Chapter 3

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Our  break has officially come to an end. I am waiting for Harry to finish getting ready so we can head on in to the studio. I will admit I am going to miss our alone time, but I have also really missed working. Harry and I have messed around some on break in the studio at the house but haven't gotten anything solid down. We have talked about what kind of sound he really wants for the album as a whole and how many songs he is aiming to have on it. So as I said no solid plans just a few ideas. I have agreed to help in all areas with this album. I will admit I am a little nervous.

No one has ever heard any of my music except for Harry and close family. It is my personal thoughts that I don't want to share with the masses just yet. Mainly because I do not think it is good enough anyway. Harry however tells me I could have my own music career if I wanted because my voice according to him is perfect. He also just adores all the songs I have shown him. I just think he is blinded because I will soon be his husband.
The first day back wasn't all that bad. There was just a lot of talk about what Harry wants from this album. It was all really laid back and relaxed. There were a couple guys who helped Harry write the songs on his first album and one guy from the label and us. So like I said really relaxed.
I will admit I am excited to see Harry in the early stages of song development. I got to be part of the final producing of the first album so seeing it develop from the ground up will be interesting.
I know from personal experience how frustrating the song writing process can be. I just hope it doesn't stress Harry out too much.

We are now back home after a day at the studio. Harry and I are on the sofa. I am watching a footie match and Harry has his leather bound journal out jotting a few things here and there. He is so lost in thought I think he may have forgotten I was next to him. As much as I would love to see what he has in that book, I know he will show me if he wants to. I have my own little book with lyrics and cords all jotted down. It is my free place and I am sure Harry's is the same way.
I did find out today that we will not be in the studio daily. As a matter of fact the guys are coming here tomorrow. Harry gave them a couple ideas that he had at the meeting today. So tomorrow it will be a day of messing around with sounds, cords, keys and so on. I am really excited for this aspect of the process. I have done it solo for my own stuff but to sit in a room with some great song writes and messing about will be an entirely new experience. To be honest I can't fucking wait.

I am now sitting here just looking at Harry. How this one man has changed my life so completely is sometimes hard to wrap my head around. He took the broken pieces of my heart and made it whole again. He never rushed anything, he was patient and allowed life to play out. He believed in me when I fully didn't. He encouraged me to be my best and was wanting nothing in return. I am not sure how I became so lucky to have him in my life, but I know I will never be able to thank him or love him enough. Harry was able to make my life whole again. I just hope I complete his life as he does mine.
I am brought out of my thoughts by a pair of lips on my ear and Harry whispers softly. "Babe let's go to bed. It is getting late and my mind has done enough thinking for one day."
I just nodded in response and got up and held out my hand to Harry. He took it and we walked up to our bedroom together. I gave Harry a kiss once we reached the bedroom. He headed into the closet to change and went to the bathroom. When I came back out Harry was already in bed sleeping. I think he was out as soon as his head hit the pillow. I will admit I love to lay here beside him and watch him sleep. He is absolutely breath taking and he is all mine. I am sure I fell asleep grinning like an idiot.

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