Chapter 11

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A/N Just wanted to let everyone know we have a time jump of four years.

I really don't know where the time has gone. Harry and I just celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary. In the past for years Harry has released two albums and completed two world tours. Harry has included me in everything from the writing the songs to preforming them. He got me convinced to play the guitar as in being in the band with him.

I joined the band about three months into the second world tour. Harry's lead guitarist suffered some serious medical condition and needed to under go treatment. I agreed to fill in until they could find a replacement since I was already there. Somehow Harry got me to agree to finishing out the tour on stage with him. Then on the third tour Harry wouldn't take no for an answer. He said he loved having me on stage with him so he could dance with me and show me off to the fans.

Harry and I spent all of our free time working on new music. This time it is just him and I. We managed to come up with several fabulous song that we have tucked away for when he needs them for album number four. We both knew we were taking a nice long break when the tour ended but we enjoyed working like this together. Believe it or not but this experience has some how managed to make us even closer if that is even possible.


We have now been on break for several months now. About a month after the break started Gemma and her kids came to stay with us for an extended stay. Oh yeah, Gemma met her soul mate shortly after our wedding and got married herself 10 months after we did. Her and Matt have two wonderful kids. Matty (named after his dad) he is a high energy two year old, and him and Ginger are always together. Then there is sweet little Emily who is four months old. She has had her uncles wrapped around her pinkie from day one.

Gemma and the kids were with us for a little more then a month. Matt had to go and help with his sick father and didn't want to leave Gemma on her own with the kids. So Harry and I happily opened up our home to them.
Once it was just back to Harry, Ginger and myself the house just seemed empty. That just made me realize our house was meant to be filled with love and laughter from a family.  Soon I found myself spending time in a local park just to watch kids play and hear their laughter. I was discovering an emptiness in a part of my heart.

Harry noticed how I was acting and one day asked me if I thought about us starting a family. I really didn't even think about that until he asked me. I then jumped into research on all our options. I found we have three good options. First  option was private adoption. Secondly adoption from one of the orphanages here in the UK or Ireland. Then finally a surrogate so the child could biologically be one of ours. There is something good about all our options.

The more research I did we decided to not choose option one. Private adoption could take a very long time. There are some many factors that have to fall into place for this to even happen. Then the fact that the birth parents could change their minds for a certain length of time was somewhat unsettling. This option could take years also.

During the research I found myself visiting a few orphanages in town. There were so many kids of all ages, ethnicities, and wellness levels. It was just heartbreaking and eye opening at the same time. These kids who have lost their families forever due to death, harmful situations, or were just abandoned by their families still somehow managed to find happiness in daily life.
Harry and I also really dug into surrogate research. We both agreed we would love to have a biological child if possible. The cost wasn't a concern for us but finding the right person to carry the baby will take some time. Then also choosing the correct egg donation. We have agreed we both want a biological child from each of us and we want to use eggs from the same donar for each of us. This last factor was important so the kids will be linked by genetics also.

Even after we both agreed on the surrogate option I just kept finding myself back at the various orphanages. The way the kids live and how they can just age out of of the system with no one is hard to understand. I felt the need to do something and an idea popped into my head. I just needed to get Harry on board. 


So what do you think of Niall and Harry starting a family? 

What do you think Niall's idea is about helping the kids in the orphanages?

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