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Ah! I'm so sorry! This is so late! Please forgive me children!
Tom walked into his tutor classroom, only to be shoved into a desc by another student. Tom growled and turned around to see who pushed him, it was Eduardo.

"Fuck off, I'm not in the mood" Tom mumbled

"Huh? What was that no-eyes?" Eduardo laughed

Tom just made a "tsk" noise and rolled his 'eyes'. Tom walked over to his own desc and sat down. Tord's eyes widened, he wasn't expecting this. Tord thought for a minute...
'Is this a normal thing? Is this the thing that's making him so sad?'
But then Tord re-thought...
'But he doesn't seem to be sad, he seems to be more angry'
Tord wasn't sure right now, but he shuck it off and kept his eyes on Tom. Tord walked over to the empty seat beside Tom, and of course it didn't matter since no one could see him, well, apart from Tom. Tord moved the chair back and sat down, then shuffled himself back in towards the desc. Then Tord looked up to see Edd standing there with his eyes wide and his mouth dropped.

"What's wrong Edd?" Tom asked, confused

"Th-that chair j-just... i-it just m-m-moved b-by itself" Edd stuttered

Tom looked over to the seat, and noticed Tord was sat there. Tord shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care, but he had a worried expression plastered on his face.

"You fucking idiot" Tom grumbled so only Tord could hear him

Tord stuck his tongue out and put his middle finger up at Tom. Tom quickly got up and dragged Edd out of the classroom with him. Tom waited for the door to slam shut, then he looked around to see if anyone was there, when he was sure no one was there and listening, he turned to Edd.

"Look, come to my house after school" Tom said before running back into the classroom

.*+ Time Skip After School +*.

"So, w-what was that... thing... about today?" Edd questioned, scared

"Well..." Tom paused before looking at Tord, but to Edd he was just looking at the roof

"Well what? Why are you looking up?"

"Ugh, Tord" Tom groaned

"Tom, I can't" Tord contemplated

"Yes you can! You said you could show yourself to anyone, you never said it was any sort of rule"

"Because it's not!"

"Then show him!"

"Fine! But when he goes telling the whole street about me, don't say I didn't warn you!"

"Tom... who are you talking to?" Edd was completely confused at this point, he'd lost all of his sense

"Just... Watch" Tom sighed

Edd nodded slowly. He looked at the spot beside Tom, and then out of no where, there was another boy with angel wings.

"What the hell!?" Edd screamed before falling backwards

"Edd, this is Tord, he's my guardian angel, but you can't tell anyone about him!" Tom glared

"Ok, ok! But why do you have a guardian angel!? Wait... I'm not dreaming... right?" Edd said as he sat back up

"Nope, that's exactly what I thought"

"Oh... so why do you have this... angel..."

"You remember I got diagnosed with depression last month?" Tom asked


"Well remember when no one knew why"


"Well Tord is here to find out what's missing, and to give it to me to make me feel happy again"

"Woah, so Tord, What is Tom missing?" Edd then turned to Tord

"Well, I'm not exactly sure either, but I've seen a lot of things that's not made him be in the brightest of moods, so I think I'm getting somewhere" Tord smiled

Edd gasped when he realized what Tord was wearing "that's so cute! Where did you get it from!?" Edd exclaimed

"Get what from?" Tord asked

"Your outfit!" Edd had sparks in his eyes

"Oh, I don't know, it was a gift from god" Tord smiled

"Woah..." Edd said in awe

Tom just sat there, listening to the two talk. Well... actually... let's re-frase that... he LOOKED LIKE he was just sitting there watching them talk, but he was actually examining Tord's features. His gorgeous caramel hair, his beautiful silver eyes that gleamed in the light, his smooth-tanned skin, everything was perfect about him, and his choice of clothing set it all off. He wore I sweater that went over one shoulder and half-over his hands, a pastely-red color, with lighter red stars patted all around, light denim shorts, and black and white converse. And his sitting position made him look adorable, he was sitting with his knees tucked into his chest, and his hands resting on the floor.

Tom felt his face get hotter. Tord remembered that Tom was still here, so he turned around to face him. Tord smiled at him, making his cheeks go a bit pinker, and making Tom go a lot redder. Tord tuck notice to this, and he was confused, but tuck a mental note.

Tom never acts like this, so this might be another clue. Tord mentally nodded at himself, and turned back to talk with Edd. Tord knew that Tom was still admiring him, but he just let him do so, because he'd never seen Tom so intrigued about anything, let alone another person. Tord also let it go on because he thought it was cute. He thought that Tom was cute. But he only had one job, and that was to help Tom, he can't get too attached to Tom, because once he fixes everything, he has to leave.

While Tord listened to Edd, he also thought at the same time. He thought about what would happen to Tom after he left. Would Tom keep being happy once he finds out what's wrong? Will Tom even LET Tord go? But then Tord thought again...

There's NO WAY in this entire world that Tom would ever like Tord THAT much to not let him go...


Word count: 1010

(What Tom sees in his eyes)

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(What Tom sees in his eyes)

Angelic Wings {TomTord} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now