Chapter 7

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Harry and I are woken by constant knocking on the door. Soon the knocking accompanied by a female voice yelling "Harry Styles answer this damn door now". On that I roll over and give Harry a small shove to get him moving along with mumbling "Make that noise stop now Harry". I proceeded to cover my head with a pillow while Harry slowly got up to make the knocking stop.
Once Harry answered to door it revealed a very happy Gemma. "Happy wedding day you two. Harry get some clothes on and come with me. The next time you see Niall today will be at the end of an isle."
That got my attention in a hurry. "What do you mean Gemma. We have all day to help get each other ready. The wedding isn't until 6 pm tonight".
Gemma walked in to our room and grabbed some sweats and a T-shirt and tossed them to Harry. "Get these on now because you will coming with me. We will be joining mom for breakfast and then we will be spending the day together just the three of us". She then turned and looked at me "Niall your mom and dad will be here shortly to do the same with you ".

Harry got dressed and sat down on the end of the bed so he can get his shoes on. "Gemma why can't I spend the day with Niall. We have already seen each other today so what is the issue?"

"Harry, Maura and mom both thought some distance for the day would make the wedding vows that much more meaningful for you two. I must admit that I do agree with them. Plus it will be the last time we get you to ourselves as an unmarried man and the same for Niall and his parents"

Harry finishes getting ready and comes over to the bed to give me a kiss goodbye. "The next time I see you we will be getting married. I really can't wait to call you my husband" Harry says as he pecks my lips one last time. Then I simply reply with " I can't wait. Love you". Then just like that Gemma is dragging him out of our room and I am alone.

I quickly get up so I can get dressed and freshened up some before my parents arrive. Soon enough they arrive along with a room service cart filled with breakfast foods.


The day actually flew by. Both the boys enjoyed the time the shared with their families. The wedding will be starting in less then 30 minutes and they are each finishing getting ready for the wedding.

Harry had Gemma fussing over the final touches to his outfit and hair. Just as she was pinning on his boutonnière Anne came back in and said "Harry, love it is time. Are you ready to get married" as she was holding his face in between her hands.

Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. "I have never been more ready to do anything in my entire life mom. I love Niall so much and can't wait to be his husband." He then gave his mom and sister each a kiss on the cheek and the trio headed to the location of the ceremony in the castle.

Niall and his parents arrived just minutes before Harry, Anne and Gemma. Once the Horan trio arrived to the wedding hall Niall seated his parents and took his place at the end of the isle to wait for the man he is about to marry. Niall was looking down at his black dress boots and taking a few deep breathes when the music changed signaling Harry was ready to walk down the isle. Niall looked ahead and smiled big as he saw Harry and Anne walking towards him. Nothing mattered at that moment more then the intense look Niall and Harry shared with each other. Soon enough Anne was giving Niall and Harry each a kiss on the check and she was in her seat beside Gemma.
Niall and Harry were facing each other with their hands clasped together tightly. The minister started with the ceremony in the normal fashion and soon enough it was time for the vows. The boys wanted to write their own. Niall was to start off with his.

Niall looking deeply in Harry's eyes and began "Harry you have completely changed my life. First you gave me a chance to work with you and become friends. You then gave me the opportunity to see the world with you. Somewhere along the way I opened my heart back up and fell in love with you. You were able to help me heal and become whole again. I never thought I could love anyone again after Emma past but I know now that she was my teacher at how to love someone unconditionally. You Harry have always been the end of my story because from this point onward we are now writing our story. I love you." Niall reached up to wipe a few tears away from Harry's check as he finished up his vows.
Harry takes a deep breath and leans his forehead against Niall's for a moment before he begins. "Niall you are my friend, my co-writer, my muse, my equal and above all the love of my life. We have already had a journey of a life time but we have many more journeys ahead of us for sure. I have never felt the kind of love we share until you came into my life. You wanted to see me happy but never wanted anything in return. I have never been loved so unconditionally by anyone. You make me a better man Niall you complete me and I can't wait to continue writing our story with you my love". Harry finishes with a loving look towards Niall and a soft smile on his face.

Soon enough the minister clears his throat to gain attention and asked for the rings. Niall and Harry quickly exchange rings and then the minister announces them as husband and husband. Without even being told they are in each other's arms sharing their first kiss as a married couple.

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Once the ceremony was over everyone found the way over to the reception area

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Once the ceremony was over everyone found the way over to the reception area. It was a very intimate setting for the dinner. With only having around 20 guests tonight Niall and Harry could relax and enjoy time with everyone. This was the way they both wanted it. This day was not only about Niall and Harry but also those close to the couple as well. Each person invited has played a role in the two boys becoming the men they are today.

A/NSorry for the long wait but I hope you all enjoy this chapter

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Sorry for the long wait but I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I loved the manip of the two boys getting married. It took some searching but glad I took the time to find it. The other pictures are how I envision the ceremony and the reception.

Thanks for reading.

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