well if I want to be visible and show everyone how much I love you, I need to get rid of my wings so that no one knows I'm an angel" Tord smiled

Tom smiled too. They hugged once more before walking back into class. They were holding hands. Some kids "awe'd". Some kids "ew'd". But most kids smiled.

As Tom and Tord grew through their teenage years together. They showed their love. Their smiles. It made everyone else happy that Tom was finally happy. His mum didn't care that he was gay. Neither did her boyfriend. Neither did Edd and Matt. And neither did all of the friends they met a long the way.

Tom and Tord grew up to have a family. A proper one. And surprisingly, if you're an angel, it doesn't matter what gender you are, you can have children! How? No one knows. Not even Tom. Tord wasn't feeling fully conscious when he was having the children so he doesn't exactly know either. But either way.

They were happy. They were together. They were married. They had a family. With kids. Even Tom's mum had made another family with Tom's step-dads side of the family. Everything was better. Tom never regretted having his dream. He never regretted meeting Tord. He never regretted having depression. Because if he didn't have those things. He would have never met the one that made him feel loved and complete.

The End~

Word count: 1390

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now